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R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
How come Ray Barnholt hasn’t been a part of Retronauts in a long time? When the podcast started way back in the 1up days he was a huge part of it, and even with Kickstarter relaunch he was hanging around. Then he just seemed to fade into the background. What happened?


did i do all of that?
I think he had to move and was unable to contribute to the show as much because or his day job, as I recall.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
According to his podcast, No More Whoppers, he hasn’t had job in a while, aside from making his videogame. He does seem available. Did he have some kind of rift with Parish and Mackey?


did i do all of that?
According to that podcast, he's gone back to school now, too, and again he isn't close nearby. It was a while back, but he talked about it in one of the episodes of NMW - before covid hit the Retronauts wanted to pretty much exclusively do in person recordings, and because of his move, it was difficult for him to get to them. By the time covid hit, I think he'd pretty much moved on, though he still shows up on Retronauts occasionally.

He has a wife and a kid now, too, so that's probably quite a timesink too, I'd guess lol

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
Him and Scott Sharkey were some of my favorite hosts on Classic Retronauts. I wish we’d get more of the old guard back, including Kat Bailey and Shane Bettenhausen. Stu is killing it, I will say. I’ve learned more about Amiga games than I’d ever thought possible.

Rascally Badger

El Capitan de la outro espacio
Its been years, and I have no actual insider knowledge, but when he stopped being a host a year or two into the relaunched Retronauts it appeared to be an amicable break up.

I do miss the classic days; shows with some combination of Parish, Kohler, Sharkey, Barnholt, Bettenhausen, and Jenn Frank.

I am liking Stu's episodes, even though if he is talking about something I have an opinion on I never agree with him. He's wrong about everything, all the time, forever. Good show, though.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
I’m really enjoying both Stu and Diamond’s work hosting. The episodes with Stu and Dave Bulmer are always particular favorites of mine.


did i do all of that?
I am liking Stu's episodes, even though if he is talking about something I have an opinion on I never agree with him. He's wrong about everything, all the time, forever. Good show, though.

Other than Sonic, I can barely compare my opinions to Stu's, because he plays tons of stuff I never have lol. And not just Spectrum stuff or whatever, I've never played a Shrek game in my life. So I like his episodes too, because he comes from a sector of gaming I have no experience with at all.

I’m really enjoying both Stu and Diamond’s work hosting. The episodes with Stu and Dave Bulmer are always particular favorites of mine.
Same. They've expanded the topics the show covers, too, which is lovely.


(He, Him)
Shane also still shows up occasionally and is still a delight.

Haven’t heard from Jenn Frank or Sharkey in years.


Video games
I am liking Stu's episodes, even though if he is talking about something I have an opinion on I never agree with him. He's wrong about everything, all the time, forever.


Dark Medusa

Diamond Crusader
Wait, Stu and Dave Bulmer!? I didn't know Dave Bulmer was on Retronauts. That and Stu contributing means maybe I should start listening again... y'all are delights separately so that's exciting


did i do all of that?
Yeah, they've done several episodes together, and they are pretty funny


(He, Him)
I got a kick out of the episode they did with Diamond where Stu had to gently tell Dave to shut the fuck up and let Diamond talk.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Shane also still shows up occasionally and is still a delight.

Haven’t heard from Jenn Frank or Sharkey in years.

Sharkey and I are (were? I don't use it anymore, I guess) moots on Twitter, he was living somewhere in the southwest with his wife and running a bar, last I knew, but he's still Sharkey.


I've heard from both of them in the past week! Jenn just got back into streaming in a big way, and Sharkey's a regular in this one streaming weird old shows and movies IRC over here.


(He, Him)
I hope he still makes that joke about being able to play a widely ported game on his sneakers at every opportunity
Him and Scott Sharkey were some of my favorite hosts on Classic Retronauts. I wish we’d get more of the old guard back, including Kat Bailey and Shane Bettenhausen. Stu is killing it, I will say. I’ve learned more about Amiga games than I’d ever thought possible.
And Spectrum


commander damage
Sharkey came back to Retronauts a few months ago to join me to talk about Star Control 2 =)
Jenn Frank started streaming Sierra games again this week!


did i do all of that?
The Sonic 3 & Knuckles episode was a delight. Finally, someone who understands why I play through that game once or twice per year!


Geno Cidecity
It's beautiful. All I could hope for is a spot to talk myself, but nobody else would want that


did i do all of that?
They did another Sonic 3 & Knuckles podcast and it's funnier than the last one lmao

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
The latest Patreon Exclusive episode looks at the mercifully short-lived CG UPN show Game Over, from 2004. It’s been a few years since I quit Talking Simpsons, and I had forgotten how Bob and Henry can spend 90+ minutes discussing a twenty two minute episode, even one with no substance!


(He, Him)
I only made it a few minutes into that one. Maybe if I had caught that show when it was new it’d be a bit carthartic to listen to them shit on it for an hour but I don’t get much out of the grumpy episodes anymore.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
I am a person who was a grown adult playing videogames in 2004 and I have zero memory of such a show.