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Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
What I want to know is who thought the garish ms paint hand on a yellow background was a good choice?


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
There are some diehard Fire Emblem fans who grew up with and know only of Waifus and Husbandos.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I have that too and I know how much it sucks. About the only advice I can offer is try to take care of it and keep it from getting any worse (which I wasn't able to do).


My wife had bouts of sciatica in 2019 and 2020. Just laze about when it flares up, and try and identify what sets it off and don't do those things are the best advice I can give/


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Just heard a cover of an Interpol song. I remember when my older brother was pulling the Pitchfork music snob routine over this new undiscovered band and wouldn't stop playing "Stella was a Diver and She's Always Down".


can stop, will stop
Just heard a cover of an Interpol song. I remember when my older brother was pulling the Pitchfork music snob routine over this new undiscovered band and wouldn't stop playing "Stella was a Diver and She's Always Down".
I just saw a thing the other day about how it was that album's 20th anniversary, and I was like "That can't be right, I got that album in high school...wait, fuck."

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Just heard a cover of an Interpol song. I remember when my older brother was pulling the Pitchfork music snob routine over this new undiscovered band and wouldn't stop playing "Stella was a Diver and She's Always Down".

Well, what can I say? I guess it really is different now that I’m poor and aging.


Saw Incubus at an outdoor concert last night. The second Brandon Boyd started seeing and the lights came on I was stunned at how much older his voice sounds and how much older he looked. Then at one point in the concert he talked about how he needed to sit onstage now, and that he's named the stool Blaine and "I hate him but he's good for me".

He's still attractive (I actually like the gray streaks in his hair), the setlist was perfect and it was a great show but that first moment gave me a bit of a shock! I had a huge crush on him in high school/college, mainly due to the Drive video.

That Apollo's belt, damn. Also, oddly, the moment that his cartoon self draws his jawline.

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
I just got a haircut and I was wearing my FFVIII shirt. My hairdressers told ne how he and his best friend beat it when he was a kid. When he swept the floor afterwards he cleaned up my cut hair and the ashes from my mortal coil.


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
Eiji Aonuma turned 60 this week. I guess this feel more like a shocker considering that while he took the reigns of Zelda over from Miyamoto decades ago, Miyamoto still has yet to retire.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
Noodle from The Gorillaz is canonically in her early 30s, quickly approaching mid 30s.
Damon Albarn had only been "The guy from Blur" for less than 10 years when he started the Gorillaz, which are hitting their 25th anniversary this year. Rather than Gorillaz having the Blur guy in it, now you'd more likely say that Blur has the Gorillaz guy in it.


Yale's heath reminders are making everyone I know freak out.


Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
Dammit, Yale, I don’t appreciate being called out like that. Colorectal cancer screenings are already stressful enough.

q 3

here to eat fish and erase the universe
...do Rubik's cubes not exist anymore? Trivial Pursuit? Is this secretly a reminder to do your daily yelling at today's kids to get off the damn lawn smartphone?


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Trivial Pursuit will continue to exist for as long as cottages and grandparents have game closets.


(He, Him)
I bought my daughter a rubik’s cube just a couple months ago, at her insistence. I don’t what she thought it would be, but it wasn’t what she got.

She was also pretty bummed to learn that a magic 8 ball is not actually a prophetic device.


can stop, will stop
Not only do Rubik's Cubes still exist, but my septuagenarian father recently learned how to solve them. I would never have predicted this as one of his retirement hobbies, but here we are!


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
the phrase "Elder Millennial" has the vibes of "Gen Xer, but not willing to admit to myself"


Summon for hire
I’m definitely GenX, but I’m pretty sure there’s some space between us and proper millennials where I guess that would fall.


can stop, will stop
Yeah. There's a pretty big difference between a millennial born in 1984, say, and one born in 1996.