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So, nobody's talked about the GDQ runs at all yet (spoilers: everything ruled)...
Selicre has notably been coding their own set of tools for SMW hacking as an alternative to Lunar Magic, and used them to make both this and their KLDC level. On the RHR Discord, Mars said that when they become publicly available, "it's going to be a cultural reset". I should stress that this level (and the KLDC one) don't require any extra chips or anything to run, it's all native. Personally, I can't wait to see what people come up with when they get the chance.
I played the level earlier today and it was sick as hell. If this is a clue about what the future of kaizo can be, I'm here for it.
Yeah, so from what I've seen D4 say, their level is basically streaming an mp4 through MSU-1, and all the interaction (i.e. hit detection) is based on the pixels of the video itself. There are no sprites! I can't immediately find a link but she also did an AMA on Reddit about it, it's worth looking into for sure.That said, I did see the new D4/Dan Salvato level and holy cow, it was incredibly impressive. I should finish watching the VOD soon, I'm curious to see the rest of the levels. From what I've heard, getting the hack to work is pretty tough, in that it requires both MSU and SA-1? I should be able to run it on the MiSTer, might try to do so eventually.