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Forum tips and tricks


Round and round I go
Staff member
We're all new here. Share anything you've found that others might not know about.

[spoiler="FF7"]Aerith dies[/spoiler] renders this:
Aerith dies

You can do old inline spoilers with the [ispoiler] tag like this.

You can limit the size of embedded images with (for any valid width).

You can switch to night mode by clicking on the paintbrush icon on the bottom left corner of any page.

The [icode] tag is new, and it allows you to post inline code(snippets);

Finally, the [plain] tag lets you show other people BBCode tags in plain text.


Summon for hire
Were you attempting to show a code snippet for how to limit image size?

Oh hang on, after experimenting, I see: you can just insert the image first and then drag it to any size. Or click and set a size. And alt text! Nice.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Were you attempting to show a code snippet for how to limit image size?
I was, yes. Let's try again:

[img width="123px"]

I didn't know about your method, though -- that's nice!


earthquake ace
There's also the [whiteout] tag, which hides your text by making it faded.

Though it's not very effective for people who use After Dark.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Depends on your settings, I guess. On my monitor, they're both very difficult to see.

Johnny Unusual

This there a way to do start and end times for embedded videos? I think during the trial run I found a way to do start times but I don't remember it.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
This forum supports "following" specific users, if you want to know whenever a specific person posts. That's pretty neat!

I'll probably still stick to using "new posts", but I could see myself using follows if I reach a point in my life where I stop reading *everything*.


You can also watch certain threads, if you only want to know when certain threads update. Or, if there's a thread that updates infrequently and you think it may slip through the cracks.


Round and round I go
Staff member
You can also watch entire subforums, as I recently discovered.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Underneath the latest posts, "What's new" will show other new things.


Round and round I go
Staff member
There is no way to do that on a per-user basis. I've increased it from 20 to our old default of 30, though.
This isn't a tip, but a thank you for all the various thread tracking tools the mods here oversee. Go dig through the options and lists if you haven't, as this place is so much easier to keep up with than venerable 2.0.


Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
Maybe this is intuitive to some folks, but I only discovered it tonight by mistake:

If you highlight a block of text in an existing post and then wait a moment, you'll get a dynamic pop-up that will allow you either "Reply" to that block of text (which embeds it as a quote in the reply box and then jumps to give that box focus at the bottom of the page) or "Quote" it, which adds that block of text as a quote to the multi-quote buffer. So, essentially the same as the buttons on the posts themselves, but without making you manually trim it down after the fact to the relevant portions that you want. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to get a *lot* of mileage out of this particular bit of functionality.
What's the preferred way of linking to other threads?

I'm concerned that my link will break when we complete the migration and the `absolutelynot` subdomain goes away.


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Hey @Gaer, did you know that if you use the @ symbol to mention a user, not only will it notify them, it will also turn the username into a link to their profile?


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I'm not sure if this is a tip or trick or bug or what but I just discovered that when writing a post if you Toggle BB code off then the shortcut keys for bold, italics and underline no longer work. (In Firefox)


Rated Ages 6+
(He, Him)
I'm having some issues looking at PMs I've sent. I wanted to review my list for the Top 50 enemies but I can't seem to locate it.