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Comes and goes with the wind

Super Mario 3D World+ next Spring isn't surprising... a Tetris 99 Mario battle royale? That's surprising!


Threat Rhyme
That AR Mario Kart game was a surprise too.

But honestly, while I'm certainly not going to turn up my nose at the 3D All-Stars game, the complete lack of Galaxy 2 in both that and the sizzle reel at the end was really conspicuous.

The games also just look like straight-up up-rezzes, which is fine, but I was hoping to see if there would be any game tweaks, especially in Sunshine re: Blue Coins.


Comes and goes with the wind
There's a lot of "Limited availability until March" sprinkled throughout, from Mario 35 to the merch to even the 3D All-Stars release (the phrasing was ambiguous, but it sounded like both the physical and digital were limited).

Is this the 90's Disney Vault?
Everything I want (the game and watch and physical 3D collection) are "limited run physical releases" so here's hoping Nintendo has a good avenue for people not living near Nintendo World NYC to order (they won't).


Comes and goes with the wind
Okay, confirmed that both physical and digital are limited time:

Back into the Disney vault they go!


Wait, the Mario Battle Royale is a limited release? As in, after March, we won't be able to play it anymore? Whut


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
3D World was one of my favorite 3D Marios, so I am excited for a full expansion rather than just usual deluxe touches you see in WiiU/Switch rereleases.

That AR/RC Mario Kart reminds me of Labo in that it would have been a great thing to play with my son if he were only old enough yet.
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I know this is a gamer-entitled thing to say but, why aren't they including Galaxy 2? They could've had pretty much every console Mario platformer on one system if they had.


The Kart AR thing is a neat idea and I just want to play around with it. Probably won't get it since my house has carpet and I have dogs though.

I'm also very excited to no longer have to listen to people whine about the lack of Mario items in Animal Crossing.


Staff member
These remasters look super nice, and so soon! The rumor mills had them coming out nearer to the end of the year. I'm super hyped its only a couple of weeks. I'm really glad Sunshine is finally getting a rerelease. It's great these are a bundle. I was expecting them to be separate releases. I wonder if Galaxy 2 will by DLC or something. I can't imagine they'll ignore it outright.


did i do all of that?
How are they going to do the pointer stuff in Mario Galaxy? Can the Joycons even do that? I admit I've not tried...


Round and round I go
Staff member
They can, although they heavily prefer control schemes that can be used docked as well, so it'll be interesting to see how it's handled.


I don't think they can do the proper pointer controls from Wii, only emulate them with motion controls. It'll likely be pretty awkward.


did i do all of that?
That's good, then. I wonder how they'll handle the R button not being like on Gamecube, where you can move Mario in Sunshine while spraying water, rather than locking him in place by pressing the button all the way down...

In any case, I'll be buying this. There's also apparently a Super Mario Bros Game & Watch which I also want because I'm fucking stupid.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Yeah, the gyroscope in the joycons can emulate the Wii’s IR pointer, but in most implementations of that I’ve seen the pointer tends to drift from the center point over time and need recalibrated.


Old Man Gamer
Thinking on it, I can't say I'm too worried about 3D All-Stars being limited if the plan is to keep the physical in circulation until March 2021 - that's a pretty good run for a physical which tells me there will be plenty around, even if the game goes away digitally. SMB35, gimmick or no, is much more concerning because that's a purely digital game. You just... won't be able to play it ever again*. Honestly the fact that Nintendo can just DO that and will sucks a lot of the joy out of what was a really great and fun direct.

*outside piracy of course.


Video games
They'll probably just sell them separately from March. I'd have thought it was the package that was going away.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
That montage at the end skipped a LOT. Galaxy 2, Mario Land 2, New SMB U, New SMB 2, SMB The Lost Levels...very odd.

Anyway, I preordered 3D All Stars because fucking limited time and got 3D World because new content intrigues me and I love that game.


Up-ressed, easier to control Mario 64 is enough to get me onboard. I've never finished that game because I find the N64 hard to deal with in general.


Round and round I go
Staff member
It's hard to imagine SM64 with a modern 3D control scheme. Could it really be?


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
It's hard to imagine SM64 with a modern 3D control scheme. Could it really be?
I sincerely doubt that they'll be adding a smoothly rotating camera to Mario 64, if that's what you mean. And if it's not, then I have no clue what you actually mean.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
I am very excited to pay for and play many 3D Mario games again. I will also look this gift horse dead in the mouth and wonder where Galaxy 2 is. The lack is not going to stop me from being excited for the other games, but that is a game that really deserves another look. I feel like it is very underplayed.

That montage at the end skipped a LOT. Galaxy 2, Mario Land 2, New SMB U, New SMB 2, SMB The Lost Levels...very odd.

Mario has never starred in a direct sequel.


A roller coaster of shame and respect.
I want that new Game & Watch. Mario 35 Royal looks really neat and also grabbing that 3D All Stars, even though the limited availability is pretty silly.

Also also I know they'll never have merch in my size, and I will never live in a house that can AR Mario Kart.
Apparently Galaxy requires detached Joy-Cons.

Surely that can't be right.

The English text there says "compatible with 2 Joy-Cons controllers" which could mean either "must play with detached Joy-Cons" or "can also play with detached Joy-Cons." But the Japanese text for the same portion would definitely only mean "can also play with detached Joy-Cons," so presumably the latter interpretation is correct.

They're just emphasizing the ability to play it in a way that approximates Wiimotes, not saying it's the only way to play.
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