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Mega Microdome$: Voting


excused from moderation duty
Staff member

Johnny Unusual



Summon for hire
Dang, I love every one of these. But since I can’t vote for them all, I guessss I’ll just shore up my own Kass.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
The winner of the East Division, the Smashdome, is "Vampire Killer (Remix)" by Kenichi Matsubara. Congratulations to @Torzelbaum for vanquishing the terrible night.

West Division: Very Short Dome Battle Royale
Nominated by @Torzelbaum: "Vampire Killer" by Kinuyo Yamashita. Hang on, didn't we just...?
- vs. -
Nominated by @Olli: "Nintendo Gamecube Intro" by Toru Minegishi
- vs. -
Nominated by @Torzelbaum: "Bloody Tears" by Kenichi Matsubara
- vs. -
Nominated by @Issun: "Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap" by Toby Fox

Vote for any one, two, or three of those songs.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
My votes: Nintendo Gamecube Intro and Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap.


The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
Bloody Tears and Vampire Killer, with a lovely nod to the Gamecube

Also, since I spent a lot of time sorting out OG Castlevania's development history, "Vampire Killer" was composed by Satoe Terashima, who also did "Stalker", "Voyager", and "Out of Time". Kinuyo Yamashita did the other tracks, "Wicked Child", "Heart of Fire", "Black Night", "Nothing to Lose", "Poison Mind" and "Walking on the Edge".