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Skewing off on a tangent from the flash drive/ODE thread, I decided some accessory upgrades were necessary to support this wealth of new Dreamcast games I suddenly find myself playing. Still counts as collecting even it it's hardware and accessories, right? Thoughts and pics behind the spoilerpop.I've discovered one potential hidden cost of the GDEMU after playing a few dozen games: needing extra memory cards to hold all the save files! Unfortunately you can't save to the GDEMU's SD card, which is understandable but also somewhat inconvenient, so I've ordered myself one of those 4x memory cards with no screen. But apparently 4x cards aren't compatible with all games, which is rather bizzare...
Yeah, I had a Sonic edition back when it was new, and stupidly sold it. Definitely my biggest gaming regret. I had Faselei!Yeah, there's no early signs of Neo Geo Pockets dying, it seems like pretty reliable hardware. Congrats on getting one, it's a brilliant, brilliant handheld.
If you do decide you'd like a backlit screen for it, PM me. I'm always looking for reasons to do mods on handhelds lolYeah, I had a Sonic edition back when it was new, and stupidly sold it. Definitely my biggest gaming regret. I had Faselei!
I don’t know if I want to try modding it, my tremor makes fiddling with electronics pretty darn dangerous. Good to know they’re sturdy machines, though.
Yeah, the big NeoGeo Pocket Color bundle setup I saw at Rhino Games had the handheld and the games in one big plastic package without the original boxes.
You should probably not go to sendico.com then, as I have been the last few days, loading up on Game & Watches and other dumb crap I shouldn't buyGod help me, my ebay viewing history lately has been nothing but Japanese Game Boy games, Wonderswans, Neo Geo Pocket Colors, and now Famicom Twins. Please don't let me buy a Famicom Twin. I don't need a Famicom Twin. But they're shockingly affordable and I love the hardware design and hnnnng
I think it's the single most beautiful console ever made.
The really dangerous one for me would be the Wondermega, as I think it's the single most beautiful console ever made. Fortunately (?) it's ludicrously expensive so that's not going to happen.
It really is! If it were compatible with the 32X I would have gotten one ages ago -- instead only the remade (and significantly less sleek but still neat) version has such compatibility.