This is a thread for the posting and appreciation of classic internet videos. Nothing new, just the classics that you remember and love.
Here's the rules:
(I'll get us going below.)
Here's the rules:
- All videos must be at least 10 years old to qualify.
- Naturally, as we post older stuff, we will encounter ideas and language that have aged poorly. These things were wrong then and wrong now. Be aware of what you're posting and remember the audience we have here. Avoid posting or spoiler things too far afoul of modern sensibilities.
- Videos should have become popular specifically on the internet, even if they were produced elsewhere. For instance, a weird clip from a local news show that went viral would count, but a clip from a movie that had no further internet culture/meme context would not.
- Let everybody get in on the fun - please only post one video per thread reply.
(I'll get us going below.)