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Let's Battle Ogres! (Ogre Battle 64)

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Old 06-30-2008, 07:58 PM
Alixsar Alixsar is offline
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Default Episode 4

Young Woman: No it can't be you. You're the one, am I correct?
G&G: And you are...?
Young Woman: My troops and I have been assigned to your battalion, effective immediately. My name is Leia...Leia Silvis. Nice to meet you.

Hugo: Watch out, Goofus. She may looks cute, but from what I've heard she's quite a...

Sitcom Audience: OOooOOOooohhh!!! Uhhh ooooh!

This is why I like Dio.

Looks like Dio's gotten himself into hot water again. Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself that I'm not playing a bad sitcom. Pretty much any time anyone opens their mouth, really.

Leia: You got a problem?!
Hugo: For crying out loud...
Hugo: By the way, Goofus, why don't you give this company a name? We are now an official battalion of the Southern Division. We need a name to distinguish ourselves, eh?

This was a really tough decision for me. Thanks for the submissions everyone. I couldn't really decide, so I compromised between two of the ones that had been posted at the point where I started playing.

Originally Posted by CJ Awesome View Post

Originally Posted by Elfir View Post
More G alliteration would be awesome but I can't think of anything.

Hugo: PANTSPlatoon...Not bad at all.

See? Hugo likes it.

I know it won't be easy everyone, but we've got a reputation to maintain! We must keep our pants on! We must be brave! We must...WEAR PANTS!

Anyway, Briefing Time.

This mission is pretty easy. Just split everyone up, and send some up the left and others up the right. No problem.

Old 06-30-2008, 08:00 PM
Alixsar Alixsar is offline
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Before we get started, let's take a quick look at Leia and her unit.

First of all, her unit sucks. Two Amazons (basic units) and two Valkyries...and her, which is basically a reskinned Valkyrie. Yeah, we probably won't be using Leia for too long. For now we need her unit, but later on we'll have better options.

I sent G&G and Leon to the northern path, and Dio, BJ and Rumpus, and Leia went west. Leia found a Breastplate (starting Valkyrie equipment) and pushed a unit away from the stronghold. Leia's unit movement speed is faster than the other units, so Dio, BJ and Rumpus are lagging behind. But Dio is able to find a Plumed Headband (starting Valkyrie equipment) in the middle of the road.


G&G encounters a unit with a Dragon Tamer and two Ninjas, our first encounter with both of those enemy types. Unfortunately for them, G&G completely destroys them. The Ninjas were doing 8 damage with each attack, whereas G&G was doing 15 or 16, and the Fighters and Amazons weren't far behind. After finishing the unit off, G&G found a Rapier (starting Dragon Tamer equipment).

Leia and G&G each reach their destinations and..

I want you all to know that I work really hard to not make a joke about Keifer Sutherland and/or Young Guns 2 at this point. But I did it.

Leon and a unit of nothing but a Wizard and two Sorcessess fight a few times...

...and Leon finds a Spear (starting equipment for a Valkyrie) after the battle. BJ and Leia take down a Berserker and Golem unit...

...and BJ finds a Bone Helm (starting Dragon Tamer equipment) in the middle of the road. So far, everything is going really well.

Dio then encounters a Wizard unit guarding the next town, and a story scene rears its ugly head.

Infuriated Enchanter: Don't think you can keep us down! We will not succumb, for our kingdom...for our freedom!

Well, a really short story scene. I don't even know why it's in there, really. The unit is pretty weak. Guess what happens next?

G&G liberates the other town, and after spending some time hunting down individual units, we're now looking at...

It's just a matter of time now. We've liberated all of the strongholds, and there's just two units on the last remaining stronghold standing between us and sweet, sweet story.

Efeminette: I am glad you could join us on this special day. I believe you belong to the Southern Division? We were brought together by Sir Frederick Raskin...to guide this kingdom in the right direction.

Metal Gear?!

Efeminette: That is correct. The time is over, for the royal family, the nobles and the upper class to live comfortably. ...It is now our turn.
Leia: Then why do you resort to violence? Don't you realize that you involve innocent people? There must be other, more peaceful approaches!
Efeminette: It is for the revolution. Sacrifices must be made. Besides, no person is unaffected. They just feign ignorance.

Atlus Writer: See!? See, I fucking told you! All of the classes! And you made fun of me.
Alex: Yeah, but you still need to learn how to write properly.
Atlus Writer: Hey, I don't need to take this from you! I graduated from Community College!
Alex: Dude. Efeminette? Seriously?
Atlus Writer: Hmm. Yeah, I see your point.

Efeminette: My apologies for wasting precious time.

Actually, I would mind that. What kind of a bitch asks a question like that?
Old 06-30-2008, 08:02 PM
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Unfortunately, at this point my emulator crashed. So...yeah. I hadn't saved, of course. That would have been convienent. So I got to do the whole mission over again! Hurray!

I did essentially the same thing over again, so it's not really worth getting into the details. One major change was that I only liberated three towns this time and captured one. Since we decided to take the low CF path, this doesn't really matter. But it's still worth noting. Also, this time around was a bit more of a clusterfuck.

See what I mean? But no matter. I wiped (almost) everyone out and went to fight the boss again. Not before saving again, of course. The fight starts off pretty well with Leia's unit getting two criticals on the leader, but Leia is near death and I decide to err on the side of caution.

This is the first time I've ever retreated in this game, and I've beaten it five times. I'm a little disappointed in myself, to be honest.

Doesn't really matter though. A fully healed BJ and Rumpus come in and kill the boss before the end of the first round, so it's like it never happened.

Efeminette: You...have a pure...noble heart...Be careful...Do not...be discouraged...Be true to your heart...

Hugo: Goofus, we have new orders...Actually, there are two of them. The first is to escort Prince Yumil through Mylesia, to the northwest...And the second is to go south and sweep the Zenobian border of the Revolutionary Army. In both cases, we're going alone. Everyone else has their hands full. Huh? What's the matter, Goofus?
G&G: They formed the Revolutionary Army because they were dissatisfied with their treatment, right? Is their discontent...Is their anger that strong? So strong that they risk their own lives?
Hugo: To tell you the truth, I believe so. I knew they weren't satisfied with their current status, but I didn't expect that it would turn out like this.
G&G: ...

Hey, a weapon we can actually use! Finally!

Okay, so now we need to have a little chat. We've got two options here. We can either go to Mylesia, or head to the Zenobian border. We're going to end up doing both of these missions, but Mylesia has a character we can recruit. Unfortunately, he's kind of shitty (at least in his default state)...but still, new character! So I recommend we go there first to pick him up. Or not. It's up to you guys.
Old 06-30-2008, 08:07 PM
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Default Episode 4 Addendum

Originally Posted by Turnip View Post
That's pretty much how I feel about the entire Ogre series: I love everything about them except actually playing them.
Well at least you don't have to play this one, right?

Here's our current layout. Beef Jerky's unit is starting to dip towards the Chaotic side, and I'm just going to go all out and push them in that direction. Everyone else is still neutral, with the exception of one of the Amazons in G&G's unit. Even if we're going to do a low CF playthrough, we'll still want some Lawful and even Neutral characters. But it's still early, so this isn't anything to be terribly concerned with. Yet.

Also, we can now make Ninjas, Dragon Tamers, and Berserkers as soon as our Amazons and Fighters get their levels high enough. I also renamed Leon Lichald for the time being. Lichald is only a Beast Tamer right now, but I'll make sure to make him something awesome in the future because holy crap that's an awesome name.

Thanks again for all of the name submissions everyone. Just to review, names I still need to implement are:

Seraphim - Nausicaa
Princess - Azalyn
Dark Knights - Donbot, Joey Mousepad and Clamps
Something Big - WhiteMage
Wizard - Maxwell

Again, sorry to disappoint Sanagi but since I don't even remember how to get Seraphim and Princesses, there's a good chance those classes won't show up. But the rest of that should be doable.

Also, since we've now determined that we're taking the low CF path, we need to decide something. Remember those characters that showed up when Rhade tried to kill that rebel? They're all pretty good, and they're the "exclusive" high CF characters. But as long as we keep a medium-ish CF rating going, we can still get them even if we're taking the low CF path. But if even one of the five of them joins, then we can't recruit the two low CF exclusive characters, who are a Dark Knight and Werewolf respectively.

I've only recruited these two characters once before, so I actually kind of want to try this out...but it's up to you all. I can either put in a small amount of work and get the Zenobians, or just screw it all and get the Werewolf and Dark Knight. I'm willing to be democratic about this.
Old 06-30-2008, 08:09 PM
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The Zenobians kick too much ass to skip.
Old 06-30-2008, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Dynastic Bird View Post
True, true...I have to admit, I never did the paper myself and my textbook at the time was light on the information. I had some help from the Cartoon History of the Universe III and wikipedia at least. Wiki said Richard really respected him, and Barbara Tuchman in Bible and Sword also had Richard seeing Saladin in a good light.

Okay, Lichald or Rionhealt might be better. With or without spelling mistakes.
Well I'm hardly an expert on the subject, I just play one on the Internet.

Lichald? Is that a class suggestion? How do you say "undead" in Engrish? (Everyone tells me Ogre Lichs are fantastic, so I'd like to see one in action if it's feasible)

That's pretty much how I feel about the entire Ogre series: I love everything about them except actually playing them.
I started The Knight of Lodis once, but never got very far, as I was so OCD about the whole enterprise that I used mid-battle save states way too often and the game wasn't much of a challenge. Also, I had no idea what the plot was about. Should I get back into it? How does TKOL compare with other games in the series?
Old 06-30-2008, 08:53 PM
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The Knight of Lodis is actually the only Ogre game I managed to beat. I enjoyed it immensely.

Speaking of, isn't the protagonist of TKoL supposed to be a villain in one o0f the other games?

If so, in keeping with the Queen-theme naming, it should be subtitled Mr. Badguy.
Old 06-30-2008, 09:04 PM
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There's a werewolf and a dark knight, and we're not going to pass them up. Forget the Zenobians!
Old 06-30-2008, 09:05 PM
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Yeah, it is just about impossible to get a Princess without following a guide, but she is the best character in the game, giving each person in her unit an extra move in battle. A unit with a Princess and a Lich is the ultimate wrecking ball.

For angels, I just use the charm item on an enemy angel unit after killing their leader. Otherwise you have to risk a character becoming a zombie. Angels aren't really that good, aside from flight, but they look cool.
Old 06-30-2008, 09:10 PM
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So, is there any rhyme or reason to which games are called Tactics Ogre and which games are called Ogre Battle? I can't seem to figure out if it says anything about the game or if it was just the way they did it.
Old 06-30-2008, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by fanboymaster View Post
So, is there any rhyme or reason to which games are called Tactics Ogre and which games are called Ogre Battle? I can't seem to figure out if it says anything about the game or if it was just the way they did it.
Tactics Ogre games are like FF Tactics, Ogre Battle games are like a traditional RTS. In Ogre Battle, you control where the units go on a macro level, but not how they act in battle on a micro level.
Old 06-30-2008, 09:29 PM
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Ah, I thought it might be something like that but I couldn't figure out the distinction.
Old 06-30-2008, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by keele864 View Post
Lichald? Is that a class suggestion? How do you say "undead" in Engrish? (Everyone tells me Ogre Lichs are fantastic, so I'd like to see one in action if it's feasible)
I know little about this game; I was thinking a character myself, but why not a class? It's not like I'm quite sure what's happening.

Hey, I happen to like misnomered Muslim heroes! Screw the wolf and the knight!
Old 06-30-2008, 11:10 PM
Pajaro Pete Pajaro Pete is offline
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Well at least you don't have to play this one, right?
I know I love being able to live vicariously through you! This series would be so much better if everything didn't move soooo slowly.
Old 07-01-2008, 12:39 AM
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I vote that we get a werewolf. I don't care how we do it, if we can get a generic werewolf that's fine, if we have to get the story werewolf and forgo the Zenobians, then damn the Zenobians! Full speed ahead for total chaos!
Old 07-01-2008, 03:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Turnip View Post
I know I love being able to live vicariously through you! This series would be so much better if everything didn't move soooo slowly.
Even when you go into settings and change the battle speed to "Fast" it's still slow as hell. It's easily this game's greatest fault. Yes, even after the lack of explaining all the obtuse subsystems.

Re: the lich. I'll probably pick one up. Of all of the hard to get classes (Dragoon, Princess, Vampire*, Angel Knight), the Lich is probably the easiest to get and the strongest on it's own. So we'll probably pick one up at some point unless if I screw something up (which is entirely possible). The great thing about this game is that you can rename characters at any time, so our current Lichald can either become a Lich later or we can make someone else into a Lich and name them Lichald.

Right now the vote is split on the Zenobian vs. Werewolf and DK issue, but if I count myself as the tie breaker then we're skipping the Zenobians. But I'll wait and see if anyone else chimes in before I make it official.

And no, there's no generic werewolf class. There's just the one.

Originally Posted by keele864 View Post
How does TKOL compare with other games in the series?
I never played TKoL, so I don't know. I've only heard good things though.

Originally Posted by Octopus Prime View Post
Speaking of, isn't the protagonist of TKoL supposed to be a villain in one o0f the other games?

If so, in keeping with the Queen-theme naming, it should be subtitled Mr. Badguy.
Well, I never played it but I know that the best ending in TKoL fleshes out the origin of Lans Tartare, who is the leader of the Roslolian Order in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. So...maybe that's what you're thinking of?

Also, Mr. Badguy was off of Freddie Mercury's solo album. Doesn't count.

There's plenty of other options though. Keep Yourself Alive, Who Wants to Live Forever, Spread Your Wings...

Hell, if this series had been more popular** we could have seen a bunch of Ogre Battle spin offs with Queen-themed names. Ogre Battle: Dragon Attack (for a Drakengard-style spin off), Ogre Battle: You're My Best Friend (for a Tokimeki Memorial-style dating game), Ogre Battle: Bicycle Race (for the kart racer), Ogre Battle: Gimme the Prize (for the inevitable pachinko machine)...the possibilities are endless!

Anyway, there'll be an update sometime tomorrow. Either before or after I go to work, I can't say for certain.

*We're not getting a Vampire no matter what you guys say. They are TERRIBLE.

**And if Squeenix hadn't of bought developer Quest and effectively killed the series and moved all of the talented programmers to work on the FFTA games...except series creator Yasumi Matsuno, who left the company.
Old 07-01-2008, 05:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Sanagi View Post
A unit with a Princess and a Lich is the ultimate wrecking ball.
Also a recipe for a beautiful fairy tale romance.

Re: Werewolf
It's a frickin werewolf! That's awesome! Screw Warren and Canapoo or whatever. GrrRRR!!
Old 07-01-2008, 05:51 AM
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I usually get a vampire just because I like having unique characters, and it's a bit amusing to have a super-evil party that only operates at night. But the vampire does have the worst drawback of any character in the game without any notable benefits to make up for it.

I do miss being able to get generic werewolves. My favorite party in the first game was 1 Princess + 4 Werewolves. Because they get a lot of attacks(as long as it's night) and the Princess gives them an extra one each, it was actually worth having the daylight-sensitive werewolves around.

Witches, griffins, and undeads are also toned way down from the first game, but they deserved it. And OB64 lets pumpkinheads take their rightful place in the awesome department.
Old 07-01-2008, 06:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Sanagi View Post
Witches, griffins, and undeads are also toned way down from the first game, but they deserved it. And OB64 lets pumpkinheads take their rightful place in the awesome department.
Wow I forgot about those guys. I nominate making a fake Deneb unit when possible. Witch and buncha pumpkinheads.
Old 07-01-2008, 07:38 AM
less_than_zero less_than_zero is offline
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Ogre Battle 64's writing + your commentary = solid LP
Old 07-01-2008, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Alixsar View Post
Um...I probably won't have any male wizards since males make shitty magic users, but if I do I'll name him Maxwell. If not, someone will get named Maxwell.
Boo! What kind of Let's Play is this? You will get a male wizard, you will name him Maxwell, you will get him one of the unique spellbooks and he will KICK EVERYONE'S ASS!

Originally Posted by Alixsar View Post
We must keep our pants on! We must be brave! We must...WEAR PANTS!
Not me, I'm Canadian.
Old 07-01-2008, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Elfir View Post
Wow I forgot about those guys. I nominate making a fake Deneb unit when possible. Witch and buncha pumpkinheads.
Why not get the real Deneb :cough:gameshark:cough:? She's not all that special, merely a witch with better stats.

Anyway, why not get the Zenobians and the werewolf. Its totally possible, but you won't be able to get the dark knight. Also, its imperative we get Europea. Europea is teh love.

Also, more name suggestions
Paladin = Mario
Swordsmaster = Luigi
Old 07-01-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: Angel knights. According to one of my friends, who is watching this LP but doesn't really care to get an account, it's pretty easy to get an angel knight without recruitment. It just takes forver.

Angel Knights are actually really easy to get. Just get the Ma-whatever Barrier, that's the 70th birthday gift, give it to a unit that you desire to make Angels from, and then equip the characters that are supposed to die with Angel's Brooches. That Barrier thing prevents character in a unit from becoming zombies, so you've got no risk of losing the characters.
Luckily, we're not the ones playing it!

That being said, Werewolves are pretty lame, but Dark Knights are not. So why bother with Zenobians?
Old 07-01-2008, 11:48 AM
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Witches kinda blow. I could never see the point of having one.
Old 07-01-2008, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Tanto View Post
Witches kinda blow. I could never see the point of having one.
Depends on their element. At best, they're okay(paralysis). At worst, they're a waste of space(poison). Unless you give 'em drakonite spellbooks, but... yeah.
Old 07-01-2008, 03:17 PM
Indalecio Indalecio is offline
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Originally Posted by Sanagi View Post
Depends on their element. At best, they're okay(paralysis). At worst, they're a waste of space(poison). Unless you give 'em drakonite spellbooks, but... yeah.

They're anti-clerics, especially with paralysis and sleep. Also, they get better stat-growth than a comparitive sorceror. And Deneb with a Drakonite spellbook would be pretty scary.
Old 07-02-2008, 03:32 AM
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Default Episode 5

No one voiced any sort of preference over which map we did first, so I headed to Mylesia to escort Yumil first because we can get a new character there. Alright, time to start th...


Have no fear!!!

Underdog is here!!!!

I don't think I need to say anything about how silly this looks. Even if we had stuck with the default name, this would say "...Magn...s..." which still looks retarded.

Sepia: "Are you okay...!? Goofus!"

Sepia: I was always suspicious...Get out! You...

Seriously. It's getting out of hand. We need to revoke Atlus' ellipse license.

MEANWHILE! Back at the lab!

Hugo: Wake up! We don't have time for daydreaming! I will now start the briefing. Understood? Our objective is to escort Prince Yumil and his party through this area, to reach the Western Region safely. The Revolutionary Army seized this opportunity and took over the castle held by the Western Division. Therefore, our goal is to defeat the Revolutionary Army residing in the area and regain the control of the castle.

I need an adult! I need an adddduuulllttttt!!!

This map is a bit harder than what we've been up against so far. We're required to split up our forces again, which isn't a big deal...but now we need to protect Yumil's unit which does nothing but wander around in a (drunken?) haze. Since I've been pretty thorough with the last few battles, I think you all get the overall feel of the game. From now on I'll just be giving the highlights of each mission. This is mostly because if I was to break down every single detail of some of the later battles, each update would get to be something like twenty posts long. And I don't think any of us has the time for that.

Hugo: Well, Goofus? Do you want to pay a visit to the prince?
G&G: Since this is an escort mission, it's necessary for us to go first and take care of any problems. There's not much time left. I'll pay a visit to the prince after the mission has been accomplished.
Hugo: Prince Yumil wanted to see you, but...if you say so. Well then, shall we go? I'll be waiting outside.
Dio: Goofus! Hey Goofus, wait!

I'm Batman.
Old 07-02-2008, 03:37 AM
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G&G: ...he's a childhood friend.
Dio: Childhood friend? Hey, come back here Goofus!

Trying really hard to not make a gay joke here.

Anyway, the battle begins. Everyone splits up with Lichald and Leia covering the southern route and everyone else going north. Everything is going fine until...

Dio gets completely and thoroughly destroyed by Hawkmen. He doesn't die, but he needs to rest so that slows us down a bit. Note to self: buy items sometime soon. G&G fights our first Fairies and Doll masters, but luckily neither of those are much of a threat.

After a few battles and captures/liberations, we find a Robe, Scipplay Staff, Spellbook, and Witch's Dress. Hey, we can make Wizards now and almost Witches! But Witches are semi-pointless, so we won't be doing that!

We've now conquered the first part of the map (note that I captured the neutral stronghold since we're taking the low CF path)...

...but we've still got a ways to go. We liberate the town of Elgorea, and...what's this?!

Adolescent: Hi! You belong to the Southern Division, right? I watched you fight those guys. Wow...you're so strong! Can I go with you? Come on, please? I wanna become strong, just like you!
Lichald: What's your name?
Troi: My name's Troi, and I'm from Elgorea.

Remember how I said that sometimes my emulator screws up the backgrounds? Yeah, well...this is what I was talking about.

Lichald: Alright, come along.
Troi: Thanks! Trust me, you won't regret it!

Troi kind of sucks, but I'll be getting into that later. For now let's just stay focused on beating the mission because...well, because we have to. Yumil doesn't stop and having him fight the boss is a bad idea.

By the way, Beef Jerky and Rumpus' unit kicks all kinds of ass. Rumpus especially. He's my strongest character with BJ's Beast Tamer boost (having a BT in a party with a beast gives the beast a 15% increase in damage), and he gets three attacks (which is semi-rare at this stage in the game).

Look, Yumil is almost there! Shit, everyone go go go!

Unfortunately, two units were able to retreat because we had to focus on moving towards the boss. But whatever, no big deal. We also found an Amulet, and another Spellbook and Scipplay Staff. More Witch gear...yay?

There's that background again. It only does it with the prerendered areas, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Sorry everyone.

Zhontac: We'll just kill the prince right here. This will be a significant step forward for the revolution!
G&G: You call that a step forward? You expect people to accept such a brutal act!?
Zhontac: You have absolutely no idea how we feel. All we have is anger...hatred...That's what pushed us to our feet. We don't need acceptance, just those willing to fight for us.
G&G: ...
Zhontac: What's the matter? Lost your nerve? See for yourself what pursuing your ideals can do! Prepare!!

Fortunately for us, Zhontac is a Wizard and he placed himself in the exact middle with no unit protecting him, so all I needed to do was switch my unit's strategy to Attack Leader, and every character in G&G's unit was able to hit him.

Zhontac: Am I...going...to die here? Without exacting revenge...?

You know, he makes it sound like that's not hard. Typically killing a prince is a huge pain in the ass. I mean, they had to start a REVOLUTION to even get this far, and then some random weak mage is somehow shocked that he couldn't defeat the nation's army?

Also, Atlus. Your ellipse license is hereby revoked.
Old 07-02-2008, 03:40 AM
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Hey, at least we got some decent money. Arc Wands are the default equipment for the upgraded versions of the Sorceress and Wizard, so this is a good thing to have.

Wait, default equipment? And how come we don't have any Ninjas or Berserkers even though we have the default equipment for them already? Just how does the job system in this game work anyway?

Check this episode's addendum for more on class changes!

And even if you know about it already, be sure to check out the bottom half since I'll be explaining the changes I made to our army, as well as hinting at some future changes!

Yumil: I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me, Goofus.
G&G: I'm glad you're unharmed, ...my lord.
Yumil: You...don't treat me the way you did when we were young...
G&G: ...
Yumil: Why...why did you enlist in the Southern Division? With your skills, you could have easily been accepted by the Central Division as an officer...Why didn't you come back after graduating from the military academy? Why?!
G&G: I wanted to see the world with my own eyes.'

Trying very hard to not make a joke about masturbation right now...also, sorry about the background again. Damn you emulator!

G&G: I was tired of life in the Central Region, the environment I was in...nothing more.

Sounds like a line from a bad porno.

Yumil: I thought I knew my kingdom, and how my people felt. Even though they were strict with me, I thought my father and brother ruled the land with dignity. I didn't imagine...that people were treated so cruelly. I didn't know how much they hated me...and the nobles.

This is actually pretty important, so remember this. This scene is admittedly a lot more dramatic when the background isn't messed up but...yeah, emulators. What can you do?

Yumil: Goofus, lend me your strength.

Yumil: Goofus...?
G&G: What could you have done...at the mine? Yumil, tell me what we could have done! We...

Yumil: Oh, I know something we could've done...*unzip* *70s porno music*

G&G: I don't know what's right or wrong any more...Yumil, I...I have no clue what I want to do. What should I do? I don't even know...if I should go with you, if your beliefs are right...
Yumil: Maybe I can't do anything...and maybe I'm completely wrong...

Again, this is important!

Yumil: I will change this kingdom...the entire world! I will do it, even if I'll be called a traitor...even if I have to fight against my father and brother! I will do anything to bring peace, not only to this kingdom, but to all the people in the world!! When that times comes...Goofus,

Oh my God Atlus, you're making it so difficult to not make jokes about the two of them should just start making out.

Anyway, now that that's done, we're back at the world map and we still need to head to the Zenobian border. But first let's examine our new member, Counselor Troi.

At this point in the game, Troi is actually semi-good. Troi is basically a differently-colored Phalanx, which is a spear using/defensive oriented class. Their defensive stat growth is pretty good, but they're really slow and their attack strength isn't as good as a Knight or Berserkers. So they're just generally speaking pretty awful. There's honestly no real reason to keep Troi as a Phalanx, so we can change his class to something in a level or two. Maybe a Knight once we get the right equipment? Hint Hint.

Anyway, check back next time for our exciting trip to the Zenobian border! And I'll try not to make so many gay jokes. It's hard to resist when Atlus makes it so easy, though.

Last edited by Alixsar; 07-02-2008 at 04:17 AM.
Old 07-02-2008, 03:47 AM
Alixsar Alixsar is offline
The Shogun of Harlem
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Default Episode 5 Addendum: Promotions, and PANTSPlatoon's First Promotions


Since today was my first day back at work after being promoted, I figured that today was a good day to talk about promotions. I've already hinted at some of this stuff before, but it's time to just lay it all out there.

Ogre Battle 64 essentially has four "levels" of jobs. The first is the Soldier. The Soldier technically isn't even one character: it's three tiny people with spears clumped together in a group. These three people count as one character. They get one attack per encounter, and will do combo attacks with other Soldiers in their unit. They're pretty weak, and as they take damage the tiny people will die making the soldier weaker. After each battle, dead soldiers can be replaced and each mission will typically reward you with a bunch of Soldiers. By the end of the game, we'll probably have something like 300 fuckbillion Soldiers.

Soldiers gain a special kind of experience, and once they have enough, they turn into the basic unit of either gender. The gender they turn into depends on the leader of the unit they are in at the time. A female leader will make a Soldier turn into an Amazon, and a male leader will turn it into a Fighter. Fighters are generic looking warrior-types and Amazons are women with bows. They've already been featured in some of the screenshots I've shown, so you're already familiar with them if you've been following this thread. These classes are the second level of jobs. Now things get serious.

In order for a basic unit to promote to a second class (and then later from a second class to a third class), they must meet three requirements:

- You must have the "default" equipment for a given job. Each job has a set of starting gear. Getting the default equipment is all that's required to unlock a job. Once you find or buy each piece of equipment, the class will appear on the class change screen. You won't be able to select it if the other two requirements aren't met, though. Once you promote someone to a given job it is possible to pay money to get duplicates of the default equipment. So even if you only have one set of Knight equipment, if you have enough money you should be able to make more than one Knight. This doesn't work for super rare items though.

Default gear is what makes getting some of the hard to get classes so hard. They have extremely difficult to find items that require a massive amount of sidequesting to get, and even then you still might not have a character that meets the other two parameters.

- Your character must have a certain alignment. Each class has a given range of alignment that their character must fall into. For example, Paladins require slightly above average to high alignment (Lawful) while Black Knights require low to below average alignment (Chaotic).

- Your character's stats must be at a certain level. Black Knights require your STR and VIT to be at a certain point, Wizards require your MEN and INT to be at a certain point, etc.

Besides having different attacks and equipment, each class has something else that no other class has: stat growth. Each class gains stats at a different rate each time they level up. For example, Paladins initially are awesome because they have three attacks and they gain +6 STR each level up, and Black Knights initially suck because they only have two attacks. However, Black Knights gain +7 STR each level so eventually their two attacks will be doing even more than a Paladin's three after leveling up enough times.

Proper "grooming" is important for characters too. For example, you wouldn't want to take a character who has been a Wizard for a long time, and try and turn them into a Paladin. Even if you could, their stats would be better suited to becoming an Archmage or a different caster class since they'd have high INT and MEN from leveling up as a Wizard so many times and lower STR, DEX, and VIT, which a Paladin needs.

...any questions?

PANTS Platoon's current status:

Note that I've already made some changes. The Valkyrie in Lichald's unit was changed to a Cleric, because Valkyries are awful and a healer is always good to have. One of the Amazons in G&G's unit was eligible to become a Cleric too, and since keeping G&G alive is always important, I decided to make her one too. I removed the Soldier in Lichald's unit, and replaced him with Troi, who's staying as a Phalanx for the time being. Lichald himself turned into a Berserker for additional damage since that unit had always been a bit lacking in the damage department. I'll probably change him/Troi into Knights as soon as I can, but for now I want him as a Berserker so that unit will perform a little better.

Originally Posted by MCBanjoMike View Post
Boo! What kind of Let's Play is this? You will get a male wizard, you will name him Maxwell, you will get him one of the unique spellbooks and he will KICK EVERYONE'S ASS!
Oh, alright.

Here you go. He's in Lichald's unit too. He's shitty for now, but after a few level ups he'll get better. We've got the right gear to make Berserkers and Ninjas, and some people are eligible but none of the female characters are able to upgrade yet (except the two Clerics).

I want to have a ninja somewhere, and I'm considering making the random Fighter in Lichald's unit one since he'd have a healer to back him up. It'd also help once he becomes a Ninja Master because he could just hang out in the back and do combo magic with the Wizard (Archmage at that point) and we could leave him in the middle and exposed because his defense would be decent enough to the point that he could take a hit or two. Sound good to everyone?

The random Fighter in Beef Jerky's unit needs to change to something else too eventually, but I don't know what. That unit is turning Chaotic quickly, so a Berserker and then Black Knight is the obvious choice...but you can only make a handful of Black Knights in the game, so we need to be careful about who we turn into what. But I think that Berserker is the best choice for him, so we'll do that ASAP (he's not able to do it yet). Sound good?

I'll probably make G&G's unit Knight-heavy, Dio's Fencer heavy, and Leia's unit will eventually drop off the face of the earth. Probably. I dunno. We'll figure it out.

Last edited by Alixsar; 07-02-2008 at 04:22 AM.
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