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The DC Comics TV & Movie Thread - A Thread for Talking about Detective Comics Comics Television Shows and Movies

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
My only problem with Titans is that I am unsure of how in on the joke they are in making it. I think they know they've pushed things to the absolute extreme so it is more than a bit silly, its a good tone and it works, but sometimes I think they want me to take Superboy shaving his head and deciding he is Luthor so he's going to act like a dick completely seriously and I just can't. I like how Dick is just like 'I get, you've got to process this buddy, but come on man.'

Also, the reveal in Stargirl was excellent. Like, I suspected, if not quite predicted, what was coming, but they set it up beautifully. It sucks that this show is getting cancelled.


Staff member
Henry Cavill’s Superman Is, Once Again, Out of the DCU

Henry Cavill announced on social media that he is officially no longer a part of James Gunn and Peter Safran’s 10-year plan for the DCU. “I have just had a meeting with James Gunn and Peter Safran and it’s sad news, everyone,” the former Man of Steel wrote. “I will, after all, not be returning as Superman. After being told by the studio to announce my return back in October.”

The Death of the Return of Superman (2022)


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
Honestly I can understand, If Gunn's going to build something cohesive, he's got to start fresh.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
It's understandable that the execs would want a clean break, but it's a shame since he was very popular in that role.


Staff member
Without a doubt he was the most popular live-action Superman appearing in feature-length motion pictures in the last ten years.


does the Underpants Dance
Not only was he a great Superman, he was also a great Geralt. And now he's neither, apparently!

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
While the other star is admittedly Armie Hammer, people should watch The Man from UNCLE. Cavill is pretty great in that.

It speaks of a company that has no idea what it is doing that the had him announce he was returning to the role about a month before saying nevermind, but I would guess that a clean break (if that is indeed what Gunn is doing) is probably the best plan going forward.

I mean, dipshits online are mad that Ezra Miller hasn't already been recast as the Flash, but that movie's already made and I would be truly shocked if they make a second Flash movie with them.
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Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
thank you, I edited in the correction.

Also, I see I didn't post after the end of Stargirl. That show really stuck the landing. It sucks that it was cancelled, but they told a really good 3 season story. Plus, the Ultra-Humanite.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
That seems to originate from a celebrity gossip podcast. It's not implausible but it's also not exactly a credible source.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
It certainly seems less likely than “Warner has no idea what they’re doing anymore, and Netflix is bleeding money”.
Personally, I think it would be prudent to wait until at least a single reputable source reports that before passing around an allegation along those lines.

Doesn't mean it's not true, but this is literally just a podcast that reads totally anonymous gossip submissions by sources unknown even to the hosts. It's not anonymous like in typical journalism, where the source is not named but the journalist knows the source but does not reveal the name.

This is more like a post on 4chan. It could be true, because sometimes a story really does leak for the first time in a totally anonymous way. But it's generally best to wait and see.

edit: Seems like the original account in the embedded tweet is locked and the gossip they were RTing was deleted, so I guess it's a moot point. It was probably just loading for me because I'd seen it previously, but clicking through and coming back it disappeared.
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Eh. Best thing they did was ignore shared universe. The Batman was great, but I bet outside of already happening sequel it's a dead end.


Summon for hire
Oh hey, The Authority, huh? I've only even seen a select few DC movies, but that's one I could be interested in if it turned out well.

That said... it also seems like the kind of thing that could be better off on its own than trying to keep in franchise-wide continuity. It's been ages since I read the comic but I don't remember them interacting with other DC heroes much at all, plus their archetypes often overlap with the big Justice League guys, and on top of that the power is cranked up to near cosmic levels. All seems pretty tricky to pull off in a satisfying way, but I guess we'll see.


Post Reader
They didn't interact with DC characters in the original series because it was set in the Wildstorm universe.


does the Underpants Dance
Gosh all of those projects just sound exhausting to me. I'm sure I'll watch... some of them.