Up until my mid-20s or so, I was an incredibly picky eater, and the only things I would ever order at a restaurant were fish & chips or chicken fingers, to the exclusion of all else. If neither of those things were available, I probably just wouldn't eat. These days, in an effort to compensate for a culinarily misspent youth, I'll eat basically everything, and like to chase new/novel flavours, so I'd like to say that I absolutely refuse to fuck with these anymore, but they're honestly probably still my #1 comfort food, when I feel like wallowing in my own crapulence. I'll eat them basically any way (I rarely get them tossed, but DQ has a good tossed basket), but my preference is a BBQ, plum, cherry, and/or sweet & sour sauce for dipping. If I'm eating them at home, I have a bizarre ritual learned in childhood that involves alternately dipping them in all four of those sauces in succession, swapping from one to the next after each finger or half-finger.