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Same Name, Different Game and other YouTube shows from me


..and his little cat, too
Watched it earlier, and I definitely want one now. You said something about the price being high, but I missed how much?


I cuss you bad
As an English dude, I didn't know I wanted an episode on Jeopardy. Thanks for that!

Incidentally, I really loved the more personal episodes on Yo! Noid and birthday arcades. So few people talk about what videogames mean to them as opposed to why they're important to the world, when it's more interesting as why it's was important to people personally. Anyone can tell me Mario 3 is good in a vacuum, but only you can tell me what it meant to you at the time.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
I'm glad! Unfortunately, it seems like not many other people care that much, based on the reception those episodes got! But I'm glad you dug them.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
I started linking these videos on Talking Time when I started making them. That's ten years this month. Come hang out this evening at 8pm central to hear me go over all the places I was wrong.


R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
You can never keep Roger down.

I wonder if this game inspired Assassin’s Creed in some way, with the main character jacking into a machine and taking on the form of an ancestor for vague reasons?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Always good to see Roger, and this was a great look into this B-tier NES icon! Now I need to do a localization article on it sourcing you Joe, haha.

Johnny Unusual

Kabuki Quantum Fighter is a game that I feel like was constantly mentioned on Video and Arcade Top 10, Canada's video game playing game show. Well, sort of game show. There were players and winners but it was more a thing that happened but also there was fan mail and tips and tricks and such. Anyway, its a game I kept hearing about but had no idea what it was.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Now you know! And knowing is half the battle! (In this case, the other half is whipping bad guys with your amazing tresses.)


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I enjoyed this one a lot Joe! Wild how much Sega got away initially on this game lol.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
Your Magician Lord video was cool. I saw that game way back on Nick Arcade as a kid and thought it looked rad as hell.

I know nothing about the Neo-Geo aside from it cost a whole lot of money and played mostly fighting games, a genre I’ve never gotten into. Looking forward to learning more about the system and it’s giant cartridges.