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Yes, the same Battle Royale rules as before.Is it multiple votes for this one?
So how long do we have to vote?Yes, the same Battle Royale rules as before.
Same as always: at least 24 hours, and in practice probably longer. This hasn't changed. Why are you asking me this now, on the last vote?So how long do we have to vote?
I wasn't sure if you were going to extend that limit since it's the final.Same as always: at least 24 hours, and in practice probably longer. This hasn't changed. Why are you asking me this now, on the last vote?
Just to wrap this up, I got it directly from Kinuyo Yamashita from an interview here: https://www.legacymusichour.com/2011/07/legacy-music-hour-episode-36-kinuyo.htmlWell, that information should have been in the places I went looking when I tried to confirm the artists for every single nomination.
Brent: What was Satoe Terashima's involvement with Castlevania? Did she compose any of the music? Or did she only do sound effects and programming?
Kinuyo Yamashita: Terashima-san composed some music from Castlevania. She didn't make the sound effects. We didn't collaborate, we made songs separately. So all the music from Castlevania is from Terashima-san or me.
Brent: Can you list the songs you composed for Castlevania? And can you list the songs Terashima-san composed?
Kinuyo Yamashita: Terashima-san composed Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 6, and Ending. I composed Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5, Boss, Dracula, and Dracula 2.
Turkish Delight on a Moonlit Night (Istanbul + Moonsong)
Dang that's a fun remixfun bonus: a remix of moonsong that somebody released yesterday