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Mega Microdome$: Voting


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Well, that information should have been in the places I went looking when I tried to confirm the artists for every single nomination.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
It's a tie between Nintendo Gamecube Intro and Bloody Tears. My normal tiebreaker criterion (use my own vote) isn't fully defined in a battle royale context, so I flipped a coin. Bloody Tears is the winner of the West Division, the Very Short Dome! Congratulations to @Torzelbaum for killing Dracula twice.

Now it's time for the Grand Finals, a Battle Royale format featuring the winners of each division!

Nominated by @RT-55J: "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" by They Might Be Giants
- vs. -
Nominated by @Violentvixen: "Moonsong" by Pixel
- vs. -
Nominated by @Torzelbaum: "Vampire Killer (Remix)" be Kenichi Matsubara
- vs. -
Nominated by @Torzelbaum: "Bloody Tears" by Kenichi Matsubara

Edit: vote for any one, two, or three of those songs.
Last edited:


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Same as always: at least 24 hours, and in practice probably longer. This hasn't changed. Why are you asking me this now, on the last vote?
I wasn't sure if you were going to extend that limit since it's the final.


(he / his / him)
Well, that information should have been in the places I went looking when I tried to confirm the artists for every single nomination.
Just to wrap this up, I got it directly from Kinuyo Yamashita from an interview here: https://www.legacymusichour.com/2011/07/legacy-music-hour-episode-36-kinuyo.html

Brent: What was Satoe Terashima's involvement with Castlevania? Did she compose any of the music? Or did she only do sound effects and programming?

Kinuyo Yamashita: Terashima-san composed some music from Castlevania. She didn't make the sound effects. We didn't collaborate, we made songs separately. So all the music from Castlevania is from Terashima-san or me.

Brent: Can you list the songs you composed for Castlevania? And can you list the songs Terashima-san composed?

Kinuyo Yamashita: Terashima-san composed Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 6, and Ending. I composed Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5, Boss, Dracula, and Dracula 2.

The list I provided earlier has the track names for the stages Konami assigned them.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Turkish Delight on a Moonlit Night (Istanbul + Moonsong)

fun bonus: a remix of moonsong that somebody released yesterday


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
It's a two-way tie. A coin flip tie-breaker decides that Istanbul (Not Constantinople) is the grand champion. Congratulations to They Might Be Giants for producing the official best song ever. Let us now wreathe @RT-55J in glory. Also, congratulations to @Bongo whose facilitation made this contest possible.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Thank you one and all for the votes, and another thanks to Bongo's magical coin for breaking the tie in my favor! I couldn't have done it without it!

all kayfabe aside, this was really fun. thank you everyone who participated


Summon for hire
It may not have been my nom, but I’ll take a TMBG win any day.
Thanks for running, Bongo!