Verse 6-1: Return to Agogo Forest
Hello and welcome back to Eternal Sonata! Last time the party finally explored Aria Temple, and were confronted on the top floor by Rondo; fortunately, Falsetto arrived and led the battle to defeat her and avenge Claves’ death.
In the original release, Chapter 6 was the shortest one in the game, but with some ~new content~ we’ll be seeing this update it’s about as long as Chapter 3 now.
You’re telling me, it felt like it took weeks to walk back through Celesta Forest. In the meantime, we
could just head back to the castle, but we’d miss out on a couple things along the way, and we obviously can’t have that!
White Mirror
Priest: “There is nothing more moving than man’s kindness. I am grateful to God for creating people.”
“Even when you encounter something beyond your power to change, you must not give up. Stand and face that challenge. For God is testing your courage.”
“God is always with us, watching over us.”
You know what, priest? You’re all right.
I probably should have looked at this earlier, but… I didn’t!
“The Church of EZI will send you a certificate if you can draw EZI 321 times in 10 minutes.”
“If you have an EZI certificate, happiness will run away from you. A grown up crying in the alley said that.”
Is uh, is that right? Interesting. Now if you’ll excuse me…
Guess they don’t have many trains in Forte. We certainly didn’t see any while we were running through the countryside. Come to think of it, I wonder where these tracks go? Something to ponder while we head into the Hotel Ensemble, I guess.
Woman: “You mean the Cabasa Bridge in Forte collapsed? I hope no one was going across it at the time.”
funny story...
“No matter where we go, Ma sure talks a lot.”
Whatever is going on here, this dude is really persistent. Not that it seems to be helping him =V
Hm. I wonder if that old woman has more creepy poems to share with us?
Guess not. But this is a good consolation prize.
Granny’s Girl Quena: “Ah ha ha! You stink!”
Well of course I stink if you give me literal fish incense! Geez. (This is the B-rank reward from using Score Piece 16.)
“Wanna do a score piece? Come on! Let’s play!”
“Ah ha ha! Score pieces are fun!”
This is the S-rank reward for using Score Piece 10; it increases the wearer’s DEF by 9 points. Now, if we do one more session…
“Ah ha ha! This is great!”
Using Score Piece 7 gets us the A-rank reward, a joke weapon for Allegretto. You can equip it, sure…
But it doesn’t increase his ATK at all. Anyway, that done, let’s head to Baroque Castle.
It should be noted that the following cutscene, and indeed everything up until almost the end of this update, will be new content not seen in the original game.
click to watch the cutscene (recommended viewing)
♪♪~ No music
Allegretto: “Huh? Polka? Are you all right?”
Polka: “Oh, I’m… fine.”
*She immediately collapses.*
Allegretto: “Hey, Polka!”
Viola: “Could it be the illness?”
Frederic: “Whatever the cause, we must explain the situation to Prince Crescendo, and find a room where Polka can rest.”
*Quick fade to black*
*As Allegretto continues to pace back and forth, Frederic and Viola enter the room.*
Viola: “She seems to be sleeping peacefully. For the time being, anyway.”
Beat: “Poor Polka.”
Falsetto: “The girl can use magic, can’t she? Wow, that’s really too bad.”
*Frederic puts a hand on Allegretto’s shoulder.*
Frederic: “Allegretto, let’s try to stay calm.”
Allegretto: “I’m begging you. I’ll do anything. Whatever it takes to help Polka. Please, help us!”
Magic Researcher: “Forgive me, but the realm of magic is still shrouded in mystery, even for me. However, if anything can help her, it may be the legend of light connected to Aria Temple, the place you recently explored.”
Viola: “Wait a minute. Astras are somehow connected to magic? I’ve never heard about that. What are you talking about, Allegretto?”
Allegretto: “It was when I went to Tenuto, to go and bring back Polka. Something her mom said. She told me Polka has an astra that shines brighter than most people’s, and that’s why she’s destined for a tragic fate. I assumed she was just talking about the illness.”
Falsetto: “But aren’t astras just make-believe things from children’s stories? People can use magic either because of a disease or the mineral powder, right?”
Magic Researcher: “For one thing, not everyone who becomes ill can use magic. We also don’t know if the powers drawn out by mineral powder… and the magical abilities of those suffering from terminal illness, are truly identical.”
Frederic: “Are you saying there could be some other cause?”
Magic Researcher: “I am. And all my research has given me the strong suspicion that astras may very well be that cause.”
Salsa: “Yeah, that’s right! I saw the agogos around her light up with my own two eyes!”
Magic Researcher: “Agogos? Are you saying that agogos are connected to astras?”
March: “There’s an old legend passed down among the guardians of Agogo Forest. It says that the agogos will gather together in the glow of a powerful astra, and reflect its light back with a dazzling brilliance.”
Jazz: “The secret behind the glowing agogos is astras?”
Falsetto: “And Count Waltz must be searching for glowing agogos because he knows they’ll increase the effect of the mineral powder. This explains everything.”
Magic Researcher: “Well, I don’t--”
Allegretto: “All your theories are completely useless! What we need now is a way to save Polka!”
Beat: “Retto.”
Salsa: “I’ve got it!”
March: “Ah, Salsa?”
Salsa: “The agogos! Her astra’s glowing too bright, so let’s just have the agogos absorb it!”
March: “I don’t know if that will work. Agogos can reflect the light of astras, but that’s not quite the same as absorbing it.”
March: “The Agogo Queen Mother. Of course, that’s it! Salsa, you’re absolutely right!”
*The two of them excitedly high-five each other.
Beat: “What the heck are you talkin’ about? What’s that?”
March: “The Agogo Queen Mother is a special agogo that gives birth to all the other agogos. It’s also said that she possesses mysterious powers, so it’s possible she’ll be able to help Polka.”
Viola: “It sounds promising. I think we should at least give it a try.”
Allegretto: “Salsa. March. How do we find this, ‘Agogo Queen Mother?’ Do you guys know where she is!?”
Salsa: “Of course. She’s in Agogo Forest!”
Frederic: “Well, considering where we are now, that’s rather far.”
Hang on, have you just been sitting there this whole time?
Crescendo: “Using it, you can instantly travel from the room beside the castle gates, to any place you’ve previously visited.”
Allegretto: “That’d be a huge help. Are you sure?”
Crescendo: “What’s the point of having the key if you don’t use it when it’s needed most? Now, take it. Go and get help for that girl as fast as you can.”
Beat: “Thanks a bunch, Captain!”
*He salutes Crescendo, and Allegretto bows in thanks.*
Allegretto: “All right! We’re going to Agogo Forest!”
It would have been nice for Crescendo to have entered the conversation two minutes ago, but better late than never.
An Inspection Which Values Harmony
Anyway, there’s no time to waste. Let’s get going!