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Contras, Probotectors, and the legacy of war

Tomm Guycot

Hey everyone it's a big day for Contra fans!

1. The DEMO is AVAILABLE NOW on your platforms of choice. (If you beat it you get a bonus in the main game - so don't skip!!)

2. There's a new trailer.

3. Yuko Komiyama and Norihiko Hibino were revealed as the composers and there is a sampling of the soundtrack which will release 3/5

4. Speaking of releases, the game launches on 3/12!

5. Limited Run Games also revealed their various sets and the expensive one includes ACTION FIGURES

EDIT: You can Probotect in the demo so no excuses


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Played the Operation Galuga demo. It's good! My misgivings about the familiarity of it all haven't gone anywhere, but the sheer breadth of "how to play Contra" on display in it feels like what the focus has primarily been, and probably where the most fun will be had. I did the default settings story clear to start off, then segued into Hard mode with Lance, and finally went into the arcade mode roster to try everyone out, culminating in settling with Ariana for the Hard/1-hit-kills/no perks/8-way aiming practice and eventual clears. All throughout it maintained interest in learning the nuances of the new weapons, movement abilities and particular problem spots, so fundamentals-wise I think it's in good order; now I just look forward to seeing it apply that baseline to more unique scenarios in the full game. I didn't really experiment with Overloads yet, even, but the new properties in the level 2s for Homing, Crush and Laser are all fun additions that create better parity across the arsenal than usual, which is nice to see. The playfeel is generally so accommodating that removing free aim from the equation feels like more than just a personal ban, since playing with it can kind of feel like you're circumnavigating the surrounding design with the incredible versatility it allows for in any situation... but I'm glad it's there for those who want it and aren't used to Contra's rigid angles.


..and his little cat, too
No big loss. The colors were backward and they were rude to me when I pointed it out.
Sucks they were rude to you. =( What did they say?

Anyway, the colors didn't bother me TOO much, in light of "Hey, Contra figures! I'll bet we never get anything like THIS again!"

And I could always try to swap the heads.

Tomm Guycot

Sucks they were rude to you. =( What did they say?

Anyway, the colors didn't bother me TOO much, in light of "Hey, Contra figures! I'll bet we never get anything like THIS again!"

And I could always try to swap the heads.
They said "actually the colors have never been consistent" and I said as a matter of fact they have.

They sent me the boxart to NES Contra and said "see here they aren't colored at all" and I said "actually the bandanas are, see?"

I tried to say look I Produced Contra 4 and when I worked at Konami the brand team would regularly consult wtih me. I know what I'm talking about and I'm just trying to help them fix their product before it ships and they said "Maybe there's a reason you don't consult with the brand team anymore."

I 100% asked about NECA when I came onto Contra and sure enough the brand teams in all regions of Konami were FURIOUS and NECA just kind of sucks.


..and his little cat, too
Wow! That really sucks. I've heard unpleasant things about them before, but that's a whole new level. D=

...wait, didn't they do Castlevania figures some years ago, too?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
They did, yes (that didn't really do the art style of the series any favors, might I add).


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
I streamed a playthrough of the demo last night, I like it a lot, but I didn't quite clock how to unlock characters, though I've seen there are a total of 5. I'll have to go back to it tonight.

Octopus Prime

Mysterious Contraption
The demo absolutely sold me, i expected I’d enjoy it since, you know, Contra, but this is Good Contra

Tomm Guycot

I streamed a playthrough of the demo last night, I like it a lot, but I didn't quite clock how to unlock characters, though I've seen there are a total of 5. I'll have to go back to it tonight.
In the Demo, Arcade Mode just has additional characters. You don't have to unlock them.

In the full game, Contras + Probos are unlocked by default, and you unlock the rest via Story progression.


..and his little cat, too
And there's more, yes? Lucia, at least, and Ironside?

I was disappointed they weren't in the demo, but looking forward to finding them in the game!

Tomm Guycot

And there's more, yes? Lucia, at least, and Ironside?

I was disappointed they weren't in the demo, but looking forward to finding them in the game!
Yes there are several more >_>

I included the Probo perks becasue they allow you to build Lucia/Stanley analogues.

Probo is the only character with this type of custom moveset. My gift to EU fans.

(to those keeping track this means Probo can have FOUR special abilities, vs. 2)


..and his little cat, too
Haha, that's a fun interview! Thanks to both of y'all for it.

Y'know, I feel like I'm in a minority when it comes to interest in the Contra world/lore, but I hope this game helps get people more interested.

For the longest time, I didn't realize there was much beyond the games/manuals (and in the latter case, those arguably don't even count), to say nothing of the chronological weirdness applied to the US version back in the day. Then I started reading and finding out more, and it's like "Damn, this is even cooler than I thought."

Loving this sort of new unified, forward-looking vision that we seem to be getting here, though.

Ghost from Spelunker

They said "actually the colors have never been consistent" and I said as a matter of fact they have.

They sent me the boxart to NES Contra and said "see here they aren't colored at all" and I said "actually the bandanas are, see?"

I tried to say look I Produced Contra 4 and when I worked at Konami the brand team would regularly consult wtih me. I know what I'm talking about and I'm just trying to help them fix their product before it ships and they said "Maybe there's a reason you don't consult with the brand team anymore."

I 100% asked about NECA when I came onto Contra and sure enough the brand teams in all regions of Konami were FURIOUS and NECA just kind of sucks.

Wow. What's worse is the boxart for the NECA figures reused the NES boxart (and I guess it was used in a few other versions too).

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
I played the demo! I like it! I do have some more detailed observations.

I played Story Mode, which I have mixed feelings about. Having chatter and other characters hop on screen to then not do much of anything is fairly distracting. I do appreciate the health bar option. I tried to be a hero and do classic, yet I couldn’t make it past the midway point.

The endstage boss is probably too hard for the first stage. A lot of moving parts that leads to some visual confusion, for me at least.

This is a very personal quibble, as it has everything to do with my sensory issues. I had a hard time registering certain enemies and projectiles due to the graphical style. Certain red guys would meld into to the background, for example.

This seems like a good game. I hope my rapidly deteriorating eyes can enjoy it.


..and his little cat, too
I played Story Mode, which I have mixed feelings about. Having chatter and other characters hop on screen to then not do much of anything is fairly distracting.
I think that's why Arcade Mode is there? For people who can't be bothered with the story elements?

I had a rough time with the boss at the end, too. I think I might have had a hard time telling what would or wouldn't hurt me -- assuming the answer isn't "everything."

I persevered and got through, though! As long as there's no limit on continues, I might just manage. =)