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Information wants to be Free, just like these games

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Homeworld Remastered is free on Epic right now. I've not played through the remastered version but the original is one of the most beautiful looking and sounding games I have ever played.

I have played the remastered version, and I can confirm that it looks even better now, and the game design hasn't aged a day. Just a ludicrously gorgeous game.


Today's is Cat Quest which I've never heard of but looks cute.

Honestly I wonder if the Epic store will even be around by the time I get around to setting something up that can actually play my Epic games. I must have 100 free games on there by now, yeesh.


I have "only" 73 games, and I certainly didn't pay for a single one of them. Sad that I only have played two of them, especially considering how many interesting titles are in there. But I have a similar problem like VV, at least two games are just too demanding for my pc. But there are also definitely a lot that should work fine.


Todays game is Snakebird Complete. If you enjoy brutally hard puzzle games, you should get it. It's played on a 2d grid, and you play a creature like the Snake snake, just with a bird head (which are really adorable). Meaning that, if you eat a fruit (and eating all the fruit in a level is the goal), you grow a block.

Snakebird is brutally hard. But this also has Snakebird Primer, which is the same game, but with waaayy easier puzzles, making the start go smoother. It's a really neat puzzle game.


lofi posts to relax/study to
Judging by the promo gift wrap image, I'm taking a wild guess that tomorrow's free Epic Store game is Disco Elysium.


I should replay that game. Amazing experience, if you are into narrative games, and can live without combat.


Escape Academy is todays free Epic game. It is an escape room game, single- and multiplayer. Looks fun.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Ex Vitro, a Metroidvania that is been in development for over 12 years is about to see its 1.0 release it looks like. Apparently it was originally a Metroid fangame before the dev got skittish and changed it to an original IP (that was 11 years ago based on trailers and well before the AM2R takedown though, so I'm not sure what event sparked the change).

In any case it's being released for free and it's got a long lost XBox Indie Game vibe to it that I'm kind of digging, so I'm going to check it out at least.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters is the official rebrand of the game originally released in 1992 as Star Control 2, now unencumbered by the last remnant of the trademark dispute between its creators and Stardock. It's been repackaged on Steam to build publicity for its sequel, and it is still one of the best games ever made.


Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters is the official rebrand of the game originally released in 1992 as Star Control 2, now unencumbered by the last remnant of the trademark dispute between its creators and Stardock. It's been repackaged on Steam to build publicity for its sequel, and it is still one of the best games ever made.
So if I have Star Control II (I bought Star Control I & II on Steam, some time ago), there is no point in getting Free Stars, right? Or is there any difference, aside from the name?


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
This is basically the open source version, which combines some of the enhancements of the old DOS and 3DO versions and other modernizations.
I played Ur-Quan Masters back when it was a fan project on Sourceforge. If Free Stars is the same thing, it's better than the DOS version of Star Control II for sure... but Star Control II is indeed one of the best games ever, no matter the version.


Summon for hire
Aw dang, I thought something relatively lightweight like 20 Mazes might be multiplat on itch, but it's PC only at the moment.


Round and round I go
Staff member

Free right now.