From the site:
Each puzzle starts with all but some common words (basically articles and prepositions) and most punctuation redacted. As you guess a word, any instances of that word in the article are revealed. Guess each word in the title and you've won, it'll reveal the whole article.
I feel like that description probably either hooks you or it doesn't and there's not a whole lot more to say, but anyway here's a picture from early in one puzzle:
I've been playing for a couple weeks and enjoying it.
Redactle is a daily browser game where the user tries to determine the subject of a random obfuscated Wikipedia article, chosen from Wikipedia's 10,000 Vital Articles (Level 4).
Each puzzle starts with all but some common words (basically articles and prepositions) and most punctuation redacted. As you guess a word, any instances of that word in the article are revealed. Guess each word in the title and you've won, it'll reveal the whole article.
I feel like that description probably either hooks you or it doesn't and there's not a whole lot more to say, but anyway here's a picture from early in one puzzle:
I've been playing for a couple weeks and enjoying it.