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Lush is doing a Mario collaboration and guys I am absolutely buying a ? block bath bomb. Or maybe I'd prefer a fire flower or blue shell if those are options.



I, uh, have some bad news for you.

Did people NOT expect this to turn the water yellow? Seems like this is a weird clickbait post by someone who hasn't used bath bombs before. Cool to see how bubbly it is though from the video of dropping it in.

I also like that the comments are now just people arguing about what colour pee should be.


Video games
I’ve seen it and I’m sorry but I thought it was really bad. It’s shockingly lacking in joy and fun, almost everything in the movie is about failure and death - seriously they talk about death, dying, being killed, killing you, killing your brother in front of you, all so much it’s actively jarring. You know that despairing Luma from the trailer? They go back to that joke like five times. It’s the go-home joke, even!

Anyway I dunno you might like it better than me. I found it dull, even accounting for the fact it’s not really for me. As a kid I would have been bored by its thudding obviousness at every turn, the dialogue and music cues you could set your watch to. Very poor. The first sonic movie, which sucked, was about ten times better to me


Video games
Well, I didn't like that either at the time, but I'd probably enjoy it more than the one I saw this morning if I watched it now.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
Thanks for the input. I do hope the people who were excited for it enjoy this movie, but I haven’t had high hopes.

Ghost from Spelunker

I’ve seen it and I’m sorry but I thought it was really bad. It’s shockingly lacking in joy and fun, almost everything in the movie is about failure and death - seriously they talk about death, dying, being killed, killing you, killing your brother in front of you, all so much it’s actively jarring. You know that despairing Luma from the trailer? They go back to that joke like five times. It’s the go-home joke, even!
How dare Nintendo steal the fanfiction I wrote when I was 12!


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Okay, but how was Sebastian Maniscalco's performance as Foreman Spike? I just gotta know.


I don't mind a by-the-numbers story, so it being predictable shouldn't be a problem. I also actively enjoyed the first Sonic movie, so my hopes for this one are still up. The only concerning thing to me is the focus on failure and death - I guess it will not be a problem for me.

Still, thanks for the info, Madhair. I will adjust my expecations a bit.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
I just got back from Super Mario Bros. It's fine. It's a kids movie, and not a Pixar-style kids movie for everyone. This is pitched directly at kids. Unless the general Mario-ness of it is triggering your nostalgia, I don't know much it has to offer an adult. It is refreshingly free of (non-Mario) pop culture references. And its a tight 90 minutes. It looks good, and I think they did a good job of turning some video game stuff into a somewhat sensible world.

Jack Black goes full Tenacious D Jables in his Bowser performance and it is a highlight. If I were in charge I might have cut Donkey Kong to give more time to Bowser and Luigi, but it worked.

I had a good time.


Oof, apparently it has a bit from the DK Rap and includes it in the credits but doesn’t credit Grant Kirkhope. A little oversight but still annoying.


Staff member
It is super weird to realize that, despite being a huge Mario and Nintendo fan for my entire life, I am somehow not the target audience for this movie. Badger is correct, it's a kids' movie. And it's a pretty good one of those! But it is a kids' movie. (And madhair is also correct that the constant references to death are pretty tonally jarring.)

Visually it looks like a million bucks, and there were certainly moments I enjoyed. I appreciated that Peach was portrayed as very capable and not a damsel in distress. There are references in the background that span all of Nintendo's history, including a "Disk-kun Software Co." storefront that can be glimpsed in one of the final scenes, and that made me smile. There's a lot here to like, even if the plot and humor are all pretty facile. It's just not a movie I'm eager to revisit anytime soon.


Mario movie is good. Enjoyed my time with it; I'd like to see it again to see if I can catch some Nintendo references I missed.

Despite all of the Internet's wailing and gnashing of teeth about Chris Pratt's voice for Mario, it was Jack Black that took me out of the movie, if only temporarily. His Bowser speaking part is superb but when Bowser sings it's just Jables doing Jables. Also, Cranky Kong's voice felt strange to me, like it needed to be aged up. Those are nitpicks, though. The movie is a good way to chew popcorn for an hour and a half and kids are gonna love it.


Post Reader
I've always found the story of Bowser trying to force Peach to marry him creepy and I'm surprised it's part of the plot of this movie.


(He, Him)
7 year old daughter immediately started asking me what streaming service it will be on and when as we were leaving the theater so it went over well with that one.

It was a fine kids movie with some cute easter eggs and a bit too much stoner Donkey Kong, about what I expected. I chuckled a couple times at Jack Black.


Old Man Gamer
I definitely went in with low expectations and was happy to have them exceeded at least. The worst bits were the Illumination tropes of course from the pop songs* to the staid and overused jokes but those were thankfully restrained compared to their other movies. Otherwise it was pretty fun, would have liked some of the worst bits cut off and used to give a bit more background/arc to Toad and Peach, hoping that they lean into the good parts of the movie for future sequels and not the obnoxious parts but we'll see. Some more detailed bits (probably more negative/nitpicky) under the spoilers:

One of the problems with movies based off an IP, whether it's a comic book super hero movie or a cartoon/video game IP, is that they have to lampshade anything that is overtly too 'comic book' or 'video game' which always comes off as if they have no confidence in the movie they're making and takes me right out of the film. In extreme cases this is how we get things like live action hybrid films like Sonic or Smurfs. The movie wasn't devoid of that kind of thing, but mostly just let the film be a Mario adventure, even in some places leaning in heavily to the 'rules' such as how power ups work. I loved this, but it had the unfortunate consequence that whenever they did lambast themselves, or make a joke that felt too out of place with the world, it was a full record skip that took me out of the movie, even when I knew they were coming like the suicide ideating Luma. I hate that shit in other Illumination and lesser 3D kids movies, but at least it's usually consistent with the rest of the film. Here it's just very distruptive and tonally jarring.

Speaking of tonally jarring, the Luma was my second most hated bit of the movie; Worst than that, and I checked with my partner and this rubbed her the wrong way too, was the Wedding/'ritualistic sacrifice' sequence. Now Bowser's usually a bad dude and I'm glad they were willing to go dark in this movie, but that was out of left field, overly morbid and barely made any sense - what purpose does it serve Bowser to murder these people? Why make it a weird wedding gift? I don't want to steal too many words from my partner's mouth, but I agree that it just felt like a lazy set up for the next action break (she also had an awesome idea that ties into early Mario lore where the prisoners could be turned into blocks or statues or some such to build some kind of structure, something that could still have kept the stakes of the scene, created a fun setpiece for that part of the film and could still be dark without being so off-tone)

Characterizations were good, I can't believe we got to see Mario's whole family (Charles Martinet is Mario's dad, so he got more than just a real bit cameo!), I wish there were more Charlie Day Luigi but he was perfect. DK & Mario's rivalry was fun. Bowser was great, also glad they let Jack Black do his thing, honestly reminded me a lot of Bowser from the Super Show cartoon except more fun. Honestly a lot of the film reminded me of a 'good' version of the cartoons, so I think the commercial at the beginning was less a reference and more of a mission statement. This includes Toad and Peach, for better and for worse. For Toad, I really want more background on that character - where was he going when he runs into Mario? Was he always going to the palace? Was it his dream to be the Princess' retainer or guard or whatever and this Mario guy just showed up? Was he trying to prove himself to the other toads? When I say I want more background on these characters I don't mean they need a full arc or a dramatic backstory or whatever. Hell, make it a one off joke, as long as the characters have a stated intent so that their scenes land more! I have similar feelings with Peach but I know that's a landmine that other people are better suited to speak to than me, so I'll just say I enjoyed the character and Anya Taylor-Joy was suberb, I just wanted more. Not much more; even 2 - 5 minutes more time with these characters would have improved this movie immensely, and there's definietly enough slow motion shots of Mario saying 'Mama Mia' or whatever and a very unnessecary Luma they could have cut to gotten those into the movie.

I guess to summarize, the parts that were a Mario movie were good and that was thankfully most of it. Oh and the movie looked gorgeous and the soundtrack that wasn't licensed was extremely good, as was how the movie was directed around the score. Some parts were almost like a musical, perfectly suited for a Mario movie.

* There was one pop song bit that I did enjoy, the 'No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn' sidescrolling scene. Perfection, no real notes there.


Old Man Gamer
OH! Real quick conspiracy theory about the use of Kongs in this movie:

Does anyone else feel like this is how Nintendo ultimately moves away from the Rare interpretation of those characters for future games? I couldn't help but feel like they took the names that everyone remembers and loves (Cranky, Diddy, Dixie etc.) but redesigned them in a way that feels a bit more inline with the current nintendo styling so that when the next game comes out and Cranky has a fancy head dress or whatever, no one questions it.


(He, Him)
All the Kong stuff felt like a backdoor pilot for something yeah. Wouldn’t be surprised if a netflix show pops up.


I prefer to have the room not completely filled with other people, so I'll wait some more before watching. But looking through what my cinema offers, there seems to be no 2D version. Did anyone see it in 2D, or is that one 3D only. Not that big of a problem, but I do prefer 2D, and am curious if there might be a chance for that later on.

Edit: Nevermind, looking closer, I found it in 2D in a different cinema. Rare, but it exists.

Johnny Unusual

Seeing it tomorrow morning. I expect I'll enjoy it despite middling (and deranged) reviews because I think my niece will like it and that energy can carry me through.


I prefer to have the room not completely filled with other people, so I'll wait some more before watching. But looking through what my cinema offers, there seems to be no 2D version. Did anyone see it in 2D, or is that one 3D only. Not that big of a problem, but I do prefer 2D, and am curious if there might be a chance for that later on.

Edit: Nevermind, looking closer, I found it in 2D in a different cinema. Rare, but it exists.
That's odd, I wonder if the theater chain near you has some contract to show it in 3D for the first few weeks? I checked and there's only one 3D showing near me and about 15 in 2D the same day, as well as a couple IMAX ones. Also none of my friends in other areas who have seen it have seen it in 3D so I'm sorry your area is being weird! I would hope it's an issue with being close to the release date though and it will move to 2D later.