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John Allison's Scary Go Round et al.


Threat Rhyme
That does suck. I'm not at all familiar with Conan's status in the public domain either but I didn't think this story stepped on any legal toes.


Sudden chomper
This fucking sucks...
God damn it, copyright law sucks. I did a quick search of various reddit threads and it seems like the public-domaininess of Conan isn't 100% certain, especially in the USA. I have no idea if the IP holder is overstepping their bounds or not with this claim, but either way it's really shitty.

I will say that copies of the 2nd issue were sent out to Patreon backers (such as myself), so at least that much is out there...


According to some person in the comments, the Conan copyright is public domain, but a company owns the trademark for some Conan related products. That company can't technically stop someone from selling a new story using Conan, but they can threaten an expensive enough lawsuit based on whatever they do own that it's not worth challenging them.

Yep, it sucks.


Sudden chomper
I don't have either on-hand right now to compare, but I think it does. He sent out 22 pages for the second chapter and I'm pretty sure only about half that many were published online. Sending me a DM might not be a bad idea, is all I'm saying.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
This is horseshit. What a bummer. And I know he's been publicly struggling lately to find what he enjoys drawing and remain relevant/successful, and this must be a huge shot to his mood, creativity, and motivation.

Also, the comic was good and fun!


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Well. I don't know where I expected this latest story to go, but this wasn't it. I'm very here for it, though!


Sudden chomper
In his most recent Patreon email, Allison announced that he's finally going to conclude the story started in Wicked Things way back in 2020! Wicked Things was meant to be kind of what Solver is now, a long-running police procedural starring Charlotte, modeled after something like The Mentalist. Sadly, the series never took off and the publisher didn't order any more issues, so the whole thing ended on a big cliffhanger after 6 issues. AFAIK, those comics have never been published on his website, but they make for a fun (if somewhat truncated) read. It's nice to see John exorcising this particular demon, he's talked a lot about how he wished things could have worked out for Wicked Things in the past.


Sudden chomper
It's supposed to be a Solver story, so I think it will appear on the website. But if you want the context, you should probably grab a copy of Wicked Things from your preferred comics retailer, it's not bad!