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hardcore retro gamin'
Yeah, Max is a beast. Definitely one of the more fun big guys to use in a brawler.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
I've never made a genuine go at getting a 1cc on SoR2, but I've come the closest with Max (the elevator to Mr. X). Though apparently doing it with Axel isn't that tough if you don't mind spamming the GRAND UPPER (it is too late for me to change to "ground," it will always be "grand" for me) through the entire game.


Red Plane
I don’t think I’ll go for a 1CC, just looking to reach the end on default settings (so 2 continues). I had what seemed like a good run with Skate yesterday, getting to stage six without continuing. My first time past R Bear without a continue. Might have been better off using one there though, because the post stage bonus points would have gotten me two extra lives. Instead I used the first continue early in stage six, the second against the stage six boss (without having reached enough points for any extra lives), and got game over on the elevator in seven.

I like how some of the palette swap enemies are themed - the bikers are all weather related, and the kickboxers are birds (my favourite is Pheasant). Number one for me are the knife throwing guys, who have bean themed names: Jack, Beano, and Soya.


Red Plane
I just beat Streets of Rage II. I used Axel and lots of Grand Upper. Wound up finishing on the first credit with about five lives left.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
On one hand, Night Slashers is a top tier beat em up and arguably Data East's greatest game, so this is great news; on the other, Forever Entertainment's track record is spotty, and I don't think they're going to go a 2D route for this...

We'll see!


Fearful asymmetry
I would have been quite happy if we had gotten a proper emulation of the original game, rather than what Johnny Turbo gave us. Turn off that bilinear filtering, damn it! Ugly and blurry is no way to go through life!

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
On one hand, Night Slashers is a top tier beat em up and arguably Data East's greatest game, so this is great news; on the other, Forever Entertainment's track record is spotty, and I don't think they're going to go a 2D route for this...

We'll see!
I hold hope in my heart and dreams in my soul


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
On one hand, Night Slashers is a top tier beat em up and arguably Data East's greatest game, so this is great news; on the other, Forever Entertainment's track record is spotty, and I don't think they're going to go a 2D route for this...

We'll see!

Oh, noooooooooo. What else have they done?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Oh, noooooooooo. What else have they done?
They did the lackluster Panzer Dragoon remake, along with the mediocre Fear Effect Sedna and a lot of various smaller titles. They're doing the upcoming House of the Dead remakes as well. They're swinging high but I don't know if they can actually catch the edge they're so desperate to reach.

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
To be fair, with Panzer Dragoon they at least patched it enough to be solid.

Sedna I will offer no fairness towards


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
True. I just know that whenever I see talk on Panzer Dragoon it's typically tinged in disappointment, patched or not. And I wasn't too enthusiastic, either lol


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Big Hidden Palace update today includes a heretofore unknown to exist brawler for the Genesis based on some '90s comic called Out of the Vortex.


Johnny Unusual

Big Hidden Palace update today includes a heretofore unknown to exist brawler for the Genesis based on some '90s comic called Out of the Vortex.

Ah, I know the comic. It's part of Dark Horse's attempt at a superhero line consisting mostly of antiheroes. I actually read the X series when I got it in the discount bin. It's not as bad as you might expect from a line trying to be very grim and gritty but it was rather forgettable, a poor man's V for Vendetta. It was all mid-tier storytelling and I'm going to assume that this tone is similar across the board. The most famous of the Dark Horse heroes line was Barb Wire, because of it's movie. And last decade, they tried to revive it. I didn't read most of the books but Joe Casey's "Catalyst Comix" is a pretty decent attempt to be a weird book with big wild ideas.

Dark Horse has been great at being a company that feels like a bridge between creator owned and controlled books (and being THE named in independent comics in the 80s in terms of accessibility) and companies dedicated to licensing like IDW and Dynamite. The Dark Horse Heroes line never quite worked in either of these, neither fish nor fowl and I felt like it tried to be in a morally flexible world but nothing about it stood out.

The main conceit of the shared universe is mostly generic. As usual, some big event made superhumans happen. One city is a crimehole for supercriminals and had Barb Wire and The Wolf Gang (which was a superhuman version of the film The Warriors), one is a big glorious city that's also the flashpoint of a conflict between superheroes shaking loose their government handlers and... I don't even remember the rest. But it was very based around a few major cities.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
Extremely late to the party, but CaliScrub got me back on Streets of Rage 4 after I bounced off it pretty hard on my own; then, recently, in the search for another co-op game to play together, I suggested it to my girlfriend and she got a little hooked. She's a Blaze stan and unlocked all her alt moves.

Me, I think Estel is still my best character. Her alt blitz, the flying scythe, combos so beautifully into her charged special (which then combos beautifully into another charged special...) that I can just leap about the room, slamming and double-slamming enemies on the ground. It is so nice to not have to wait for them to stand back up to continue kicking their asses (and if I'm in survival, getting elements on that key power hit to boot!).

Shiva is my next fave, though I didn't really know what I was doing with him until this morning. See, it was only today that I glanced down the training list to all the (Character)'s Tricks entries and realized what I was overlooking, and damn. One thing was to see the kind of combos you could pull off. Shiva's combo into air combo (or air down-combo) plus air-down-special was a little revelatory. (Although it seems like every other time I try it, instead of jumping into an attack combo, I jump and do a behind-attack that I had no intention of doing or remotely input, to my knowledge.) But even though Estel's didn't really reveal any new mechanics to me, just seeing the kind of combos they intended to be possible, with all the jump cancels into def specials into off specials or whatever, impressed (and kinda intimidated) me.

Cherry's the character I want to be my favorite but can't quiiiite get the hang of. Having Cherry's bounce kicks, pummel, and mid-air power punch explained was also fantastic, and suddenly she felt a lot more powerful - though I still had a lot of trouble pulling off the grabs in Survival mode, jumping or otherwise. I feel like Cherry is the character where the planes feel the thinnest - like I'll be an inch behind or in front of someone and not be able to grab or hit them, but then they hit me relatively easily; this happens with every character but it seems like I notice it more frequently and more acutely than with others.

I'm thinking of poking at Adam next. Maybe Floyd or Max, but I feel like I enjoy the idea of a slow, grapple-heavy character more than I would actually playing them. Or not, who knows!


Fearful asymmetry
You know what's surprising? Despite its super-shiny graphics, The Takeover is actually a pretty good (if extremely derivative) beat 'em up. It could have been Streets of Rage 4 if we didn't already get one of those. If it's still five dollars on the Switch, get in on that.