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Share Your Headcanon


Staff member
And/or was Chris Houlihan

My name's Chris Houlihan and I'm here to say
If you've found my room then you've lost your way


Summon for hire
There’s a headcanon going around Pikmin places that Bloom (the AR stepcounter game) is a prequel to the console games. You know, before the apocalypse that wipes out the humans that the Pikmin liked to follow around. Pretty obvious once you think of it.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
In-universe, F-Zero is like professional wrestling. The racers are stunt-driving actors playing out a predetermined script. They really do drive that fast, but the colorful personas are entirely fictional and the races are scripted.

The F-Zero pilot James McCloud licensed his likeness to the producers of a popular, long-running puppet-based adventure show that airs on the same space TV channel as the F-Zero races. and all Star Fox media are spin-offs of the original, now lost program that depicted the adventures of a funny-animal caricature of James McCloud.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
In "The History of the Necronomicon", H.P. Lovecraft writes that the Latin translation of the book was made in 1228 by Danish scientist Olaus Wormius. It appears that Lovecraft has made a mistake with dates here, since the real-life Olaus Wormius wasn't born until 1588. My headcanon is that Wormius did in fact live during the 13th century (possibly under a different name), and his research into tomes of forbidden knowledge resulted in him finding ways to unnaturally prolong his life, in a similar way to what is described in "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" (including later posing as a relative of himself to avoid suspicion).


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
The Spark Mandrill stage music is a 2nd pass at the Dr. Wily Stage 1 music from Mega Man 2. The composer wanted to take another crack at it with the new audio toys provided by the SNES.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
The Star Wars character Dash Rendar, the protagonist of the Shadows of the Empire video game, has had some very inconsistent depictions by various artists through the years. Sometimes he's buff, sometimes he's slim, sometimes he has a beard, sometimes he has brown hair, sometimes it's red or even blond. The only consistent part of his appearance is his cool 90s-comic-book clothes. My headcanon theory to explain this is: Dash Rendar is trans. The various images of him depicts him at various stages of his transitioning. He clearly has an overarching goal for how he wants to look, but he's experimenting with the details along the way as he's building muscles. This could also explain his annoying, over-the-top braggart personality, always talking about how cool and manly he is, since he's trying clumsily to fit into the gender-sterotypical way he thinks a "real man" has to act.

Here's a rough timeline I put together out of his different appearances:


Dash starting out, not yet confident enough to show his bare arms, but having quite a nice haircut.


A very brief attempt at longer, dark brown hair and beard.


Still somewhat long hair, but trying a different color, and less beard. Still not confident about the arms.


Starting to bulk up more, showing off his arms, possibly attempting an even more restrained beard, trying a lighter brown for the hair.


Probably his best beard attempt.


Okay, skip the beard, but the hair color is working for him.


Bulk is starting to show on face, if not arms. Another failed beard attempt.


Okay, now we're talking. Really beefy, excellent hair, obvious confidence.


There we go, with arms toned down slightly we finally have classic Dash Rendar in all his 90s cool comic guy glory.


Son of The Answer Man
...how have I never posted in this thread?

Everyone in the Star Wars Galaxy is real tiny. Everything looks like it’s in proportion to a 5-6 foot tall human, but they’re all actually just a couple inches tall at most by Earth standards.

All the Kenner action figures are life size.
So, there was a fan theory for decades that the New Gods of Apokolips and New Genesis were much larger than humans and the boom tubes re-sized anyone who traveled through them to the correct scale. Peter David finally made that canon (for the pre-New 52 Universe, at least) in his run on Supergirl, when she transports herself to Apokolips by other means and is the size of an action figure.

The two, perhaps three, wandering spirits then go to the Phantom Forest and board the Phantom Train, as ghosts are supposed to do. Then, because Sabin is a bit of an idiot, he suplexes the Phantom Train, making himself such a nuisance that the train shoves him off and tells him he and his friends get to live, just don't come back. Sabin returns to life, and brings Cyan and perhaps Shadow with him, because he is simply too stupid to die.
This actually makes that whole sequence (which I replayed earlier this week; I'm playing through the A Soldier's Contingency hack) make so much more sense. Why should living people be able to see and board the Phantom Train at all? The answer being: They can't. But if you beat up the train it'll let you stop being dead.

After reading this excellent episode of Wayne Family Adventures (warning: contains depiction of PTSD), I like to imagine that while it wouldn't trigger any flashbacks, Jason Todd still gets a strange unsettled feeling he can't quite explain whenever he happens to watch a TV show where viewers can call in to vote. 'Cause, you know...
Fun fact: My dad was the person who was handed the final tallies from the phone poll and called the printers to say, "Use version B". Both versions of the last page of that issue were drawn, inked, colored and press-OK'd so they could swap in the results right before the book was printed.

I have a massive, extensive headcanon that the short-lived TV show Nowhere Man was actually the same setting as the show Dollhouse. (And mixed in is a slightly-less crazy headcanon that the conspiracy that dogs Veil throughout that show was actually multiple completing conspiracies who didn't know what each other were doing.)

I'm also a huge fan of the "Rinoa is Ultimecia" theory.

And finally: The official Zelda timeline splits into three branches, and then they somehow reconnect in the far future to all lead to Breath of the Wild. My headcanon is that the events of the first Hyrule Warriors game, specifically when Link, Zelda and Lana use the Triforce to reconstruct the world in the ending, are the point at which the three timelines merge back into a single history. Cia's temporal and extradimensional meddling clearly was able to pull people and places from the different timelines, so why couldn't fixing everything knit them back together?


can stop, will stop
I think that the film's writers were under the impression that Daisy and Peach were the same character.
Were they not the same character? The first time I can remember seeing any princess in a Mario game get called Peach was in Mario 64, and as a kid I definitely assumed it was just the same princess in every game.


can stop, will stop
Well then I guess my headcanon is that it was always the same princess until Mario 64, at which point Nintendo decided to make a second character.

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
Near the end of FF4, there’s an infamous cutscene where Cecil tries to leave the female party members behind when going to the final dungeon for their safety; this isn’t just sexist but straight up idiotic, since Rosa and Rydia are, by far, the two most capable characters in the final party. And, granted, Cecil has a *thing* with Saving Damsels (and Rosa needed saving twice), but that’s not really in his character.

So what was he thinking.

Of the All Boys team; Cecil is powerful enough on his own and has healing magic so he can last quite a while fighting solo; and between his powerful armor and Jump, Kain is borderline untouchable.

So who does that leave? Edge.

Poor, Squishy, Can’t Fight, Can Barely Use Magic Edge. Edge who is defined by being obnoxious, hot headed and refusing to accept that Rydia is completely non-receptive (and indeed, is actively discouraging) his attempts to flirt with him.

Edge certainly can’t survive the Lunar Subteranne, not without lots of backup.

Rosa is a compulsively, self destructively helpful person. She wouldn’t be party to a plan to leave Edge for dead on the moon, and she has enough healing magic that there’s no plausible deniability even if she had. And Rydia, well… she’d be on another planet; can’t have a better alibi than that.


The Goggles Do Nothing
Oh! I had my own explanation for this one thanks to long conversations about RPGs back in the day.

1. Cecil still sees Rydia as a five year old. He literally does not understand what happened in the Feymarche, and is pretty sure this whole "I'm an adult now" thing is an illusion anyway. Could the last of the summoners please not die on his watch? He's been trying to avoid this since the start...

2. Rosa and Cecil have been boinking nigh constantly since her rescue at the tower, and Cecil hasn't been able to even remotely keep his Legendary Sword on a leash since he found that dwarf porno in the underground. He figures the odds of Rosa carrying the last lunarian on the planet are about 100% at this point, and he doesn't want "them" trapped on some other unholy celestial body if something goes wrong.


The After Years pretty much made #2 canon.

Edited to add: All The After Years children-of-heroes are only-children because King Cecil made siblings illegal globally after that last plot twist with Golbez scarred him for life.

Johnny Unusual

It occurs to me that Columbo kind-of low key respect the people he catches because he knows he could never try to pull off the perfect crime. Everyone else is very confident in their plans. Columbo plays up his humbleness to catch people and is confident in his own abilities but I feel like he knows he doesn't have the mindset to pull off a crime. You know how he tells the criminals "there's one thing that bugs me?" Knowing his own weaknesses in his plan would drive him crazy. He can only see those weaknesses in a "perfect crime". He could and would play it cool and probably get away with it but I think he knows it would bother HIM.

Also, in the Columbo-verse there's a Mycroft to Columbo (smarter but doesn't put in the same effort) and he's played by Dick Miller.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Link's Uncle is a secret third Mario brother. It's obvious when you look at him. He keeps his relation to the Marios a secret because he is estranged from them. He really only has beef with Luigi; Mario would have preferred not to take a side and to find reconciliation, but circumstances forced him to back Luigi in their quarrel.

These circumstances, in fact, are those of Link's birth. Luigi was the father, which is why he's green, but Link was born out of wedlock. Peach was the mother. His very existence was an incipient scandal with disastrous political implications, so although she did not wish to abort the baby, she was persuaded of the necessity of putting him up for adoption and covering up his existence. Disgusted by the whole affair, Luigi's brother stepped up and fostered the child, because he was already conveniently far away and had managed to stay out of the spotlight, but he cut all ties with them.

Link does not know of or even suspect his relation to the Marios, even though he has met them. Luigi and Peach also have no idea he's their son, because Link rarely talks about his late uncle in detail. Mario has probably figured it out, but chooses to remain silent on the matter, thinking that it's best for that chapter of their youths to remain buried and forgotten. Luigi and Peach certainly have put it far behind them.

Link has never met his half-sister Mona.


the room is full of ghosts
Kearney is over 21. He uses a fake ID to buy booze because he doesn't want to admit that he's 21+ and still in elementary school.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
During the great global war that precedes the events of Mobile Fighter G Gundam, a large amount of Swedish media was destroyed. By random chance, one of the things that were preserved was the old Swedish dub of Sailor Moon, and when the citizens of Neo-Sweden tried to reconstruct their culture, they assumed that Sailor Moon had been an important part of it. This is why the Swedish "Nobel Gundam" looks like a Japanese schoolgirl.

I still have no explanation for why the Swedish pilot is named "Allenby Beardsley".


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
I still have no explanation for why the Swedish pilot is named "Allenby Beardsley".
Seems like the Japanese version of that bit where English media would make up names for foreign characters that look/sound right to local audience but are complete gibberish.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
Well, her parents had the last name Beardsley
No, I feel like her parents would have named her something very sterotypically Swedish. It's almost as if... she picked the name herself.

Wait a minute....


Blue hair...

Possibly self-chosen name consisting of two surnames, and thus not gender-specific...

Drives a giant robot themed after Sailor Moon, but named after Alfred Nobel...

Okay, my new headcanon is that Allenby Beardsley goes by they/them pronouns.
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