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It'sa me, Kaizo Mario!


can stop, will stop
It looks like it's filled with a ton of really creative setups and obstacles, but I don't enjoy cape enough to want to boot it up. I wish I did, seems like a great hack!


can stop, will stop
Key jumps continued, morale improved. (Key jumps also improved!)


Now that I know how to do these, it's actually pretty fun. Turns out Arisendead was right when he said that you just need a little bit of practice! I kinda want to get the key jump practice hack that abc_ore streams just to keep messing around. I don't know why but I feel like honing this useless skill some more.

Anyway, when I haven't been key jumping, I've been playing AbstractTribe's new hack Fulfill the Dream. It's really good, but also really tough! It was submitted as intermediate but I feel like this is definitely an expert hack. In any case, really creative and brainy setups. I'm five exits in and looking forward to more.


can stop, will stop
Been quiet, huh? June has been a busy month, but I finished Fulfill the Dream last night. Overall I liked this hack a lot, but it has some issues. As I mentioned in my last post, it really feels like this should've been expert rather than intermediate. A lot of the setups are very tight, and there's a lot of what I perceived as creator bias -- there are so many obstacles where you just have to know exactly what's going on, or else you'll die.

Having said that, once you do know what you're doing, the setups are super clever and very original. The section lengths are typically pretty short and fair, which I suspect is why the moderators kept this in intermediate. As a whole it's packed with cool ideas and I'm glad I played it, I just felt like it could've chilled out a bit more sometimes.

Key jump PB is currently at 6 btw.


can stop, will stop
Just popping in from my vacation to say that I did a classic switch palace wall jump into yump...on my Pocket.

(I also played most of Quickie World 2 while waiting in the airport last week, but that doesn't feel as noteworthy.)


can stop, will stop
Unfortunately not, all of the GDQ runs are at like 3 AM for me right now. Gonna have to catch up on everything in VOD form next week.


can stop, will stop
I've been playing pretty much just Elden Ring since the DLC dropped/I got home from vacation, but today I wanted to get a little Mario time in. I saw that Buflen released a beginner-level version of Chicanery while I was out of town (appropriate entitled Chicanery Beginner Edition) and that felt like the perfect way to get back into things. Turns out I made a good choice, the hack is great! Buflen did a fantastic job of stripping his levels down to the core and rebuilding them to be completely beginner-friendly. He really took the time to make this a solid hack in its own right. Many of the levels are brand new takes on their original concepts, plus there are five brand new levels as a bonus. It's an excellent companion piece to the original hack. Beginners will have a fun and varied challenge along the lines of the Quickie series, more advanced players get to have a chill time just doing some flowy kaizo stuff. There are 23 exits but it only took me an hour to clear. That's a credit to how readable these setups are; even after a month away from the game, I was able to one-shot multiple sections (occasionally entire levels). This definitely gets a big recommendation from me, no matter how experienced you may be.


can stop, will stop
Lush_50 seems to be making Nightmare Cafes again! Tonight in my continuing derust work, I played Nightmare Cafe Origins, which came out while I was away. It's good! I think Lush is pushing himself in some new directions this time. It's not super long (50ish rooms) but some of them are deceptively tough, and still feel fresh after god knows how many entries in the series. Nice little 45 minute hack.

He's just put out another one as well (Nightmare Cafe - Ninji's Adventure), so I'll probably get to that at some point too. I think I want to play something a little more substantial for my next hack, though.


can stop, will stop
So, nobody's talked about the GDQ runs at all yet (spoilers: everything ruled), but last night was another community milestone: week 300 of Romhack Races. If you didn't catch it live, go take a look at the VOD. If you remember Selicre from winning the most recent KLDC with their mind-blowing entry, they teamed up with MarsAmpere to bring us yet another level unlike anything that's been seen before. Selicre has notably been coding their own set of tools for SMW hacking as an alternative to Lunar Magic, and used them to make both this and their KLDC level. On the RHR Discord, Mars said that when they become publicly available, "it's going to be a cultural reset". I should stress that this level (and the KLDC one) don't require any extra chips or anything to run, it's all native. Personally, I can't wait to see what people come up with when they get the chance.

I played the level earlier today and it was sick as hell. If this is a clue about what the future of kaizo can be, I'm here for it.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
oooh nice that's a neat level.

Is this new tooling of Selicre's moving away from the classical Lunar Magic romhacking method of treating the ROM as a binary blob to poke, and moving towards editing discrete files that can be applied to a fully symbolic disassembly?


can stop, will stop
You'd have to speak to them about the specifics, I have yet to see the tools myself. But I believe it's something along those lines! I can say for certain that it's meant to replace Lunar Magic while also being capable of so much more.

I mentioned Selicre's KLDC (Kaizo Level Design Contest, run annually by SMW Central) level in my last post, and you should take a look at that one too. In my opinion it's even more impressive, and I need to stress that both of these levels run on a normal SNES without SA1. In the comments they talk a tiny bit about how they pulled it off, and mention that their editor will be released "at some point soon". So we'll all probably be learning more about it any day now!


Sudden chomper
So, nobody's talked about the GDQ runs at all yet (spoilers: everything ruled)...

I was able to watch the SSStWW run live and it was super fun. I missed catching the relay race live so I went back and I've watched the first 4-5 levels on the VOD. I honestly didn't like it as much as the one from two years ago (which is admittedly a high bar) because I found the level gimmicks were pretty confusing. Like, even as someone who has played dozens of kaizo hacks, I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. So I'd imagine that your average viewer probably found it to be a little overwhelming! That said, I did see the new D4/Dan Salvato level and holy cow, it was incredibly impressive. I should finish watching the VOD soon, I'm curious to see the rest of the levels. From what I've heard, getting the hack to work is pretty tough, in that it requires both MSU and SA-1? I should be able to run it on the MiSTer, might try to do so eventually.

I only watched the first few levels of the GPW3 run because spoilers, but it seemed pretty cool.

Selicre has notably been coding their own set of tools for SMW hacking as an alternative to Lunar Magic, and used them to make both this and their KLDC level. On the RHR Discord, Mars said that when they become publicly available, "it's going to be a cultural reset". I should stress that this level (and the KLDC one) don't require any extra chips or anything to run, it's all native. Personally, I can't wait to see what people come up with when they get the chance.

I played the level earlier today and it was sick as hell. If this is a clue about what the future of kaizo can be, I'm here for it.

OK, you've definitely piqued my interest. Maybe I'll load this one up tonight and have a look for myself...


can stop, will stop
That said, I did see the new D4/Dan Salvato level and holy cow, it was incredibly impressive. I should finish watching the VOD soon, I'm curious to see the rest of the levels. From what I've heard, getting the hack to work is pretty tough, in that it requires both MSU and SA-1? I should be able to run it on the MiSTer, might try to do so eventually.
Yeah, so from what I've seen D4 say, their level is basically streaming an mp4 through MSU-1, and all the interaction (i.e. hit detection) is based on the pixels of the video itself. There are no sprites! I can't immediately find a link but she also did an AMA on Reddit about it, it's worth looking into for sure.

As for the entire relay hack itself, the version they raced on stage is currently available through the RHR Discord, and they're working on "an extended version of the hack, one without format limitations" that they want to get up on SMW Central by the end of August. I'm not totally sure what that means, since I don't think D4 and Dan's level can run without MSU-1, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.