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Nintendo makes best new Pokemon ever, plus also Pokemon Scarlet/Violet is a thing


Round and round I go
Staff member
If you'd shown me those starters in black and white, I'd have put money on fire and grass being reversed.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Peppers just a spicy apple

Also, I'd be interested to know what the Japanese names for the two versions are. Color words can be tough to translate.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
That person is bringing us the content we all need in these times.

On a semi-related note, the Spanish-inflected names Sprigatito and Fuecoco make me wonder if this game is going to be set in a region based on Iberia or Latin America.


Staff member
From the trailer it looks like the Netherlands or maybe Belgium to me, but it's hard to say just from windmills or the MC's floppy hat.

Edit: There's palm trees too. Spain seems like a likely guess the more I think on it.


Summon for hire
From other clues in the trailer, people have decided it’s pretty definitively Spain/Portugal.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
There are direct riffs on specific Spanish landmarks.


I cuss you bad
I'm kind of excited we have a Poké Europe region of many countries now, giving an area like in generations 1-4. Britain, France and Spain, nice.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Zero chance those professors aren't evil, right?

edit: Lechonk new best mon


The Goggles Do Nothing
Was this already established? It looks like the difference in exclusive legendaries and the professors seems to indicate the dichotomy is past(prehistoric)/future this go 'round. I hope that means Scarlet has more t-rexes by volume.