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Nah, keep doing this. It's a great way to make sure you always have camp supplies and miscellaneous crap to sell so you can afford whatever you want in shops (if you're not aware, you can also send loot straight back to your Traveller's Chest at your camp, which helps avoid encumbrance limits while you're exploring).Yeah although I am still opening every box and cupboard looking for loot, which turns up results often enough that I’ll probably keep doing it despite it being not particularly interesting.
The game is "iffy" on certain items "splashing" in certain conditions. In many regards it is actually better to toss the potion NEAR your character and have them get hit by the splash (you can even heal multiple people with one potion this way!!!!) instead of tossing it at their head, since the splash doesn't get correctly applied.
Yep, there are two paths that lead to the next act and that's one of them. (You'll have access to both as long as you don't finish either. You can -- and should! -- explore them both before moving on.)I take it going through there starts the next act?
Remember that respec'ing is very easy and cheap.
Also because potions of ogre strength and similar potions are relatively cheap and last until your next long rest, a monk who dumps strength, takes the Tavern Brawler feat, and uses potions to get +5 to strength rolls is getting a huge number of free attribute points and a pretty broken DPS combo.
A reaction is a unique free thing every character gets once per round, unrelated to your normal action and bonus action. They're triggered by various specific things, and you can choose to use your reaction (or not) if that condition is met. For example, if you have a wizard who has Counterspell prepared, and an enemy tries to cast a spell you'd rather not get hit with, the wizard can use Counterspell as a reaction to make it go away.I don’t really understand reactions