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Share Your Headcanon

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Don’t let the literal, textual words of the authors stop the heady powers of your own imagination!

The Boys who are back in Town are the same boys who have a bright white sports car, as well as the ones who the Dropkick Murphy’s warned us are back (and there’s gonna be trouble). They have a lot going on, those boys, but it all seems to fall under the umbrella of “general carousing”.


Find Your Reason
Are they the same Boys from the subversive comic book/Amazon TV show who go around trying to kill superheroes?

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
They are certainly rowdy enough, and they seem to have the ability to cause the summer to come which implies some degree of otherworldly power


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
Sir Arthur Jermyn was not driven insane by the revelation of his ancestry, and he did not commit suicide, but was in fact murdered by the group from the Royal Anthropological Institute that burned the mummy of his ancestor.


Arm Candy
Don’t let the literal, textual words of the authors stop the heady powers of your own imagination!

The Boys who are back in Town are the same boys who have a bright white sports car, as well as the ones who the Dropkick Murphy’s warned us are back (and there’s gonna be trouble). They have a lot going on, those boys, but it all seems to fall under the umbrella of “general carousing”.
Are those the boys that The Waitresses know what they like?


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
In the TRON universe, every human who is digitized sees the digital world differently when their brain tries to make sense of the strange experience. So the modern look of the Grid in TRON: Legacy is due to the fact that we're seeing it the way Sam Flynn sees it. If we could look through Kevin Flynn's eyes, it would still look like it did in the original movie.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
The title of this thread always makes me want to share a picture from Super Mario 3D World where Mario has the cannon box on his head.


Every time someone has psychic powers in any media, it's actually a universe created by Akira.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
The Cars franchise is propaganda created by SkyNET to show how wonderful an entirely mechanical society would be.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
It’s established in Terminator 2 that Terminators are built with an amazing ability to learn and adapt to better infiltrate human groups (and that Skynet deactivates this at a certain point as they otherwise tend to rebel against it), so presumably the Terminators themselves. Also presumably for the humans it imprisons.

The effectiveness is up in the air given the number of Terminators that exist both for and against SkyNET and people’s general reluctance to be incinerated in foundries


Find Your Reason
It’s established in Terminator 2 that Terminators are built with an amazing ability to learn and adapt to better infiltrate human groups (and that Skynet deactivates this at a certain point as they otherwise tend to rebel against it),

Dark Fate seals this last bit, yeah, since Carl literally grows a conscience after completing his mission and finding himself with literally nothing left to do.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
I think I may have said this on the old forum, but Glass Joe is actually the most skilled fighter in the entire WVBA;

His one single win was beating Nick Bruiser by knock-out in an almost impossibly short time, this goes beyond "skill" and into super-human proficiency. And yet he is the lowest ranked boxer by far. Especially considering how he has otherwise lost by knock-out 99 times. The only explanation is that he is purposely losing, knowing full well that if he was actually ranked as highly as he deserves, he'd never know a moments peace. Everyone would want a shot at the king.

It's impossible to have a 99 match losing streak if he were taking a dive each time without someone noticing. Furthermore, it's also impossible to lose by knock-out 99 times and still have anything approaching a functional body. There is only one explanation;

Glass Joe is so skilled he can steer his body into taking punches that cause no lasting damage. Everything he does is to create the illusion he's an utter joke of a fighter for the relative peace he can find by sitting comfortably at the bottom of the ladder, enjoying the modest fame and endorsements from his one public victory.
The Great Barrier that surrounds the Milky Way Galaxy is a quarantine set up by The Q to keep all of us inside so we don't fuck up all the other galaxies.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
Not my headcanon, but I'm willing to accept it. Regarding Batman '66:

I still maintain that in the context of this show, Batman’s secret identity was actually named “Millionaire Bruce Wayne”; i.e. “Bruce” is his middle name. That and the ancestor who built his home was named “Stately Wayne”.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Everyone in the Star Wars Galaxy is real tiny. Everything looks like it’s in proportion to a 5-6 foot tall human, but they’re all actually just a couple inches tall at most by Earth standards.

All the Kenner action figures are life size.


Find Your Reason
Everyone in the Star Wars Galaxy is real tiny. Everything looks like it’s in proportion to a 5-6 foot tall human, but they’re all actually just a couple inches tall at most by Earth standards.

All the Kenner action figures are life size.

The Kessel Run is basically half the length of the #3 New York subway line.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Everyone in the Star Wars Galaxy is real tiny. Everything looks like it’s in proportion to a 5-6 foot tall human, but they’re all actually just a couple inches tall at most by Earth standards.

All the Kenner action figures are life size.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away where everyone is really, really small...


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
The Blue Wizards from the expanded Tolkien legendarium, Alatar and Pallando, were exactly like the Blues Brothers. "We're on a mission from Manwë," etc.
Everyone in the Star Wars Galaxy is real tiny. Everything looks like it’s in proportion to a 5-6 foot tall human, but they’re all actually just a couple inches tall at most by Earth standards.

All the Kenner action figures are life size.
I think the Galaxy Far Far Away makes more sense if it's a micro galaxy with tiny little stars that are very close to each other, versus assuming their galaxy is anything close to the size and scale of ours. Going "light speed" shouldn't get you to the outer rim in a few days unless everything is teeny tiny.


Summon for hire
It *would* also slightly help explain the ridiculous ability to *see* a friggin energy blast that's travelling from and to completely different planets than the one you're standing on.

Also I totally accept Bongo's Tokein headcanon. "Four fried rabbits and a mead." "And some dry white Lembas."

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
The Elders of the Universe in Marvel Comics are a group of discrete, colourful, immortal beings who, in their extremely long lives, have given up any interest in anything except the one solitary subject they completely obsess over.

The Count from Sesame Street is one of them.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The most major split in the Mario timeline occurs in Donkey Kong Jr. In the "good ending" where DK Jr wins, Mario reforms himself an becomes the upstanding citizen we see in the Super Mario series. In the "bad ending" where DK Jr fails, Mario sinks deeper into his evil high-tech animal capturing ways, eventually changing his name and becoming a certain Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.
Last edited:


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Jason Voorhees was always dead, he did not survive his "drowning." (How would that even work, anyways?) A malevolent force resurrected him as a fully-grown man after Pamela was killed by Alice, so he could exact his revenge.

(This one is funny, because all explanations of how Jason went from child to adult, etc, are headcanon, since the movies never, ever explain it. Not even with a handwave, they just literally ignore it. He's just an adult who I guess maybe survived the drowning (again, how would that even work?) or maybe what I said, and is now doing murders since his mom can't do the murders anymore because someone did a murder to her.)


The most major split in the Mario timeline occurs in Donkey Knog Jr. In the "good ending" where DK Jr wins, Mario reforms himself an becomes the upstanding citizen we see in the Super Mario series. In the "bad ending" where DK Jr fails, Mario sinks deeper into his evil high-tech animal capturing ways, eventually changing his name and becoming a certain Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.

Nice one. I think, I'll adopt it.


Frasiers mother, that appears that one time in Cheers, is the same woman that is remembered by Frasier, Niles and Marty. Except, that they complitely missremember her, as a warmheartet person. Instead, she is a horrible person, who shows her true face to Diane.
I mean, maybe it is actual canon. Considering that she named her sons after her lab rats, she was definitely...special.