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Redactle, the daily ████████-█████ ████████ puzzle


#60 was pretty easy. I got it in 17 and I feel like I should have been able to guess it with less. MVP word was molecule .


26, would have gotten it sooner but was in more of a guessing mood than a reading mood and went with some geology guesses for funsies. Water (17) and ion (13) were the big words.

My spouse is still working on this one and it is taking everything within my power not to give hints.
I solved today's Redactle (#60) in 1 guesses with an accuracy of 100.00%.

Wow, my first one and done. No idea how I did it.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
I solved this one (#60) in 19 guesses, though I accidentally read a spoiler so I knew the general subject from the beginning. Still, any article that starts with "an" followed by a short word is pretty easy regardless.


Red Plane
21 this time. My shot at the one and done was echo, not correct. From there, the big clues were form, atom, and hydrogen, though it took me longer than it should have from the last of those.


can stop, will stop
75 for me, but it should've been a lot quicker. I got really hung up on chemical bonds and missed the bigger picture.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
I got it in 21 guesses, 66.67%. Honestly, I was already on the right track when I guessed north, south, east, west for clarity, but also I get my left/rights and east/wests mixed up so I thought it was a South American country for a while (especially because I guessed Brazil and there was one sentence comparing it to Brazil in area and population (as portugese-speaking countries, it turns out, though I only saw that later).

Just like the last time we had a country (an African one no less), I looked up a map to help me narrow it down because no way I'd remember them all, or even enough to make any real headway.
I needed a map too. Still not bad for 34 guesses at 82.35%. World is a very strong word in most of these I've noticed.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
14 guesses. After I figured out what country this was adjacent to, I pulled up Google Maps.

tbqh these geography articles make me wish that I had a globe or map hanging around in my current living space


19, 12 of which were countries in Africa, I just rattled them off and hoped I got lucky. Thanks again Worldle!

My very first guess was island because something about the sentence structure made me think it could be that, but even getting zero hits with that was helpful.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Got today's (#62) in 128 guesses.

Spent a while chasing the wrong direction because I thought the person had some sort of political career, and was also confused when I had trouble narrowing down what kind of journalist he was. Eventually I landed on the word "television", which led me to uncovering the phrase "the longest-running variety show in US [...] history", and from there I was able to solve the puzzle with no more major difficulties.


47, I had to think a lot for this one. My third guess was time (12), which was especially interesting because it's used in a lot of different ways in the article between capitalization, italics, hyphens, etc. It made it clear it was something to do with the media. I went with newspapers for a while with new (18) partially uncovering a lot of New York and newspaper name related things. Then I started throwing out men's names and there aren't a lot of two letter options. Once I had the first name it was obvious.


can stop, will stop
108 here. I got really hung up on theater stuff early on for some reason, I didn't get to television until 80 guesses in. Then it wasn't too tough to narrow things down.


(he / him)
Today's Redactle is the first one in a while where I've had some struggles lining things up.
Redactle #62 (2022-06-07): 41/61, 67.21%
Initial Observations: Looks like a person who is known by a different name {2-8} than their actual name {6-7-8}. However, the last parts of their names lining up might mean that the {2} in the title is their first and middle initials? Probably an American based off of the birth and death date formats, the lack of alternative languages, and the "was an {8}" at the start of the first sentence. Probably a male from where the {2} letter redacted words are in the article? Lots of quotes in the article, and lots of italicized words indicating titles (especially with "The" in them). It's a bit odd that the article has an orphaned header after their 'death' section, and no lists of accomplishments or works.

The first name to come to mind is JD Salinger, but without "The {7} in the {3}" anywhere in the article, that's definitely not it. I decide not to go for the ace and spend my initial guesses confirming nationality and sex.

Middle Stages: I got really lost on the title personage's career. "entertainer", "politician", "sport", "playwright", and "singer" had no hits. "member" had no hits, and "leader" had one hit that wasn't actually helpful. I found that he was born in New York City, and of Irish descent, but that didn't really help me.

Endgame: On guess 51, I got my first big break with "television". A figure in early American television, but this guy wasn't an actor, writer, or producer? I finally guessed "show" on guess 59, which revealed a bunch of places where there was "The {2} {8} Show". Oh, so that's who you are.

Previous Redactle Log:
Redactle #61 (2022-06-06) Angola: 6/8, 75.00%
I inferred it was a Western African country from the start, but my geography knowledge was lacking. It was especially vexing considering "Senegal" had appeared only a few days earlier and I had actually looked at a map after solving that Redactle.
Redactle #60 (2022-06-05) acid: 1/1, 100.00%
Based off of the list of examples and chemical formulas at the end of the page, it seemed pretty clear that the article was a class of molecule. The opening sentence also suggests the title begins with a vowel. I guessed seeing a "hydrochloric acid (HCl)" in the example list, so I guessed "acid" correctly. Turns out the molecule I was looking at was actually "hypoflourous acid (HFO)", but hey, a win is still a win, right?
Redactle #59 (2022-06-04) Lord Byron: 2/2, 100.00%
Looks like a writer, there's a list of works at the end of the page. Based off the first sentence, the title might be a pen name:
{better?} {actually simply} {known?} as {title-4-5}, was an {English?} {poet?} and {4}.

The end of the second paragraph seems to be:
{He?} {died?} in {place-4} {actually year} at the {age?} of {number} from a {malady-5-10} after the...
so we're looking for a man.

Under the first heading, I assumed
{name-6-6-5} was born on {date}, on {6} {6} in {London?}.
to fit the assumption of English poets.

At this point, my mind finally remembers the name of an English poet that happens to fit the blanks. Since literature is a weak subject of mine, I decide to just go for it and luckily got the ace.


Red Plane
70 today. I got hung up on the idea that the title was <initials> <surname> and also for some reason thought it would be an author, so I spent a while trying to think of something fitting that bill for the first guess. Right up until the end I was still thinking initials, then it occurred to me to try Ed and then I got it.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
Yesterday's (June 7) answer, "Ed Sullivan", I got in 39 / 76.92%. I zeroed in on the media/entertainment category pretty easily, but the way the article was worded there was just a tiny bit of everything (it mentioned movies, theater, radio, music, bands... Obvious why in retrospect, but hard to zero in during the puzzle.)

Today's (June 8): 51, 84.31%. On only my ninth guess, I put in "ten" and got one hit for it, but that was obviously Ten Commandments, so the category became immediately obvious. I spent some time circling the periphery of the answer, and did a lot of single/plural guesses that drove up my guess number. Oddly enough, the fact that it was an -ism hurt me because I thought I had already accounted for it by guessing Catholicism, as well as some other protestant denominations, and I didn't want to just go down the list. Also that they called it a "branch" instead of a "denomination" threw me off for a bit. Anyway!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
I don't want to talk about yesterday... (Got way too hung up on the word sport and wasted a bunch of guesses.)

Did a lot better today.
  • You solved it in 22 guesses
  • Your accuracy was 72.73%


can stop, will stop
134 guesses today, not great. Took me a while to settle into religious stuff, but once I got Protestant/Protestantism that really helped narrow it down.


48, I knew it was related to religion fairly early but had trouble narrowing it down. Lutheran (216) is probably the most hits I've seen for something that wasn't the answer!


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
#63: done in 58 guesses. Not too hard.

From the very start I figured that the subject was an organization of some sort. By guess 33 I had determined this it was a religious organization, and likely a Christian one. The words martin, luther, and synod all gave a decent number of hits, so after those guesses I immediately got the answer.


Red Plane
156 for me, I struggled with this one. I got church fairly early on, but got a bit hung up on catholicism. Also didn’t help that I guessed lutherism at one point. The zero results for that should have told me I’d spelled it wrong.


can stop, will stop
109 guesses today, this one felt hard! I was flailing around until I hit sugar at 43 guesses, which sent me down a frustrating rabbit hole of things like desserts and baked goods, none of which helped me. Eventually I guessed dry which led me to wine and then it was done.
60, but 35%

got carbon early, and dioxide a couple guesses later, which sent me down a lot of wrong guesses about chemicals and reactions and such. going through production stuff i eventually got that it was food(ish) and that there was fermentation

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
102 guesses, 56.86%

I had no big guesses until I hit Glass (10) at guess #68 and Bottle (16) at 74, and they weren't even that big! Production and Produced were my first actually big hits, but didn't narrow it down all that much. Carbon and dioxide only had 14 and 13 hits respectively, but brought me a little closer. I eventually got cork which led straight to wine, and then the other word of the title.

However, this is one of those where the words that weren't in the article ended up leading me astray several times. In this article about a carbonated alcoholic beverage, I guessed these words that had 0 uses in the article: beverage, drink, liquid, and carbonate + carbonated. You can see how that might lead me away from the answer. I should have tried "drunk" or "carbonation" because those did exist, I found out later (normally I avoid conjugating if there are 0 hits for a main form, but obviously, this sometimes doesn't work out.)


(he / him)
I dumb lucked my way into a perfect 2/2 on today's Redactle (#64, 2022-06-09).
Opening sentence:
{title-9-4} is a {category-4} with {11} {6} of {6} {7} in it, {6} it {5}.
The {9-4} pattern appears in a number of headers through the whole article. The second word of the title probably matches its category. Something with multiple types, maybe some kind of multicultural thing? Though it doesn't appear to have any foreign language translations. As first, I really wanted it to be 'cake' (it was lunch time when I first opened up the Redactle), but decided not to pull the trigger.

Coming back to it in the afternoon, I was still on the idea of food, and for some reason, the idea of "wine" came into my head. It made sense as something that would be cross-cultural as I anticipated, and the word "sparkling" would fit really well as the first word as the title. "Champagne" is also a nine-letter word that might fit somewhere in the article? I wasn't intending on going for the ace, but hey, why not try? I can't believe it worked. I got super lucky.

Which certainly makes up for completely botching yesterday's Redactle (#63, 2022-06-08).
Article title: "Lutheranism"

Initial Thoughts: I made an initial assumption that this might be some kind of historical, man-made thing. The opening sentence might be something like:
{title-11} is {one?} of the {adjective-7} {noun-8} of {place/domain-13}...
where the adjective is some kind of distinction like "largest" or "longest". Interestingly, there are no language translations of the title. There's also a very extensive bibliography at the end of the article.
The majority of the article suggests a historical summary of the article subject. The presence of a "During the {11}, {11}..." in the opening paragraph might also point to the article subject itself being an event or period of time. I noticed some curious italicized "of" words about a third of the way into the article, including a potential
The {4} of {7}, {performed?} in {year?}
Could the article subject be a place? I really didn't have enough to go for the one-and-done, so I just went straight into standard guessing.

Guessing Phase: "War" tells me the history extends at least between the {12} War, {6} {6} War, and World War II. Could have been around for a very long time.
After the first 20 or so guesses, I'm starting to think that this might be some kind of group? Not really sure what the article is about still.

At guess 40, I confirm "largest" in the first sentence. But it's not something that was "built", nor is it an "event" or "holiday". "United {States?}" appears a few times in the article. I'm not sure how to complete the phrase
The {5} between the {9} and {5} {9} was made public...
at the start of the second paragraph.
At guess 54, I see some connection to "religion" / "religious", but I still have no idea how to fill in the blanks. There's a certain phrase towards the end of the article,
{11} is the largest religious {5} in {7}, the {5} {7}, {many other list items}, and {5} {6} and {5} {6} in the United {States?}.

Giving Up: At guess 77, I try for "Reformation" for the first paragraph and get a hit. I don't think I know enough about this besides it being a religious shift within Christianity and Catholicism.
I throw in the towel on completing it on my own and start going to the web for research to complete this one.
In retrospect, looking at my Early Guesses notes, I should have put in "group" as a guess much earlier to fill in "largest religious group". That probably would have gotten me back on track somewhat, but my history knowledge is so shoddy, I really don't think I would have gotten the answer unaided regardless. It still took me until guess 87 to produce the article title.


I'm at 132, I have uncovered the second word in the title. I have guessed the only things I can think of that work for the first part (red, cooking, white, rose) and no luck.

I don't like wine so I am wondering if I even know what this is. Going to step away from it for a bit then come back. I vaguely remember that there's a term for wine used in religious ceremonies but can't think of it. I've uncovered various French and German things and what I think are references to non-alcoholic, but can't think of a another word to guess.

Edit: Ah came back and got it. Not completely obvious but should have gotten it sooner. Final was 160 (really 162 but had two typos).
Last edited:


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
#64: Got this in 220 guesses. Pretty rough day.

Meandered pretty aimless for my first 100 words or so, until I guessed a bunch of western european countries. That led me to eventually guessing region and regions, which made me consider the possibility of the four letter word in the opening/title being "wine" (169 guesses in, at this point). Within the next 30 guesses I figured out that the subject was more specifically the term for carbonated/fizzy wine, but that's about as far as I got. Eventually I asked my wife for input and she was able to guess the word in question.