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One Piece (Beware, spoilers)


Yeah, you're right. Maybe it was naive of me, but when this arc started, I expected it to be an arc without much action, or at least lower-scale. Certainly didn't expect it to develop in this way.

I start to get the feeling you're right about the giants. At least the possibility is there. God, I really hope they won't die, it would break my heart.


Fun chapter, had a blast. Rob Lucci showed more humanity than ever before. First, he is scared (at least that's what it looked like), and than he asks for his partner to be spared. Crazy. He actually did change, I don't see the Lucci from Water 7 caring for any of the other CP9 members.

I still love the Nika form. It's so much fun. The giants are incredibly strong, aren't they? That weird Emperor Haki scream didn't really do anything to them, while it hurt(?) Luffy in Nika form.

Three weeks break. I'm so sad. I hope Oda uses it well, and rests a bit.
Yeah, another great chapter. I suspect Luffy wasn't really hurt by that, just reacted in a cartoony way as is that form's wont

Re: break, we've got three weeks and then one chapter, and then another one-week break for Golden Week. So there'll only be one chapter in all of April, then back to normal in May. A well-deserved break (as they all are, honestly), hope he gets some R&R!


Man, I really want Oda to get the break he deserves, because that man does deserve a break so, so much. I want him to have time he can spend with his kid (I think he has one?), and his wive, and just have a bit of relaxed fun. But only one chapter in five weeks, especially now, with the manga ON FIRE, that pains me a bit.

Still, Oda deserves all the breaks.


Threat Rhyme
I wonder if part of the reason for the extended break is Toriyama's death? Wouldn't be surprised.

The past few chapters have been a rollercoaster, for sure. Predictions are gonna go wild during the break, no doubt.


The friend who is watching through the anime has finished Thriller Bark. "I want to live" and "nothing happened" did land as expected, Water 7 is his favorit arc, and he enjoyed Foxy, which made me very happy.

Really exciting stuff in the near future. So much cool stuff. Alone seeing Crocodile and Buggy again, but also so, so much more.


I guess not, because we already had Kumas flashback, but this feels like the intro to a flashback to Joyboys life.

In any case, we now know that Joyboy was the first pirate. Which can mean a lot, but I'm now all the more curious about the Void Century.
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For now I dunno where the series is going with that idea, unless before Joyboy they had either no boats or no crime - or no world-spanning oceans, given the previous revelation


Aside from what actually happens, it's so nice to see all these old faces again. I laughed in joy, when we see Foxy. Yeah, not even spoilering that, it's just one or two panels, and nothing relevant happens. Just so nice seeing him again. And other minor antagonists. Really nice.

Also, regarding your point Pombar, I maybe it just means that a pirate is the enemy of the world nobels, the ones who won the ancient war. And everyone who went against their rule was then named a pirate. Considering how hard it is to travel from island to island, and a weapon being used that makes the water rise (or let the land sink), maybe one with a ship that isn't accepted by the authorities is a pirate? Eh, probably not.

Alsoalso, Evil Gandhi is clearly one of the top sword users of the world (and his design is AMAZING). I would love to see him fight Mihawk. Generally, I want to see a serious Mihawk fight. Doesn't have to be against Zorro, even though that would be nice.
These chapters have been less great to read week-to-week but I imagine will add up to one long revelatory sequence that'll work fine when read in the future. Still waiting for whatever big reveal will presumably cap it all off at the end - or whether we'll even get it entirely, or just a tease as Vegapunk's message gets cut off at the last minute


Yeah, I kinda expect the spoilered part.

Man, when this arc started, I expected it to be a shorter one. How long has it already been? Two years? Just Vegapunks recording has to be going on for two months (due to the breaks), and we had the long flashback, plus so much happening. I still love the arc, but I want to get to the next island so baaaad.


The big picture with all the giants is so great. I love how Oda draws grins, and they grin all the time. Never fail to put a smile on my face. Also, have we seen their ship before? It's so great. I know, repeating myself, but all the giant designs, including the ship, are so much fun to look at.

Two vice admirals show that they are quite strong. Hurting giants isn't nothing. But then, they could be hurt for a long time, they aren't invisible in any way. Still, quite neat.

Also, dammit, but I guess it was to be expected that they stopped the message in the last second. I also didn't expect the Iron Giant to go down so easily.

Oh, and Zorro blocked an attack by an Elder Star. That's amazing in itself, but I also didn't expect anything less of him. We are near the end, he should be an incredibly powerful sword fighter by now.
Yeah, not too much unexpected here but wrapped up this little episode well. Was a great moment for Zoro for sure. This is someone who cut Kaido, after all, seems only fair his attack would force one of the five elders to redirect his own.
Joyboy+Joygirl made for a fun panel! Last chapter seemed so concludey, but seems there's a bit more life left in this episode (and in that Robot?? It was a bit anticlimactic that all it did was walk around broadcasting then get blown up, so hopefully we get a cool moment from it before this is actually all over for reals this time


My first reaction to Joygirl was what probably a ton of readers had - that's overpowered. Which is dumb, and I don't even care. Way too focused on One Piece being a shonen manga, where everything is focused on power levels. But considering everything that Bonney has experienced, this works great as an end to her arc. I do hope she will beat up the Elders together with Luffy, at least that bird, so they can get away. It's great, that she is finally free, if only shortly.

Whatever, even if she stays, and we have two op Joypeople for the rest of the manga, I don't think I care. There is just so much else I care more about.

Anyway, you're right, that panel was really fun.

Also agreed on the Iron Giant, I hope he does something actually cool, before we are done. The broadcast isn't over, as I understand it, so there should still be something. Maybe, with two joypeople, it might charge the giant more, and he might through that do something.

Additional far-fetched theory for the end of One Piece: Imagine if Luffys power made it, so that Bonney could achieve Joygirl state. Which might lead to a very final part, where all the straw hats could achieve a super-powered mode in the final battle, after everything looks horrible. Like, Nami being able to actually control the weather, Usopp being able to shoot everything, everywhere. Sounds like a cheap way to beat the final antagonist (I guess the Blackbeard crew?), but I would love it.


Threat Rhyme
There has been some nonsense on Twitter reacting to this chapter. Someone people downright HATE the whole Bonney copying Nika's powers thing, mostly the sort of folk who are obsessed with 'power scaling' and already hate Gear 5 so I mostly ignore them. But they were certainly loud this week.
Not that surprised. I assume Bonny's transformation is still very time-limited, like the last time she tried a Nika future, so it's a double whatever.

That Old Chestnut

Usopp being able to shoot everything
Or be a literal God Usopp and just speak things into existence. Just be like "I am Captain Usopp! I command a thousand ships!" then a thousand ships just POOF! into being. "I have the strength of a thousand men!" then he turns into a giant. People have already pointed out that the shit he makes up ends up becoming true anyway, so might as well take it to its logical conclusion.

Also yeah, all the people bitching about overpowered characters forget that Luffy doesn't necessarily think of Gear 5 as his strongest form, but the one where he's "most free" (he points this out to Bonnie when they all first wash up on Egghead). More of a lateral growth, than a raw power boost.
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That last page! These are the final players of the story. I guess these are the 12 people who will fight to get the One Piece.

Very cool, to see Coby on there. Not too surprising, though, as he is likely the future of the marines, and basically the one who will take Garps role as a hero.

Kuzan is interesting, as an inclusion. I don't think we have any idea what is actually going on with him, so, curious.

Garling, uhm, yeah. I mean, it's clear that he will have a big role to play in the future, but I didn't expect him as a singular player. Especially with Imu there. Another character who might have his own agenda.

Similarly, I wonder why Sabo is on there, when we have Dragon. I really wonder what his role will be.

And then, we have a character in shadows, which, uh, is quite a thing, so late in the game. Maybe we will meet that person on Elbaf? Oh god, we will soon be on Elbaf. I want to know what's up with that Loki guy there.

I mean, this is all assuming that all 12 are their own players, with their own ideas for the future. Without Coby, and maybe Garling, we just would have the representatives of the different, relevant factions. So, I assume these two will have their own agenda.

I'm excited!

And with regards to Bonnie (I forgot to answer there), I like what Oda did. Worked absolutely fine, I think.

Oh, and regarding Saturn: I know he can regenerate, but this looks to me like he got actually destroyed. Which would work fine, considering how Catharina Devon can take on his form.
Not much to add, but still enjoying these last few chapters even if the woah moments have petered out for a bit and we're just seeing the previous ones play out.

That Old Chestnut

Oh, and regarding Saturn: I know he can regenerate, but this looks to me like he got actually destroyed. Which would work fine, considering how Catharina Devon can take on his form.

This might even point toward all the Elder Stars being destroyed, given their telepathy, which would pretty much make Devon's stealthy infiltration of their inner circle a non-starter. Although, it would be an interesting dynamic to have her effectively waltz into the lion's den and be forced to play along as Saturn to help the Elders save face. Either that, or all of them get taken out, and Devon can pose as the last surviving Elder, effectively letting her weaponize the Navy and Holy Knights and whatever other World Government stooges as she sees fit.

Why yes, I DO watch GrandLineReview! How'd you guess?


Not much to add, but still enjoying these last few chapters even if the woah moments have petered out for a bit and we're just seeing the previous ones play out.
Yeah, it's basically cleaning up at this point, with Oda putting everything in the right place, and making sure that the Straw Hats getting away makes sense. Which just takes time, which he fills enjoyably enough. But nothing too out of the ordinary is happening. Which is fine. I still have fun, but especially the last few chapters will be more fun when read in one go, instead of weekly.

Why yes, I DO watch GrandLineReview! How'd you guess?
Me too! I found that channel some months ago, I love listening to his theories and thoughts.

That said, I certainly hope that evil Gandhi isn't dead yet. His design is so amazing, I want him getting a for-real fight against Zorro, who then demolishes him. Dude is one of my favourite designs in the series, he looks so great.


I'm a bit scared of finally reaching Elbaf, because I'm looking forward to it so, so much. I'm not accustomed to really, really looking forward to something, and potentially getting disappointed. But primarily, I trust Oda to give me a fun arc.

This is silly, but I'm so pumped for Elbaf. More than anything else in the manga. Which is kinda insane, because the very end of the last chapter excited me so much, too.


I enjoyed that chapter quite a lot.

Seeing Buggy is always a joy, and I loved how he is like "Me? No, US!" I love seeing him being adored by all these people. Partly because it also means seeing Mihawk and Crocodile, who I simply love seeing.

There is something happening with Caribou. I wonder what especially it is that he heard, that is valuable to Blackbeard. I mean, there is all kinds of stuff, I just wonder if there is one specific peace of info that will give Blackbeard an edge. Maybe what Luffys real dream ist? That dude knows everything the crew knows. Kinda wild.

Seeing Emeth, the giant robot, basically smile made me so happy. Just those cute up-bow eyes. I did wonder how the Strawhats and the giants would get away, with the Elder Stars being nearly unbeatable, and now we know. I liked how it worked out. I am surprised that Dorry and Brogy didn't die. I expected them to have to sacrifice themselves.

Actually, I find it really cool how Emeth unleashed the strongest Emperor Haki ever. Makes me wonder all the more, how Joyboy was ever defeated. The Elder Stars are obviously no match for him.

Also, considering how Imu reacted - I always imagined that the Elder Stars are just parts of Imu, sorta parts of his body he used to create thinking beings. So Saturn being destroyed (I think it's now clear that he is) means a part of Imu was destroyed. Nonsense, of course, we literally see the old fart standing there. Would it make sense for this to be Devon? I just would like for Saturn to be dead. Imu can always make a new one, if I'm right.

I always like seeing Koby. Makes me remember waaaay back, when he first came back and was suddenly really cool. Looking forward to him as a player in the final arc.

So, I guess we are now done, for real, with Egghead.


Threat Rhyme
Haven't read the chapter yet, but I have started watching the Fishman Island arc on Netflix (and hoo boy I'm quickly remembering why this arc killed my desire to keep up with the anime but I'll try to persevere this time) and a couple things happened in that arc that will imminently become important in the manga, I think:

1) Caribou knows Shirahoshi is one of the ancient weapons. How that actually works is anyone's guess, but you know that's what he's passing on to Blackbeard. I think he also knows about the one in Wano, but Shirahoshi is more pertinent because...

2) Madam Shyarley had that premonition that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island. Now, that is bunk if taken literally, but we know the Blackbeard Pirates have a shapeshifting member, Devon, and I could absolutely see her going to Fishman Island disguised as Luffy to kidnap Shirahoshi and probably wreck the place while she's at it.

Kinda wild that Oda planted the seed for all this with Caribou waaaaaaay back when the timeskip happened.


And Oda made me feel bad for Kizaru. Short and effective. And we get another bit of humanity from Sakazuki, who just accepts being screamed at, by someone he seemingly considers close enough to see him as a brother. Makes me wonder even more about his fight with Kuzan. I assume it must have been really hard for both of them.

Honestly, despite what Sakazuki did, when I think of him post-timeskip, I feel like Oda tries to show him in a more sympathetic light. I imagine him as an absolute tyrant, if he could have his way, but also as someone who, in the end, thinks he does it all to keep the people save. And being frustrated with how things work, having to deal with the celestial dipshits now.

Did any of you watch Wickie? The anime (I think it was at least partly produced in Japan) about the young viking boy Wickie, who came along with his father and crew, and always helped them out of hard situations, because he was so smart?

Oda mentioned it in a very early manga note as a show he loved as a kid, and an inspiration for One Piece. Which is always so clear, when we see the Giants. Haven't watched Wickie in years, but the style still reminds me of that show. Maybe that's why the Giants make me so happy.

Also, is that picture of Lilith crying inspired by Charlie Brown? It's not quite that, but with only her giant mouth visible, it seems that way.

Also, some fun stuff with Vivi, Wapol and the newspaper guy. I love how much he loves everything that happened. I do wonder what will happen, though, I imagine what is basically a threat against Vivi will come back in some way. I love how she doesn't give a crap, and isn't scared at all. Vivi is fun. And it's kinda weird to have Wapol now being with her. Weird, but I love it.

Break next week. Oh, well.
Solid place to leave it before a break. Not in the slightest bit surprised that Oda boiled the Vegapunks down to just one to keep the cast slimmer, and that one that survived was The Hot Woman. Oda gonna Oda!

A rare moment there for both Kizaru and Akainu, as you say. This chapter did more than I felt was left to do for the wrap-up chapter!


I can't say that I feel sorry for the old fart, but damn, what a way to go. And very well done, showing Garling taking up the spot first, that was unsuspected.

So, he is clearly in contact with Imu, right? No one else could give him such an order, and make him into an Elder Star. This dude is scary, and I imagine he plays even more his own game, besides whatever Imu wants from him. But this guy creeped me out, since he killed a celestial dragon.

Wait, that also means that the Elder Stars were once regular people. I assumed they might have just been sort-of extensions of Imu. But guess not.
Does make me wonder what/who the Elders even are, yeah. Garling is a Celestial Dragon himself, so that part didn't shock me hugely, but it does place him pretty high on the authority scale even before he's now taking a seat as an Elder. But does that mean the other Elders are Dragons themselves?


I assume that the other Elders predate the Dragons. It feels a bit like Imu is the devil, and they formed a pact with them to make their people(?) into the rulers of the world, and give them special powers.

It also only now it comes clear, what an insanely big deal it is, that Imu replaced an Elder. If what I think is true, that the Elders have been in their position since the beginning, than it's kinda insane that one of them got replaced. The whole thing, a Celestial Dragon becoming an Elder, seems like a big, big thing.

I wonder, what he will turn into. Just as an aside, the more interesting stuff is the rest.

I can't wait for Garling to betray Imu and the Elders, using the power of he devil to become stronger than the devil, and going all evil overlord, or something. The whole absolute control for good is already Akainus thing (not really for good, but I believe him that he believes that he does it for the good of the people), so I guess Garling just wants to become a straight-up fascist overlord? I dunno, but guy got really intriguing to me. Late addition, but damn, I want to learn and see more about him.