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Video Game Collecting and the Death of Physical Media

Mr. Sensible

Pitch and Putt Duffer
The fact that it also showcases some of the best boxart from the NES era is a nice bonus, too. Would love to have a Vs. System cab to stick it onto...


did i do all of that?
Probably the only complete collection of a particular system I'll ever do:


These are only the English language games, which Pokemon Tetris was only released in Europe and Japan, the other four games were released in America. This is a complete English language collection of the Pokemon Mini - Pokemon Puzzle Collection, Pokemon Pinball Mini, Pokemon Party Mini, and Pokemon Zany Cards are all the NA versions. These are also all three models of the hardware: the Chikorita Green, Smoochum Purple, and Wooper Blue, which is also the order of rarest to most common btw. Got a great deal on the green model, $150 for it and Pokemon Pinball Mini, which is about half the cost of just the unit itself. Pokemon Tetris wasn't cheap and isn't listed very often on eBay so I lucked out there as well - about $150 for that, CIB, which I think is far cheaper than it's worth, when and if it even shows up on eBay.

I probably won't attempt to get the remaining five Japanese games. Togepi's Great Adventure and Pichu Bros. Mini go for $200+ each, and I think Togepi may be worth like $400. I have a flash cart with English translations for all the Japanese games anyway - those two would play fine in Japanese, but the Breeder game (itself nearly $100) is unplayable in a language you can't understand. Anyway, chuffed! Go ahead and install an emulator on your device of choice and play Pokemon Tetris - it's easily the best game on the system. When you get a Tetris, you catch whatever Pokemon is silhouetted, and I enjoy trying to complete the ingame Pokedex.


Summon for hire
Well that’s a thing I had no idea existed. Neat. Is the hardware some kind of stripped down Gameboy platform?


did i do all of that?
@Kirin The impression I get is that it was developed as its own standalone hardware - it has the ability to detect when it's shaken and has a weird resolution and all this stuff that makes me think it's completely separate from the Gameboy platform. Beats me, overall, though.


did i do all of that?
@Tegan You may want to keep an eye out for the flashcart in anticipation of getting your MIni - I would have thought it would be easier to get now that parts are becoming more readily available, but it seems even more difficult to get your hands on now than it was when I got mine (I bought the cart itself from the site I linked, but the flasher was unavailable there and I had to negotiate one off someone on the Pokemon Mini Discord who had a spare for some reason).

That, or maybe a better flashcart could be made that didn't require you to hook the cart up to a computer every time you wanted to change the game you're playing. At least saves were on the system itself and not the carts, so you wouldn't lose progress, though frustratingly there's not enough system memory to save even just the games released in the west, much less all ten games...


did i do all of that?
Yeah, those are on my list too, and I'm leery about buying one off eBay for exactly that reason. I wish more sellers would post videos of the units in question working...


did i do all of that?
I did not know those were region locked and yeah, that really sucks because buying a Japanese one was my plan lol. Dammit


did i do all of that?
So RetroProtection.com has, like, everything you would want for various box shapes and sizes for games, blurays, everything. I got a protector for big ass Warioware Twisted's box and 10 Famicom boxes, and they're affordable (and they shipped them very quickly).


Just thought I'd throw this out there because I've been looking for regular Famicom sized protectors for a while now, Warioware was pretty much a bonus lol