I bet it's that hot tub time machine I've heard so much about.Good luck! I hid that thing really well!
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I bet it's that hot tub time machine I've heard so much about.Good luck! I hid that thing really well!
Even as a kid, I thought that guy bursting out of his own flesh was pretty fucked up. Still loved him, though (which is weird, because as a kid I loved monsters but not so much the morbid like dude shedding his skin).
I'm not curious about the chronology about when they either ran out of weird animals and were just like "I dunno, a cat?"
(like, it's not a BAD sculpt either but it's so much less imaginative.)
"I don't remember much about his character on the show, but I really liked the toy." - Dr. Nerd
"So much gribblies and details on this figure. It really is something amazing." - False Logic
"I will have the best dojo in the entire world!" -- Aska
"I will finally be able to exist in peace." -- Chrome Dome
Chrome Dome's appearance in the SNES game does look an awful lot like the design for the Metal Head of that era. I wonder if the character was also originally supposed to be Metal Head but they felt that there were enough turtles in the game already. The CD in Fighter does seem to have some of MH's moves from Turtles in Time (or at least just the extend-o-limbs).The SNES game version of him is back to normal size and is now gold (for some reason)
Hey, you try closing your legs together while having a metal pelvis.Chrome Dome has a serious manspreading issue there.
I didn't comment on it previously but this is an inspired choice. I'm a little bit mad at myself for not thinking of it and including it on my list. The TMNT weren't the first characters to have a sewer lair but it is something that they really made part of their identity.Sewer Lair
Chrome Dome's appearance in the SNES game does look an awful lot like the design for the Metal Head of that era. I wonder if the character was also originally supposed to be Metal Head but they felt that there were enough turtles in the game already. The CD in Fighter does seem to have some of MH's moves from Turtles in Time (or at least just the extend-o-limbs).
The third movie was Good.Well you may also remember that in 1993 the third live-action TMNT movie came out in theaters and featured a Japanese princess warrior named Mitsu. But that movie was hated even by idiot kids with no ability to discern quality (like me) so it may just be why Mitsu got the ono.
"Comic version" - Daikaiju
"I love the Turtle in Time boss fight on the train, but this is mostly a vote for the far goofier Archie comics version" - Jbear
Mirage Leatherhead is interesting in that he first appeared in the Mirage comics but in one of the non-Eastman/Laird issues that... aren't non-canonical but I feel like are largely ignored in the core Eastman/Laird narratives. This confused me at first as to why issues were straight up missing in my "Ultimate Editions" for the TMNT comics. Like, large swaths. Because they weren't written by the original team and therefore are more "soft canon".
Weirdly (and only tangentially related), "soft canon" is how Image Comics also approaches it's "shared" superhero universe. The various creator-owned characters interact; Invincible ostensibly takes place in the same world as Spawn and Savage Dragon takes place in the same world as the Maxx but no one is checking notes with each other. It's more like sharing "toys" and less like actually making sure is coheres to a larger narrative.
Is there any rhyme or reason to how that cart is organized and displayed?
'Cause, uh, Kiss Players is looming kinda large there.
Of TMNT stuff?You're all going to be so embarrassed when Kiss Players show up higher on the list
I feel like you could probably do some kind of six degrees of separation to connect TMNT with Transformers but I also feel like that way madness lies.So, sure, okay, maybe I forgot what the list topic was for a minute there, or maybe, just maybe, the world of TMNT canon is so much larger than you'd dared imagine.
Did't realize they recycled that concept for the first Nick series...
One DegreeI feel like you could probably do some kind of six degrees of separation to connect TMNT with Transformers but I also feel like that way madness lies.