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digital down-low

  1. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 02/07/2025: Baba IS Yetu

    Hot take; but I like it when a big laser makes a big ol foghorn noise rather than a PEWPEW noise. We're kicking things off with a *secret surprise* game that snuck in last week. Technically there's a few of those, but there's only one I'm excited about and the others are further down the list...
  2. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 01/24/2025: Meanwhile the beasts are all sitting there like "What did *I* do?"

    Well I guess we better talk about some video games. Starting off with something I didn't mention last week. Not out of ignorance or because it snuck up on me, just misread the release date; Tales of Graces f Remastered is up, the latest of what we've been assured are a great many incoming Tales...
  3. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 01/17/2025: Ape Has Never Killed Ape

    Well, it's been about a month, let's see if I remember how to write a thread. So last week there actually *was* some stuff released worth talking about, but there was only three things so I figured it still didn't warrant clicking that ol' Create Thread button. THAT CHANGES THIS WEEK, but it's...
  4. Octopus Prime

    The Digital Down-Low WINTERTAINMENT SYSTEM 2024: Thingle Bells

    Well, it's the middle-ish of December again, the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, Santa has a renewed sense of self confidence following another successful MEGAMAS and the New Games list is looking pretty sparse for another month or so, and that means Last Thread of the...
  5. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 12/07/2024: Finally, a Fantasy

    I don't want to paint with too broad a brush but, speaking personally, I've enjoyed every song titled "Closing Time" I've ever heard. So one of the games listed for this week that I was looking forward to, Anton Blast, was delayed at the last minute, so even though it's tempting me from the...
  6. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 11/29/2024: And Snowing Is Half the Battle

    Well, *normally* the week of that darkest of days, Black Friday, has a bit of a thin lineup of new games, as stores lower their prices on existing stock in order to appease the grim spirits that make their place in American homes on Thanksgiving and bring back the sun. But this year... this year...
  7. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 11/22/2024: The King of the Cats

    I think, this week, I'll talk about Video games So we're kicking off with a couple of sneaky little so-and-so's what insinuated their way into the eShop without telling nobody last week, and that means we're kicking off with the one everyone was the most excited for by far; Rise of the Golden...
  8. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 11/15/2024: Nice Dragon you got there, shame if someone were to quest for it

    Man, Charles Dickens just ruined the name "Ebenezer" for everyone, didn't he? We're leading with strength this week as we're kicking off with what isn't just the game I'm most jazzed for this month, it might be the game I'm most jazzed for this whole dang year; Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake...
  9. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 11/08/2024: Woah, Mario *and* Luigi? In This Economy?

    Well, you COULD start doomscrolling on social media today, or you could read this list of the weeks fun new video games and then play fun video games. I know which one I'm enabling! So we're kicking off with something I've been excited for since it was originally announced several years ago...
  10. Octopus Prime

    Digi-KILL Down LOAM for 11/2/2024: Creatures Crawl in Search of Blood to Terrorize Y'alls Neighborhood

    SKELLO, BOILS, GHOULS and Non-BOO-nary CREEPle of STALKING CRIME, it's me, you're old Pal(lbearer) ECTOPUS SLIME, here to SLAY a few words about the new SLAYmes this week for the SINntendo WITCH, BONY FLAYstation and AXE Box Seer-ies EEKS So we're kicking off this week with a video game about...
  11. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 10/25/2024: Never Ending Story/ies

    Get cozy and maybe find yourself a nice drink, this one is going to take a while... So we're kicking things off with one of the games for which I titled the thread, and a game I've been real excited to play since it got a Steam release several years ago; Wildermyth! And I am not sure if that's...
  12. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 10-18-2024: Better Late than Neva

    Is Minigolf Big-Pinball? Experts are divided. So we’re kicking doors and polishing floors this week with Neva, as the title to this very thread subtly implies. It’s from the same peeps as what made GRIS, which I know is a darling among a sizable chunk of the peeps as are reading this thread...
  13. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 10/11/2024: BITE THE HOOK-HAND THAT FEEDS!

    Video Games? Do these look like Video Games to you?!?! So we're starting off with one of the rare instances of me covering something that isn't also on the Switch, as the remake of Silent Hill 2 is finally out, and, by all account, *really good*. Presumably either Bloober Team was on a pretty...
  14. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 09/27/2024: Wait... I thought Zelda was the green guy

    Wait, I thought it was supposed to be easy to be green. What else have I gotten wrong?!? And speaking of things owned by the Walt Disney corporation, did you know that that incredible mouse, Mickey is among that number? It's true! And that brings us to the first game I'm yammering' on about...
  15. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 09/20/2024: Sisterhood on a Travelling Quest

    Despite what Gilligans Island taught us, being bonked on the head by a coconut is usually fatal. However, they were right to suggest that a second bonk on the head will fix you right back up. What better way to kick off the start of Autumn than with a game about a Summer road trip which brings...
  16. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 09/13/2024: The Clearly Capcom Confrontation Committee vs. The Merry Marvel Marching Society

    Bad news for everyone who hates video games; because there's a whole bunch out this week. Well, this week is already stuffed-to-the-gills, but I'd be remiss if I didn't shine a light on something that came out last week and I disregarded on the grounds of thinking it didn't look to be worth...
  17. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 09/07/2024: Making an Impact

    I don’t care how comfortable little cartoon mice look when they’re doing it, sleeping in a little sardine can using the rolled up top like a blanket is not a good way to rest. So most of this weeks stuff is rereleases of old stuff, so let’s start with the one that technically isn’t, but...
  18. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 08/30/2024: What A Shadowy Night to Eat a Pizza

    Well, I took a week off because there tweren't nothing to report on, and then I get a week that's twice as Video Game Dense to compensate. The arc of the universe bends ever towards balance in all things. So we're going to start off with some of the stuff that actually *was* released last week...
  19. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 08/17/2024: Rippin' and Tearin' and Boomin' and Shootin'

    You have to assume that MC Skat Cat is the Randy Quaid of the furry musician world Now, normally I don't mention bundle-pack re-releases, but this is a special case, so we're kicking things off with a surprise release last week of Doom + Doom 2, which is, well... that. They were already...
  20. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 08/09/2024: Our Flag Means Scrap

    Other contenders for thread title include “Yo Ho Ho, he took a blast of shotgun” and “Ye best start believing in science fiction stories… you’re in one!” But first, a different game! Volgarr the Viking 2, specifically! The original Volgarr was a pretty darn solid sidescroller much in the Ghosts...