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Wait did they just drop a bunch of games on the eShop or is there a collecton? I am deeply confused right now and may have thrown money away.


There’s a collection. Six of the games on the collection were previously released as separate titles, four have not been. There’s no word of whether the additional games will also get separate releases.

So yeah, it’s kind of a middle finger to people who were already buying the games.


I wasn't even already buying them. I picked this up like, earlier this month, with the actual collection apparently completely buried everywhere I look. How annoying.



imma buy this


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Me, looking at this image: Custom box, ok... Classic packaging, meh. Oh, a steelbook [wanking motion]. Hey that poster is kinda neat, though I don't know where I'd hang it right now... Retrospective book?! WELL I GUESS I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Parish wrote the book to serve as an "NGPC Works" style thing, for what it's worth. I'm probably going all in on this one.


This is gonna help a lot in prettying up the little Neo Geo Pocket nook I’ve been slowly making on my bookshelf. I’m really excited.
Parish wrote the book to serve as an "NGPC Works" style thing, for what it's worth. I'm probably going all in on this one.


Europe is getting a completely different collector’s edition, looks like. It has a lot more stuff, most notably a clamshell repro case with inserts for every game, but honestly I think it looks worse than Limited Run’s effort. I don’t think the box would look as nice on a shelf and the included book looks to be an art book rather than a detailed retrospective.

They’re printing it in very limited quantities and in two different versions, so it’s gonna be a nightmare for collectors. Limited Run’s business model really is ideal for this sort of thing, even if it delays getting the finished project for months.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Putting a record in there is neat, but I'm definitely not trying to get in on 1/600 fast enough.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Pix n' Love does fine stuff, but I find LRG to be generally better. And yeesh, this dual version shit is annoying lol
That seems kind of weird, to do SNK and Capcom LEs, when Capcom represents half of 1 game in the 10 game collection. Now if this had Card Fighters' Clash, then it would be justified.


Card Fighters' Clash is out! I may pick this up even assuming it'll be in a collection.

$7.99 gets you both versions of the game and both languages of the game, each with separate save files. And apparently save files of the same language can interact with each other. Like, on the same system, if I'm reading correctly. Neat! I'm unsure if you can trade or battle with people on other systems, though.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
Yeah, I saw the game shadow launched this morning and I brought it up over in the Discord. This is honestly the most excited I've been about a NGPC rerelease since Match of the Millennium. I mean, I still have not yet bought Match of the Millennium, but only 'cuz fighters are a sometimes food for me and there's so much other cool stuff I'd like to buy on the eShop.

I did buy Cardfighters' Clash, though! I am loving it, it's a lot easier to get into than I thought it would be.


Fearful asymmetry
It's extremely accessible. Some people compared it to Yu-Gi-Oh, but I own one of the PSP games, and it's impenetrable to newcomers, likely due to years of feature creep. CFC is as easy as a collectible card game can be to learn while still having strategic merit, which is why I was a big fan of the first two games and utterly despised the more complicated third one on the DS.

Crap. I'm talking myself into a purchase. I own the original on NGPC; I don't need this! (Although I doubt I'll ever see my system or its games again, at the rate things are going.)


The second salvo of games has definitely been quirkier than the first. I was not expecting Big Bang Wrestling or Biomotor Unitron. Neither of those games are particularly good, but I'm glad they seem to be digging deep with these now. Biomotor

If this datamine is to be believed, there are potentially some exciting things coming down the pipe. The major one is Faselei! of course, that's one of the crown jewels of the system, but more surprisingly is Ganbare Neo Poke Kun and King of Fighters Battle de Paradise, neither of which had localized releases. The two likely scenarios here are either that they'll get Japanese-only rereleases, or else they were localized but never released because the system's life was cut short.

There's also no sign of Sonic but I can't imagine SEGA will be hard to convince on that front.

In any case, it's just a datamine and as such a rumor, so who knows. I hope so, though!


Also, the Limited Run collection showed up, and it is gorgeous and huge. Parish's Works-style book is especially amazing.

The box really glows up my NGPC shrine:


(Those other boxes aren't real, they're tiny paper boxes I'm doing as a crafting project to justify the exorbitant cost of this collection)


Fearful asymmetry
I'm down for Crush Roller. Probably the only NGP game aside from Card Fighter's Clash that has any hope of playing well on the Switch.

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
I’ve been chomping for Faselai since NGPC games started showing up.

Sonic, Mega Man Power Battles and Ogre Battle are the only remaining holdouts and I’d consider them “plausible” “unlikely” and “impossible” to see show up


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Crush Roller was inexplicably added to the Steam version of the Volume 1 collection and yet to be ported elsewhere. Otherwise I'm pleased to see some of the potential titles and hope they do come to pass.


Fearful asymmetry
I've got Match of the Millennium. It plays rather crappily on a Switch Lite. It runs okay, but the D-pad is nowhere near as responsive or reliable as the click stick was on actual hardware. I suspect a maze game like Crush Roller which uses cardinal directions would play just fine on a Switch, though.


Also, the Limited Run collection showed up, and it is gorgeous and huge. Parish's Works-style book is especially amazing.

The box really glows up my NGPC shrine:


(Those other boxes aren't real, they're tiny paper boxes I'm doing as a crafting project to justify the exorbitant cost of this collection)
That looks killer. I love it.


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
The second salvo of games has definitely been quirkier than the first. I was not expecting Big Bang Wrestling or Biomotor Unitron. Neither of those games are particularly good, but I'm glad they seem to be digging deep with these now.

Big Bang Pro Wrestling is Good, Actually. It's not FiPro on the GBA, but it's a very decent FiPro clone (with a full English script, despite never coming stateside) done by S-NEO who the previous year helped out with FiPro G on the PS1, and the following year would work on FiPro D for the Dreamcast (and eventually on FiPro Returns for PS2).


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Oh, yeah, if you like FiPro you'll definitely enjoy it. The biggest thing that separates it from proper FiPro is the limited roster.


Wow, I was not expecting this one. Putting out Japan-only third party releases bodes pretty well for the future of this series.


..and his little cat, too
Wow, I was not expecting this one. Putting out Japan-only third party releases bodes pretty well for the future of this series.
Within a week of the arcade versions being released on every available platform, at that.