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Absolutely ridiculous videogame accomplishments thread


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
I don't mind the voices in Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World, but they really are egregious in the Mario 2 port, which I 100%ed a few weeks ago. I had fun, but the characters really do shout crap every time they do anything. They pared that back bigtime in the sequels, thankfully.
It was really just a sign of the times. Nintendo wasn't too averse to lots of voice-acted dialogue at that point and they really wanted to show off what that shiny new Game Boy Advance could do, so you have the Mario crew and practically all the bosses with voice acted dialogue.

And on the subject of "What the Game Boy Advance can do", this is also why the insides of pots have been redone all ferris wheel-like, why there are much larger counts of enemies, why there are giant mooks and turnips, why there is so much sprite scaling and rotating, why there is a score system just to show off even more effects with number-go-up popping out of lots of stuff as you kill it.

Super Mario Advance is a maximalist version of Super Mario Bros. 2.

And that's not even getting into the included Mario Bros. remaster, which shares similar effects and has a four player mode. And they included it in like five different Mario games usually with worse music quality to make sure people could play it together if they wanted to.


did i do all of that?
I don't remember thinking the voices were ridiculous back in 2001, since I did get Super Mario Advance at launch along with Castlevania Circle of the Moon and F-Zero Maximum Velocity. But in retrospect, how did anyone not think they were annoying as hell? It's wild what a difference time makes.

Also the Mario Bros remaster in all the Mario GBA games is actually really good - I prefer it and Kaettekita Mario Bros for the Famicom Disk System, where you can adjust Mario's momentum and direction mid-jump, unlike the arcade and other versions of Mario Bros. The game is a lot more playable, imo, as a result.


Do you require aid.
I figured out how to sneak behind the first ambush of Dr. Cool Aids in Crystal Project. It requires a lot of sequence breaking that skips so far past what that fight gatekeeps that it's not even worth it just to get a single block of irrelevant and easily-inferrable dialogue, but boy howdy gee golly I done did it.


Sudden chomper
Thanks, everyone! I think it's fair to say that Hollow Knight is my favorite game at this point, so it feels pretty good to have bested its greatest challenge. I will admit that I'm a little sad to have run out of things to do in the game, especially as we haven't seen proof of life for Silksong in so many years. Though I suppose I still have Steel Soul left to try, and I've never delivered a flower to the Godseeker, and I haven't completed the Mr Mushroom quest...


Video games
I love Hollow Knight but I think beating The Radiance and getting the "good ending" may have been enough. Perhaps I'll do Grim Troupe sometime. Or I've already done it and forgot.


Grim is a really fun fight. I think the regular version also isn't so bad, maybe? One of those fights that you can learn really well.


Sudden chomper
By the time I was done, I could go exit the Nightmare King Grimm fight in better shape than I arrived (which is very helpful in the context of the pantheon!). It was a very long road getting to that point, but it's supremely satisfying now that I can school him almost every time.

I never got good at fighting Markoth.

fucking markoth


did i do all of that?
I feel like doing 100% of the goals and finding 100% of the cash, even for just one skater (in my case, Rune Glifberg) in THPS2 on GBA counts for this thread, right? I mean, I actually had fun doing it, which surprised me, so maybe not...
If this doesn't count, surely doing all goals and collecting all cash for all 13 skaters, which unlocks all cheats, a bonus level, and finally rolls credits certainly does. Took me 18:49 according to my Analogue Pocket. I could unlock two secret characters by landing all the gaps in the game, still...


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
Ah, right. While there's currently a gap (which will be rectifiable soon enough), I have collected every spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and, more to the point, cleared a majority of the rematches without any spirits equipped, and the strong/obnoxious ones I've at least tried to use the weakest loadout that gets the job done. I'm going for a high score, you see.
I filled in the gaps, and my high score is now 475,211,400.

That Old Chestnut

I'm pretty sure the biggest part of these are beyond me. Just ain't got the spoons.

(Also my collection/backlog is just stupid big at this point.)

This is probably on the lower end of ridiculous, if it even qualifies, but...

Last game I remember 100% ing that wasn't like, maybe a Mega Man game of some kind was Donkey Kong Country 2. Upon release.

Or maybe Yoshi's Island, whichever came second.

I just started this tonight, and it is delightful.


Summon for hire
Just finished collecting all 1225 CollectaCards in Theatrhythm Final Bar Line.

At this point I've also S-ranked or better every non-Supreme song chart except the goddang 12-star TFFAC Big Bridge, and am working on bumping most of those to SSS. All characters are Lv99 with a couple dozen at *9 star-level. Got all but like 3 or 4 achievements (one is basically an all-crit run on a Supreme level chart, oof). My Supreme scores are all over the place because most of those charts are fucking insane, but I bet there's a bunch I can still improve, and I've at least beaten all of them except, again, the TFFAC-BBB 16-star.

Since the thread got bumped, I suppose I'll continue my Theatrythm nonsense. Having run out of other things to do, I have now SSS-ranked every Basic chart, every Expert chart, all but I think 8 Ultimate charts, and a few Supreme ones. Or to measure it another way, every chart that's 9* or less and all but seven 10* charts and a few 11*s. That's 1,561 different SSS's.

These last few 10*s are real tough, yo. Man with a Machine Gun, one of the Big Bridges, Under the Weight, one of the medleys (a few are tough just by virtue of being looooong, making it harder to get that one Good Run where nothing goes wrong).

Interestingly in the 8* and 9* range the toughest charts were mostly from Mobius with its dubstep-ish nonsense. Though also I just don't know those tunes well.


Mellotron enthusiast
Digging this thread back up because I wanted to brag that last night I beat Kingdom Hearts II at level 1 on the highest difficulty. Extremely tough in places, but fun!


did i do all of that?
I've not yet played Hades, so I don't want to watch the video for fear of like, plot spoilers (I do intend on playing it), so... What does that 50 mean? If you don't mind haha


Esports dreamer
Staff member
Ah, after you've cleared the game once, the game gives you options to increase the difficulty, with each option adding to the "heat" meter, which can go up to 63 (64 in hell mode) if all difficulty modifiers are selected. 16 is the last heat level Steam has an achievement for, 20 (or 25 on hell mode) is the last heat level that is relevant for upgrade rewards, and 32 I think is the last heat level the game specifically acknowledges. 50 is just a nice round number that people aim for.


did i do all of that?
Oh wow, so that is basically almost on maximum difficulty, or at least not far off. Nice!


Do you require aid.
To add a little more context, a player attempting to knock out as much of the core story as possible is unlikely (but plausible) to ever reach a heat level of 10.