Nice pics.
So does the following video belong in this thread or somewhere else?
So does the following video belong in this thread or somewhere else?
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Award Winning Bird Images Are the Best Thing You’ll See All Day
Check out the top-tier shots from the world's ultimate bird photography
Listen, you don't need me to tell you that this is a slideshow of 27 winning entries from the Bird Photographer of the Year contest. You've already clicked through. (But please click through if you haven't, some of these photos are really extraordinary.)
Every day is a good day for superb owls.
Wild. I wonder, is that a trained behavior or something they do naturally, and if the latter, why? Maybe shaking off parasites or something? I mean if it were a corvid or parrot I might just buy that it was bored and feeling clever, but I'm not sure pigeons are that smart.Birb doing backflip. Birbflip.