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The Goggles Do Nothing
Kingdom Hearts: Whateverthatwascalled scratched a similar itch, but that was a franchise where I like the music, but wouldn't exactly go out of my way for it. This, however, is pretty damn exciting. I really have not been so addicted to a rhythm game since the last theatrhythm, and that was like a decade ago, right?


Sir Knightbot
Fingers crossed for some new non-FF series featured in the DLC. Dare I hope... Tactics Ogre?


Threat Rhyme
The trailer previewed OG music but I wonder if we'll have some Pixel Remaster tunes in there too.


Staff member
I am all over this. I lost dozens, possibly hundreds of hours to Curtain Call and I'm excited to do it all over again.


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Every rhythm game is always the most expensive video game to buy and get into, and the Ultra Super Deluxe whatever editions being previewed for this don't seem any different. The season pass material listed also seem to point to being mostly the same selection as Curtain Call had, with some additions from games released since. I loved the first two games, so I hope whatever's fresh in this return makes a compelling case for itself beyond just a rerun.


did i do all of that?
Curtain Call has been my go to time waster/game to play while travelling for years now, pretty much since it came out. Absolutely easy to jump in anytime. It also was what made me play FFXIV, since I loved what music was included in it (2.0 only content, at the time, so it'll be nice to play later stuff - give me Locus or give me death, Square!).


Summon for hire
Ohhhh Lordy. I *definitely* sunk hundreds of hours into the first two games, and will be needing the full edition of this. My main question is whether the controls will feel noticeably better on either Switch or PS4, since I have both options handy. If you can still pick up the Digital Deluxe after launch I may hold off a week to see what people report...

Edit: dang, that everything edition *is* pricey. But I need it. {shakes fist impotently in Square’s general direction}
Also thinking I’ll lean toward Switch for the portable option, unless the control is way nicer on a PS pad... I don’t have any special Switch controllers, though, and am a little wary of how it’ll feel on just JoyCons.
Last edited:


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
The Switch does have a built-in touchscreen for undocked stuff. Maybe if we're lucky the game will be one of the ones that has (optional) support for it.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
I only played the first one and missed the second - I am Very Much getting this, mark my words.

q 3

here to eat fish and erase the universe
why isn't nintendo and/or square-enix selling branded capacitive styluses


The DRKest Roe
(He, Him)
The japanese site has a track list here. Most of the titles are written in Japanese and I can't find an english version of the list.

Curtain Call has been my go to time waster/game to play while travelling for years now, pretty much since it came out. Absolutely easy to jump in anytime. It also was what made me play FFXIV, since I loved what music was included in it (2.0 only content, at the time, so it'll be nice to play later stuff - give me Locus or give me death, Square!).
I did find out some of the FFXIV songs by copy and pasting the japanese titles into google search, and Locus was among those listed.


did i do all of that?
I don't know the Endwalker soundtrack at all, but the only track I can think of that's missing is Civilizations (the Rak'tika Greatwood theme, as I know it lol)

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
I can think of a few more XIV tracks (besides "Civilizations", OTTOMH, "Footsteps In The Snow", the Heavensward alliance raid boss theme, "insaitable", "Fiend") but that's more because of the strength of the XIV OST than a lack of tracks included in Final Bar.


did i do all of that?
In a just world, we'd be getting a Theatrhythm: Soken Edition, but alas
I'm pumped for this. Like so pumped. Already preordered the $100 digital edition cause I'm a chump.

I'm just... look guys, I like DQ more than FF, I wish that was represented in here. I'm just as bummed that the 3DS DQ Theatrhythm was never brought over. I know, I can play it, but it's not the same, you know?


Summon for hire
Yeah I was being a silly old person trying to buy games not through my console (but yeah the web eShop works too).

Anyway I was looking at the full translated track list that Juno posted above and it’s hilarious that this Theatrhythm includes over a dozen tracks from previous Theatrhythms (like, new arrangements used for menus and such). Also super cool that they included a handful of tracks from Square’s many non-game-specific arrange albums including the friggin Black Mages version of Battle of the Big Bridge hells to the yes. I wonder if the track they included from Battle SQ is one of the dubstep ones, that’d be hilarious, but I’m too lazy to pull up my copy and check right now.

Also that list has the same set of tracks from the Mana series listed twice, I assume that’s a copy-paste error on the translator’s part.


Threat Rhyme
Finally found its listing on the eShop (turns out 'Final Fantasy' isn't even in the title, so that's what was screwing me up) and woooooow the full cost of the premium digital version in Canadibux is a lot. But I have to ask myself if I'm likely to buy all that DLC anyway.

And if I'm honest, the answer is yes.
Yeah, even in Ameri-dollars I balked at it and then I turned my head and was like - welp, let's just rip the band-aid.

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
It's plenty of digits in Euro too, but I have time to save - I now know what I'll do with all those gift vouchers I usually get for Christmas!


Picked Curtain Call back up because of this announcement and loving it all over again. I will probably shell out for the special version of this.