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le petite mort
Staff member
Haven't even heard of that. What's the basic pitch?
It's like an automated Wiki-izer for your campaign, as far as I can tell? It automates a bunch of things, like page creation, links, timelines, things like that. And you can hide secrets from all of your players, or just some. They've also got other things at higher tiers but I think I'm going to try out the base level(s) before I go to like, adventure creation or whatever.

I mean, I guess I could just make my own Wiki but seems to streamline the process.

Here's a link (I'm not affiliated with them in any way): https://www.scabard.com/pbs


le petite mort
Staff member
I have not liked Scabard at all. It's super buggy with no formal documentation, as far as I can find, and very little community-led support. I shouldn't spend an hour to find out why I'm getting an Internal Server Error. A humble apostrophe in a character's name shouldn't cause the SQL database to cry in a corner.

I'm looking at other campaign managers at the moment. Right now I'm trying out Kanka.io, as Reddit seems to like it. World Anvil is another potential option.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
World Anvil is the one I've heard of and had recommended to me, even for writing outside of D&D contexts. I think I signed up but I haven't actually used it at all.


Unfortunate doesn't begin to describe...
Also, I finally started my first campaign as a DM! We have 5 players: a rogue, a ranger, a fighter, a monk, and a sorcerer. Session 1 is tomorrow, let's hope it goes well...

Update: it went well! I only had 40 minutes (we did it during school lunch), but it was a pretty good introduction. Perhaps I'll have a combat encounter next session


Staff member
Can't believe how improved the monk is in 2024. So many proud nails pounded down.

Rest of the revision I can take or leave )mostly leave) but monk is absurdly clean and good now.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
Ooh, and that's one of the classes I haven't really played before. I might have to check that out and see what the state of its subclasses is these days.


Unfortunate doesn't begin to describe...
I hosted a combat session (well 1 turn of it, someone had to leave) and it was stressful, but also quite exhilarating. I still don't know if I should use music in it, though. I get a bit distracted by choosing the right song


Aging Hipster Dragon Dad
I'm currently running the 5e version of Household. Meanwhile I bought those Somnus Domina campaign setting books on Cyber Monday and these campaign settings are like on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum of D&D.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
In the D&D campaign I'm currently playing, my character found an item called the "Monocle of Secrets" which has the description "you can use an action while holding a mundane object to learn that object’s exact value, the materials used to create it, and whether it is genuine or counterfeit."

The DM then realized to his horror that I could now pick up any object anywhere and ask him to describe exactly how it was constructed and how much it's worth. To his relief, I promised him I would use this great and terrible power sparingly.