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Post Reader
This thread is for discussing The Mandalorian, the Star Wars TV show on Disney+. The second season premiered today. I have not watched it yet.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Disappointed this isn't a dedicated Michael Mando thread.
I genuinely thought that this is what it was going to be, and I was here for it.

I have never seen The Mandalorian. I'd like to at some point, though!

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
As someone whose a medium Star Wars fan, is there anything especially noteworthy about the Darksaber, other than the colour, or is it just important to Mandalorians
I watched the first episode of season 2. It was uh. It was fine. But nothing really to write home to. At first, I was disappointed that Mando immediately went back to Tatooine. Way to make the Star Wars universe feel smaller than my backyard. Next I was disappointed that the episode was basically just the mudhorn episode all over again. And at the end, I was disappointed when they teased Boba Fett. Way to make the Star Wars universe feel smaller than my backyard! Still looked great, sounded great, and Timothy Olyphant was a delight. Hopefully the rest of the season offers more variety than Star Wars Greatest Hits vol. 5. Mando is at its best when it's doing new things and making the Star Wars universe more rich and expansive, and it's at its worst when it keeps retreading the old stuff for memberberries.


I cuss you bad
I almost always hate it when things try to pander to me, but damn, that was some S class pandering. I genuinely found it great, it expanded Tatooine, picked up on a thread from last series, made Mando more unambiguously heroic, and had the outright balls to have a scene with 5 or so participants where 4 of them were fully masked and they were speaking Tusken.

Bearing in mind the episode apparently was set in the Dune Sea near Jabba's Palace it makes sense that Weequay could be in it, also the Sarlacc pit. Anakin's podracer engine converted into a speeder is pushing it though


Post Reader
I liked the episode. Sure, going back to Tatooine again is old hat, but it was just well put together and fun. And of course they brought Boba back after bringing his armor back.


I cuss you bad
So “Nope, just neat looking and Symbolic for those Boba Fetty guys”

Yeah, I'm yet to be convinced I should care about that. "Cool lightsaber in the hand of someone who categorically can't use it" isn't that exciting

Although it's catnip to Mando based on this episode
it expanded Tatooine
It did, but not in a way I felt was very meaningful. A tiny village that looks just like everything else we've seen on the planet doesn't really do much for me. Now, if they had delivered a truly and meaningfully different locale like say, an underground city, or an oasis village, or into the mines they were talking about, or an orbital elevator, or a mountain top village, or something that represented a true departure from what we've previously seen and adds diversity to the setting, I would have been ok with it. But that's not really what we got.


I cuss you bad
I think that's the whole point of Tatooine. "Tatooine is sparsely populated" after all. It expanded the stuff we already know about, but Tatooine is the arse end of the galaxy, they shouldn't suddenly make it packed full of interesting things.


Post Reader
I appreciated the expansion of sand people into more of a culture and not a mob of enemies it's ok to kill
I think that's the whole point of Tatooine. "Tatooine is sparsely populated" after all. It expanded the stuff we already know about, but Tatooine is the arse end of the galaxy, they shouldn't suddenly make it packed full of interesting things.
I mean, if the place isn't full of interesting things then why do we keep going back to a place that's fundamentally uninteresting?

There's fascinating things literally everywhere, it just takes a different perspective to focus in on such things or to find wonder in them. Just because not a lot of people live there doesn't mean there isn't a bunch of cool stuff to do. But we keep going back to the place to do... nothing much really. Tatooine hasn't had a meaningful expansion of what goes on there since pod racing.

I appreciated the expansion of sand people into more of a culture and not a mob of enemies it's ok to kill
I did too, but Mando S1 did that already tho to a lesser extent, so they're really just elaborating on something they already did. The scenes of Mando grunting at the raiders tho was a lot of fun.


I cuss you bad
mean, if the place isn't full of interesting things then why do we keep going back to a place that's fundamentally uninteresting?

Because it's the place of lost things. Where do you go to be forgotten? Somewhere like Tatooine.

And be honest, this episode had a very good reason to go back there


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
Who doesn't want a lizard dog now?

Also let's hear it for this good boy persevering!
Last edited:


Same as I ever was
Solid episode, further effectively humanizes the Tuskens, and obviously that's Boba Fett, who I figured would be in this as soon as Morrison was cast as Rex.


I cuss you bad
Also let's hear it for this good boy persevering!

That's where it starts pushing it a bit, it even had the burn marks around its motivator

further effectively humanizes the Tuskens,

This I really liked - it improves a show when whole races aren't one-note villains. It was funny though, as I was doing the running explanation to Mrs Phantoon all of the Tatooine things I mentioned (Krayt Dragon, Sarlacc, Boba Fett's resting place, Weequay) came up. NB I didn't immediately think of Weequay, I'm not that weird. But when I saw the bartender I immediately said "that looks like Weequay"


Same as I ever was
It stretches things a little, but it (and Cobb's speeder, which is one of Anakin's podracer engines) also adds to the idea that Tatooine is a land of constantly repurposed and recycled junk because not much new ever shows up there.

And it's funny.


Same as I ever was
I mean, maybe not literally his, but Vance was in Mos Espa before, so who knows? Same kind of engine at least. But it doesn't really matter, and The Mandalorian people are smart enough to throw in little easter eggs like that without explicitly saying "Yes that is literally Anakin's engine, THE Anakin, whomst became Darth Vader!!"


I cuss you bad
It does make sense that Tatooine is Space Cuba and nothing is allowed to go to waste, I guess. There seem to be three settlements total in that part of the planet


Same as I ever was
I mean, even if it were I wouldn't expect it to look exactly the same after ~50+ years of resalvaging and repair, you know? It's close enough in any case.