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Several Topics Enter, One Topic Leaves: The Thunderdome Nomination Thread

Johnny Unusual

With a new forum, are we ready to discuss the next Thunderdome? I can't speak for anyone else but I was thinking as a fresh start, something relatively simple. Maybe just video game music. Or even just music in general? (I also had the idea of a shuffledome, where we press shuffle on our music playing devices and must nominate the first five things that appear)

Also, I think we used to keep some sort of list of the winners and say "you can't pick these again" or something like that to prevent the same song from winning and making it boring. I was thinking we could wipe away the old one and start from scratch and start making a new Hall of Fame archive list for the winners.


With a new forum, are we ready to discuss the next Thunderdome? I can't speak for anyone else but I was thinking as a fresh start, something relatively simple. Maybe just video game music. Or even just music in general? (I also had the idea of a shuffledome, where we press shuffle on our music playing devices and must nominate the first five things that appear)

I like this, but I'm also stumped as to what criteria you'd be voting by. Hmm.

Johnny Unusual

The song you like better. I mean, that's generally how I vote (unless I am missing the point of your statement, which is quite possible).


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Can someone, and by this I mean Johnny Unusual, cut and paste the list of all of other ones we've already done in here? I'm old and having trouble remembering all the things we've already done.

Johnny Unusual

The previous winners or ALL the other thunderdomes? If the latter, I don't think they were ever archived like the Popularity Contests were. If the former, I think I can find that list up to a point. But don't expect it for a few days.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Thunderdome Thunderdome to decide the next Thunderdome.

Johnny Unusual

Just the list of ones we did. Not every single one ever nominated.

Sorry, I meant the previous winning SONGS (which, to a point, I think we have a list of?). But your answer cleared things up for me nonetheless. I don't think there's a quick easy way to do it but I don't mind hunting them down and seeing what we got and making a list of links to them. In time.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
We don't?! Ooph. We've been doing this awhile. Going to be hard to hunt them all down at this point...


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I believe someone was tracking the winning songs, but I don't remember who it was...

I'm about to launch a popularity contest so I won't toss anything in this goaround, but I'll look forward to the topic chosen!


I appreciate Johnny taking over Thunderdome suggestion/poll duties because he's quite a bit more punctual about this stuff than I am.

I'd be down to run a new general BGMF Thunderdome, if that gets the most votes come poll time.


AO Tennis no Kiseki
I'd be down for Thunderdome Thunderdome, but Shuffledome could also be really neat.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Also, I think we used to keep some sort of list of the winners and say "you can't pick these again" or something like that to prevent the same song from winning and making it boring. I was thinking we could wipe away the old one and start from scratch and start making a new Hall of Fame archive list for the winners.
Maybe for this forum we should try to do a better job of keeping track of previous domes* and their winners / finalists.

*Like how we keep track of previous Top 50s.
Last edited:


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
For too long has thunder reigned supreme over all of the domes. I hereby propose that the other other fundamental elements be given their proper representation. Therefore, we shall have a mega-dome consisting of 4 smaller domes:
  • The Thunderdome, for songs of thunder and the other powers of the air.
  • The Lavadome, for songs of lava and the other powers of fire.
  • The Aquadome, for songs of water and the other powers thereof.
  • The Biodome, for songs of living things and the other powers of the the earth.
Let this be called the Best Video Game Music Elemental Domes, and I shall run it.

Johnny Unusual

OK, I'll make my Shuffledome suggestion official. And, on top of that, people can keep suggesting things until the end of Friday and I'll put the poll up on the weekend.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Mega Microdome$ - several small concurrent music thunderdomes on various themes, including all other nominees for this round.

Johnny Unusual

Well, Nich is doing the popularity contest rather than the Thunderdome .
OK, here's my hat in the ring.


Basically, you don't get to choose your picks. You go to your phone or itunes or whatever you play music from and hit shuffle. The first five tracks are your entries. For example, if I were to do it right now...

Fresh - Devo
Big Shot - Kendrick Lamar
Twilight Run - Aivi and Surasshu (Stephen Universe OST)
MST3k Love Theme 8-Bit version
One of my Turns - Luther Wright and the Wrongs

It means you might have some embarrassing picks but you can get to share some weird music or even spoken word oddities if you are like me (I got a Patton Oswalt and a Paul F Tompkins comedy album on mine.)