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Auction of tons of animation stuff


So there's an auction of about 2000 animation-related items that is an absolutely fascinating collection. Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warner, 1930s-2000s, just a huge variety. Must have been a private collection.

The descriptions of a lot of these are also really informative, which is a part I'm really enjoying. I haven't gone through the whole thing yet but here are some fun ones:

TRON transparencies- I did not realize exactly what the production process was for TRON, but absolutely didn't think it was overlaying seven different cels?
Paradise Lost concept art- doesn't look like this project got past the pitching stage but what a weird thing a Kubrick Paradise Lost movie would have been.
Disneyland cast member guide- Probably already online somewhere but would be fun to read through.
A Starkist tuna ad that keeps getting more disturbing the more you think about it
Wear a rubber people!
The exit sign from the Disney studio theater

And the one thing I might actually bid on so far: A Disney guide to atomic energy! Currently listed at $1! I am dying to read this you have no idea.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I think since integrating computer generated graphics into film was more or less in its infancy at that point using a hybrid process based on classic FX techniques was probably the only way to achieve the desired effect at that point in time.


Summon for hire
Yeah, Tron was a crazy amalgamation of CG in its infancy, practical effects, and amazing feats of hand-editing all smushed together. It’s fascinating stuff.


While you wait, you can watch the 1957 show that the book was based on / a tie in to.

I love that 7 minutes in they're just like "hey here's a big block of Uranium we just have sitting around by our desks, want to see how crazy this Geiger counter gets?"

Seriously, 50s-60s era atomic science stuff is joyous.


Power is fleeting, love is eternal
Yeah, Tron was a crazy amalgamation of CG in its infancy, practical effects, and amazing feats of hand-editing all smushed together. It’s fascinating stuff.
Not to mention some sequences using actual traditional animation (the Grid Bugs being the most notable example).

I'm almost tempted to bid on those TRON transparencies, but I don't feel like I'd know what to actually do with them, how to preserve them as well as possible. I hope they find a good home.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
I love that 7 minutes in they're just like "hey here's a big block of Uranium we just have sitting around by our desks, want to see how crazy this Geiger counter gets?"

Seriously, 50s-60s era atomic science stuff is joyous.

People were just sturdier back in those days


I'm almost tempted to bid on those TRON transparencies, but I don't feel like I'd know what to actually do with them, how to preserve them as well as possible. I hope they find a good home.
I think that's where I'm falling on a lot of these. I love them and they're fascinating but once I own it... now what? Never breathe on it again?

I also learned through this and a few similar cels that The Lion King never actually had painted cels of characters for production. I knew it used the Disney CAPS system and the of course using computers for the Wildebeest scene is famous, but I had no idea literally everything that moved in the movie was scanned in as a sketch and digitally coloured.

A few more fun ones:

A test shot from Mary Poppins with a plaque explaining the process. Also some stationery because why not.
Some very cool sketches from the clock sequence of Great Mouse Detective. Those gears!
The Lion King Wildebeest concept art
Model sheet and writeup for a Wile E. Coyote short.
Bronze statue of Scrooge diving in money