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digital downloads

  1. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 01/31/2025: The Cartoon Animal Chain of Command goes Mouse - Cat - Dog

    Honestly, I'm *way* more impressed at a spider that can spell legible human English than I am by whatever the heck that pig was doing that was so damn impressive. It only makes sense to go through the new releases in the order the thread title implies them, so that means we're kicking things...
  2. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 07/26/2024: Conveyor? I barely know’er!

    This one is dedicated to all the swamp monsters and bog hags out there in radio land. Keep on shining, you crazy diamonds. So we’re kicking things off this week with the surprise release of… what is arguably the weakest SNK/Capcom crossover; SvC Chaos! Which is, y’know, fine. It sure as heck is...
  3. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 07/19/2024: Deep Ocean, 3 AM

    Out of all the games released this week, these are the ones that are the most Video. So we're kicking things off with not one but two games about things going apocalyptically bad courtesy of an outer-space problem. First off; Deliver Us the Moon, which is a walksy puzzle'em-up where you're an...
  4. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 07/13/2024: It's a Good Day to Sky

    They're called "Sharpies" but the end is actually pretty blunt! What is the deal with that?!?! Didn't make a thread last week, on account of there not being anything worth making a thread about, BUT THEN they snuck some stuff in, and the headliner of that was another NSO update! All for the NES...
  5. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 06/21/2024: Better than NyQuil

    This time I’m sure to not get blindsided by any surprise releases because there’s a Nintendo Direct scheduled to drop before I’m likely to hit the Post button! Furthermore I’m also freshly dosed with DayQuil and have to walk the dog shortly. So my day is full of interesting challenges already...
  6. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 05/31/2024: Cat Ghost is a Cat but she's got Ghostliness in her veins

    I declare this new games release thread... officially Posted Breaking into an highly guarded bank vault and stealing thousands of bearer bonds and jewels this week is Capes, an SRPG that looked at both XCOM and The Boys and said "What... what if we did *both*"? It is the year Comic Books and...
  7. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 05/24/2024: Papers, please

    The real VIDEO GAME CHALLENGE this week is seeing if I can finish this thread before I have to pick up my dog from the groomer. You'll have to stay on the edge of your seats until then! The two themes that bridge most of this weeks releases are "paper-craft art style" and "re-releases of old...
  8. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 05/17/2024: HACK THE PLANET!

    How do you like THESE video games?!? No time to waste this week, folks, this is a BIG OL CHONKERS of a new release thread, and that means kicking off with a game that people were real excited for about five years ago. Then it came out on other platforms to a resounding response of “Oh, this is...
  9. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 05/10/2024: All Cats Go To Heaviside

    I think the universal desire of anyone is for a stranger to look at them and think "That person commands a fleet of fishing vessels". So we're leading off with the second attempt to make Pac-Man a battle royale game; Pac-Man Chomp Champs! But, unlike with Pac-Man 99, this one only supports 64...
  10. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 05/03/2024: Gods Above and Seas Below

    Sorry to all the "haters" out there but, uh yeah, this is a week with some new video games. Starting off with one of the more surprising re-releases of recent days, we have El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, a gussying up of the PS3/360 era Bayonetta-em-up of the same name! It's one of the...
  11. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 04/26/2024: Death Crab for Cutie

    I honestly don't remember the last time a single week was this overloaded with stuff that makes me go "Oooooooh!" So we're going to kick off with the only thing that makes me go "ooooh" that is *not* on the Switch, because otherwise I'll forget about it and that is Sandland. The video game...
  12. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 04/20/2024: Never Stop the ~Hustle

    Congratulations to everyone who drank a full liter of water yesterday. Everyone else; I’m personally disappointed in you. This week isn’t especially leaden with new stuff worthy of hammering on about (though there’s an Indie Direct scheduled for tomorrow), and that’s okay because next week is...
  13. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 04/05/2024: Clever Girls

    If you rank the Ghostbusters movies based solely on the average height of the main cast in each, the results *may* surprise you. So it's a small release schedule this week, but it's definitely leading with strength, as it's kicking off with a game I was completely all in on the moment it was...
  14. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 03/29/2024: I Dare You To Name a Funnier Cat

    Psst, hey kid... you wanna buy a video game? Walking into the bar and decking the single meanest looking guy they can find this week is South Park: Snow Day, the third of the South Park RPGs! The first two were legit good (albeit characteristically crass) RPGs that made good use of the...
  15. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 03/23/2024: Budget Fashion

    I don't want to be caught by the Cancel Police, but I don't think it's controversial to say that a sandwich is a kind of food So half the games I thought are worth mentioning this week are also dirt cheap, and fully half of THAT number is represented by Power of Ten, a space-shippy pew-pew...
  16. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 03/15/2024: Cyber-Astro Terror Awaits!

    I feel that, if I were ever invited to be the special guest on a very special episode of an ABC TGIF sitcom, I would learn a very important lesson. Or else I would teach one. No time for flouncing around like Buster Brown, returned from the grave; this is a big week chock full of video games...
  17. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 03/09/2024: Fireballs and Lightning are Raining from the Sky.

    What’s you‘re favourite stock sound effect. I have to say it’s the “sproi-oi-oi-oing” you get when a cartoon watch falls apart It’s the start of March, which traditionally comes in like a lion, and therefor, we’re kicking things off with Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties: Remastered. The eShop describes...
  18. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 02/23/24: Fate is in the cards

    Okay, there's a Direct that's airing in the middle of me writing this thread, so *for ocne* I feel like I won't be blindsided by a surprise release after the fact. We're kicking off with not one, but two Deck Building Roguelites this week, and, both alphabetically and by release date, that...
  19. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 02/16/2024: This Peace Is What All Warriors Strive For!

    Ahh, it's Valumtimes Week, a time when little archer-babies are blasting people with arrows so people fall in love with them through brute-forced Munchhausen syndrome. So, whether you've got the wuv of your l'il sweetiedumplin, or the aaaaromantic love you'd have for a big bowl of popcorn...
  20. Octopus Prime

    Digital Down-Low for 01/26/2024: I'm Going on an Adventure!

    Take it from an expert, it's not as easy as it looks to eat an entire fire hydrant. Screeching to a halt outside your house and screaming "Get in the car, loser!" this week is Lil Guardsman, which is a point and clicky talk-em-up style adventure game, inspired by the likes of Papers Please...