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From the people who brought you FF54JF: It's the FF1FCC


Staff member
Fighter, Fighter, Monk, White Mage.

Easy party, I should find a romhack that looks fun since it's 'any version.'


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Hmm... There was a similar but different thing I was thinking of starting here in December but this kind of competes with it.

THF, WHM, BLM, BLM. I'll probably give the Origins version a try since I never have.
I got a total non-variant-quality random roll, and cakewalked my way through this one. I made it interesting by going with the PSP version, which I've only played once before when it was originally released.



Staff member
Saw one player on that thread who got Thief, Thief, Thief, White Mage.
Significantly better than 4x thief, at least.

Honestly even 4x thief isn't terrible; outside of solo runs you can go a lot deeper into Astos fishing for crits when RUB isn't an auto-loss, and that's the peak of that run.


Staff member
I have decided I will be using an slightly randomized "Improved Vanilla" FF1 Randomizer rom as my version. I've included all the QoL and balance patches and shuffled the location of only the top-end gear as well as generating new spellbooks. Also a small XP & Gold boost based on finding key items.
  "Name": "Improved Vanilla",
  "Flags": {
    "Spoilers": false,
    "TournamentSafe": false,
    "Shops": false,
    "Treasures": true,
    "NPCItems": false,
    "NPCFetchItems": false,
    "RandomWares": false,
    "RandomWaresIncludesSpecialGear": false,
    "RandomLoot": false,
    "ShardHunt": false,
    "ShardCount": 0,
    "TransformFinalFormation": false,
    "ChaosRush": false,
    "ShortToFR": false,
    "PreserveFiendRefights": false,
    "MagicShops": false,
    "MagicShopLocs": false,
    "MagicLevels": false,
    "MagicPermissions": false,
    "ItemMagic": false,
    "MagicLevelsTiered": false,
    "MagicLevelsMixed": false,
    "Rng": false,
    "FixMissingBattleRngEntry": false,
    "EverythingUnrunnable": false,
    "EnemyFormationsUnrunnable": false,
    "EnemyFormationsSurprise": false,
    "UnrunnablesStrikeFirstAndSurprise": false,
    "EnemyTrapTiles": false,
    "RandomTrapFormations": false,
    "SwolePirates": false,
    "EnemyScripts": false,
    "BossScriptsOnly": false,
    "EnemySkillsSpells": false,
    "BossSkillsOnly": false,
    "EnemySkillsSpellsTiered": false,
    "EnemyStatusAttacks": false,
    "RandomStatusAttacks": false,
    "AllowUnsafePirates": false,
    "AllowUnsafeMelmond": false,
    "WarMECHMode": 0,
    "OrdealsPillars": false,
    "SkyCastle4FMazeMode": 0,
    "TitansTrove": false,
    "LefeinShops": false,
    "ConfusedOldMen": false,
    "MapOpenProgression": false,
    "MapOpenProgressionDocks": false,
    "Entrances": false,
    "Towns": false,
    "Floors": false,
    "AllowDeepCastles": false,
    "AllowDeepTowns": false,
    "MapOpenProgressionExtended": false,
    "MapDwarvesNorthwest": false,
    "MapAirshipDock": false,
    "EntrancesIncludesDeadEnds": false,
    "EntrancesMixedWithTowns": false,
    "IncentivizeFreeNPCs": false,
    "IncentivizeFetchNPCs": false,
    "IncentivizeTail": false,
    "IncentivizeMainItems": false,
    "IncentivizeFetchItems": false,
    "IncentivizeCanoeItem": false,
    "IncentivizeAirship": false,
    "IncentivizeShipAndCanal": false,
    "ClassicItemPlacement": false,
    "IncentivizeMarsh": false,
    "IncentivizeEarth": false,
    "IncentivizeVolcano": true,
    "IncentivizeIceCave": false,
    "IncentivizeOrdeals": false,
    "IncentivizeSeaShrine": false,
    "IncentivizeConeria": true,
    "IncentivizeMarshKeyLocked": true,
    "IncentivizeSkyPalace": true,
    "IncentivizeTitansTrove": true,
    "BetterTrapChests": false,
    "IncentivizeMasamune": null,
    "IncentivizeKatana": false,
    "IncentivizeVorpal": true,
    "IncentivizeOpal": true,
    "IncentivizeRibbon": true,
    "IncentivizeDefCastArmor": true,
    "IncentivizeOffCastArmor": true,
    "IncentivizeOtherCastArmor": true,
    "IncentivizeDefCastWeapon": true,
    "IncentivizeOffCastWeapon": true,
    "IncentivizeOtherCastWeapon": false,
    "EarlyKing": false,
    "EarlySarda": false,
    "EarlySage": false,
    "EarlyOrdeals": false,
    "ShuffleObjectiveNPCs": false,
    "OnlyRequireGameIsBeatable": false,
    "FreeBridge": false,
    "FreeShip": false,
    "FreeAirship": false,
    "FreeOrbs": false,
    "EnableCritNumberDisplay": true,
    "FreeCanal": false,
    "EasyMode": false,
    "HousesFillHp": true,
    "SpeedHacks": true,
    "NoPartyShuffle": true,
    "Dash": true,
    "BuyTen": true,
    "BuyTenOld": false,
    "IdentifyTreasures": true,
    "WaitWhenUnrunnable": true,
    "HouseMPRestoration": true,
    "WeaponStats": true,
    "BBCritRate": true,
    "WeaponCritRate": true,
    "WeaponBonuses": true,
    "ChanceToRun": true,
    "SpellBugs": true,
    "BlackBeltAbsorb": true,
    "NPCSwatter": false,
    "BattleMagicMenuWrapAround": true,
    "InventoryAutosort": true,
    "EnemyStatusAttackBug": true,
    "EnemySpellsTargetingAllies": true,
    "EnemyElementalResistancesBug": true,
    "ImproveTurnOrderRandomization": true,
    "FixHitChanceCap": true,
    "StartingGold": false,
    "WrapStatOverflow": false,
    "WrapPriceOverflow": false,
    "IncludeMorale": false,
    "NoDanMode": false,
    "NoTail": false,
    "ClassAsNpcFiends": false,
    "ClassAsNpcKeyNPC": false,
    "ClassAsNpcCount": 6,
    "ClassAsNpcDuplicate": false,
    "ClassAsNpcForcedFiends": false,
    "ClassAsNpcPromotion": false,
    "BossScaleStatsLow": 100,
    "BossScaleStatsHigh": 100,
    "BossScaleHpLow": 100,
    "BossScaleHpHigh": 100,
    "EnemyScaleStatsLow": 100,
    "EnemyScaleStatsHigh": 100,
    "EnemyScaleHpLow": 100,
    "EnemyScaleHpHigh": 100,
    "PriceScaleFactor": 1,
    "ExpMultiplier": 1,
    "ExpBonus": 0,
    "EncounterRate": 30,
    "DungeonEncounterRate": 30,
    "ProgressiveScaleMode": 5,
    "FIGHTER1": true,
    "THIEF1": true,
    "BLACK_BELT1": true,
    "RED_MAGE1": true,
    "WHITE_MAGE1": true,
    "BLACK_MAGE1": true,
    "FIGHTER2": true,
    "THIEF2": true,
    "BLACK_BELT2": true,
    "RED_MAGE2": true,
    "WHITE_MAGE2": true,
    "BLACK_MAGE2": true,
    "FIGHTER3": true,
    "THIEF3": true,
    "BLACK_BELT3": true,
    "RED_MAGE3": true,
    "WHITE_MAGE3": true,
    "BLACK_MAGE3": true,
    "FIGHTER4": true,
    "THIEF4": true,
    "BLACK_BELT4": true,
    "RED_MAGE4": true,
    "WHITE_MAGE4": true,
    "BLACK_MAGE4": true,
    "KNIGHT1": false,
    "KNIGHT2": false,
    "KNIGHT3": false,
    "KNIGHT4": false,
    "NINJA1": false,
    "NINJA2": false,
    "NINJA3": false,
    "NINJA4": false,
    "MASTER1": false,
    "MASTER2": false,
    "MASTER3": false,
    "MASTER4": false,
    "RED_WIZ1": false,
    "RED_WIZ2": false,
    "RED_WIZ3": false,
    "RED_WIZ4": false,
    "WHITE_WIZ1": false,
    "WHITE_WIZ2": false,
    "WHITE_WIZ3": false,
    "WHITE_WIZ4": false,
    "BLACK_WIZ1": false,
    "BLACK_WIZ2": false,
    "BLACK_WIZ3": false,
    "BLACK_WIZ4": false,
    "NONE_CLASS2": true,
    "NONE_CLASS3": true,
    "NONE_CLASS4": true,
    "FORCED1": false,
    "FORCED2": false,
    "FORCED3": false,
    "FORCED4": false,
    "TAVERN1": true,
    "TAVERN2": true,
    "TAVERN3": true,
    "TAVERN4": true,
    "TAVERN5": true,
    "TAVERN6": true,
    "WeaponPermissions": false,
    "ArmorPermissions": false,
    "RecruitmentMode": false,
    "RecruitmentModeHireOnly": false,
    "RecruitmentModeReplaceOnlyNone": false,
    "ClampMinimumStatScale": false,
    "ClampMinimumBossStatScale": false,
    "ClampMinimumPriceScale": false,
    "EFGWaterfall": false,
    "EFGEarth1": false,
    "EFGEarth2": false,
    "FiendShuffle": false,
    "DisableTentSaving": false,
    "DisableInnSaving": false,
    "SaveGameWhenGameOver": false,
    "SaveGameDWMode": false,
    "ShuffleAstos": false,
    "RandomizeEnemizer": false,
    "RandomizeFormationEnemizer": false,
    "GenerateNewSpellbook": true,
    "SpellcrafterMixSpells": false,
    "ThiefHitRate": true,
    "AllSpellLevelsForKnightNinja": false,
    "BuffHealingSpells": true,
    "FreeTail": false,
    "HintsVillage": false,
    "HintsDungeon": false,
    "HintsRngDungeon": false,
    "HintsUseless": false,
    "SpellcrafterRetainPermissions": false,
    "RandomWeaponBonus": false,
    "RandomArmorBonus": false,
    "RandomWeaponBonusExcludeMasa": false,
    "RandomWeaponBonusLow": -5,
    "RandomWeaponBonusHigh": 5,
    "RandomArmorBonusLow": -5,
    "RandomArmorBonusHigh": 5,
    "BalancedItemMagicShuffle": false,
    "SeparateBossHPScaling": false,
    "SeparateEnemyHPScaling": false,
    "ClampBossHPScaling": false,
    "ClampEnemyHpScaling": false,
    "PoolSize": 2,
    "EnablePoolParty": false,
    "IncludePromClasses": false,
    "EnableRandomPromotions": false,
    "IncludeBaseClasses": false,
    "RandomPromotionsSpoilers": false,
    "LinearMPGrowth": false,
    "RandomizeClass": false,
    "RandomizeClassChaos": false,
    "RandomizeClassMaxBonus": 2,
    "RandomizeClassMaxMalus": 1,
    "ChangeMaxMP": false,
    "RedMageMaxMP": 9,
    "WhiteMageMaxMP": 9,
    "BlackMageMaxMP": 9,
    "KnightMaxMP": 4,
    "NinjaMaxMP": 4,
    "LockMode": 3,
    "MDefMode": 0,
    "FormationShuffleMode": 0,
    "WorldWealth": 1,
    "AllowUnsafeStartArea": false,
    "EarlierRuby": false,
    "GuaranteedRuseItem": false,
    "DisableStunTouch": false

Spellcrafter is absolutely the biggest win since there's so much cruft in the vanilla list (and I knew ahead of time I'd have a white mage). We'll see how it goes! With two fighters I'm missing out on a lot of crit from the weapon index bug, though there's also a boost to weapon damage vs. weaknesses that will pump up Xcalber up a bit (and a baseline doubling of crit rate for weapons that helps).

Shuffling the treasures like this means that 5 of these game breaking items will be in random chests, meaning I'll have to actually open those for once. It also changes the math on "Go treasure hunting, save Kary for last" since the second such chest is the Fire Armor guarded by the red dragon and the best stuff in Ordeals aside from the Tail will likely end up elsewhere.

The XP and Gold bonus is just there to make things a little faster, the default even for "improved vanilla" is 2x, so 5% more per key item is still low (we'll hit 10% right at the start from the LUTE and bridge) and will lead to a pretty breezy game.

Expect this to still be harder than Dawn of Souls or later, but I could get lucky.

EDIT: Odd, the limits on items that can be shuffled with 5 locations is 9 for some reason? Guess the Katana will end up staying put, kind of wanted that one for a booby prize, though.
EDIT2: Also put the shuffle on the MASAMUNE to random, which means it's much more possible it stays in the ToFR, to make up for that.
Last edited:


Staff member
Welp, that didn't quite work.

The UI isn't clear about it, but you can't shuffle only some items in the randomizer. The first cap in ToF was replaced with 2350G. I pushed ahead with that seed until Dwarf cave had the FLOATER, then rerolled something more vanilla. Ended up with 2x XP/Gold just because I didn't want to keep messing with it, and made it through Ice Cave (barely, one of my fighters limped out after eating two blizzards that wiped the rest of the group).

Spellcrafter has had a very minor impact on my White Wizard. She got Hurt and Hurt2 at levels 1 and 2, dealing status-elemental damage. These did some nice numbers on Garland and Astos, but neither of those fights would be problems without them. Zoidbergs resist status, Marsh cave took about 6 attmepts, including leaving to loot Matoya and buy some potions/pures. She did also pick up level 2 pure, but the areas where monsters do poison you easily overwhelm a few castings you'll have, so that's not really a big help. Otherwise her spell list has been very close to vanilla. There's a few high level spells that are interesting: Fog2 at level 8 is going to do a lot of work vs. physiscals if I ever get the charges. AMagic at level 7 is some sort of half-assed Wall, but who knows what elements it protetcts against. This is the big problem with spellcrafter, the FF1 UI is not up to the task of communicating things like that, and who even knows what enemeis resist odd elements like Time and Status.

Knights can pick up Cure, Ruse, Pure, Cure 2(lvl2), Heal (lvl3) and Vox (heals mute and maybe some other ailments) when I start back up. That's a little bit better than vanilla, at least.

The changes to spellcasting items will do a lot more going forward. Heal staff, Zeus Gauntlet and Conf Staff are all gone, in their place is an Anti-Status staff, Anti-Poison Gauntlet and a Lock Staff. Still have the heal healms, black and white shirts and power gauntlet to find, but so far we're pretty much on our own.


Staff member

A lot of the end-game casting items are guaranteed with spellcrafter, so the back half wasn't too bad (also 2 fighters, gg chaos). Heal Helms, Power Gauntlet and the trio of Fire/Ice/Lit2 casting items. Never really had much access to AoE magic, by the time we got those items most of the game was over, but overall not bad. Had a death to Tiamat who knew Zap! because I didn't project my unribboned knight from Time, but we knew Life so it was smooth sailing otherwise.

Final White Magic Spell List:
L1 - Cure, Ruse, ASta (ProStatus), Hurt (staus damage)
L2 - Pure, Cure2, Harm, Hurt2 (status damage)
L3 - Conf, Heal, APsn (ProPoison/Earth), Vox (heal mute+)
L4 - Heal2, Harm2, Soft, Cure3
L5 - Life, Heal3, Fog AVox (silence <300 HP)
L6 - Exit, Invis, Mudl (conf), AMag (pro ? elements, AoE)
L7 - Cure4, Fade, Ruse2, ATim (ProTime)
L8 - Fog2, Harm3, Wall, Life2 (arise)


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Uh... Hit things, blast things, run when you can't and see if you can get a bulk discount for potions?


Staff member
Fighter, Fighter, Thief, Black Mage. Please advise.
I’m assuming you’re playing NES. If not some of this wonKt apply.

Fighter is by far the best class, so this is a great team. Black Mage is also very good. Thief is flat out bad, just a worse fighter, but they promote to ninja so it’s not a total loss.

Fighters get to start with chain, which makes them pretty damn indestructible early. The first slot takes 50% of enemy attacks, the second slot takes 25% and the third and forth split the remaining 12.5% each. Simply rotating the fighter with more current HP into the first slot lets you get through a lot wi5out healing. Sikver Sword is brokenly good but expensive, may be worth farming for one if you

Black mage should get Lit, Ice and Lit2 for your first three spells, Lit is good against sea creatures, which are great to farm if you need to.

Thief does the same thing as the fighters, but much worse.

Pick up fast once your mage can cast level 4 spells, it doubles attacks and will be the best way to kill bosses.


the titular game boy
If you're playing Dawn of Souls, or any other version beyond the NES, the Thief is actually pretty good.


Staff member
PS1 doesn't really change things in any way that helps thief, maybe the run bug?

DoS and later they'll be better at attacking and running away, which is nice.


aggro table, shmaggro table
iirc, Origins doesn't fix any of the math/algo bugs. The toggleable stuff is mostly quality of life stuff like using Soft/Raise/Arise in battle and similar, or using more modern-ish shared MP pools instead of Vancian charges.


Sir Knightbot
Origins still uses Vancian charges. There is an easy mode that grants you a lot more charges, though.


Staff member
One of the things that makes origins great is it has an easy mode that’s still FF1, rather than a whole new thing like DoS.


Mellotron enthusiast
I did it!


Granted, it wasn't the most difficult run with this party. It's been ages since I last played FF1, so I did something I haven't previously - go get the airship straight after Lich, class change early, and kill the other fiends in reverse order. It was pretty fun, and thanks to FF1 being pretty short I beat the game in ten-and-a-half hours.

This challenge is still going until New Year's, so get your runs in!
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