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Old 04-25-2009, 01:06 PM
Octopus Prime Octopus Prime is offline
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Take all the time you need, I'll be waiting.

Biding my time.
Old 04-25-2009, 06:54 PM
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That traffic scene is probably the all-time most blatant example of a game's plot waiting around for you to complete a lengthy dungeon crawl. It's like one of The Flash's thought bubbles where he's thinking "That laser beam is coming toward me at the speed of light! Must... Act... Fast!"
Old 05-16-2009, 05:46 PM
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Part IX: Throw the Switch!

Life, for Lan, settles down into it's normal routine.


Lan's a growing boy. Considering the last thing, I remember, we were told he ate (discounting lunch) was that breakfast at the beginning of the game, I should think he is severly malnourished.

Foreshadowings of the PET upheaval. They'll take us while we snack. Be on guard.

MegaMan brings up one of the references to Mega Man Legends that I haven't yet acknowledged but should probably post about.

Lan gets an email from Dad. He tells Lan how there is going to be a party at his work and families are welcome. Lan is supposed to get his mother and met him in the SciLab lobby at 7:00.

No, Mega, but he was on a new exercise routine a few days ago.

Before going home, Lan stops by Mayl's to tell her that he got invited to a grown-up party. She ignores this and tells him how much Yai liked her present. She implies that Yai might be leaving and Lan should immediately go see her.

Lan gets more than he bargained for, at Yai's house. She gives him 10,000 zenny.

This may be the best piece of characterization in the game. What makes it worse, I don't think Capcom realized it. Yai is an only child, rich, and lives alone because her parents are constantly away. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that a person in that situation who is segregated from her own family, geographically, and from her peers, monetarily and by upbringing, would develop some form of abandonment issues.

I think Capcom just put it in as a bonus for players who looked around. But, I've always read this as being tantamount to Yai buying Lan's friendship. You can make your own conclusions.
Old 05-16-2009, 05:47 PM
DarkBlueFlannel DarkBlueFlannel is offline
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After returning home, Lan tells his mother about the party. She's excited and goes to get dressed. Lan decides to leave as he expects her to take a while.

Someone should tell this guy, at the GovtComplex Station, Lan fixed the water weeks ago.

The people at the Government Complex are pretty alright in Lan's book.

There's a new guy at the government complex. He's some much needed competition for Sal.

He's, also, some fresh competition for MegaMan.

Battle Gab
There was an air of uncertainty about the SharkMan fight for me. I remembered him being hard when I first played the game. I have no doubt that, back then, he was.

He has a simple loop. Each column on his side has a shark fin. One hides SharkMan himself, the others are there to misdirect you and deal damage. If you're standing across from them, they'll fire down the row and hit Mega for hefty damage.

To get SharkMan to show himself, you have to fire a shot at the fin he's hiding under. He'll pop up and fire one of those water towers at Mega (which I didn't get a shot of...grumble). You have to dodge the water and the two other fins that are still moving while trying to go on the offensive. This is, probably, why it was hard for me the first time.

Since I'm not doing a great amount of chip harvesting, I wasn't sure if I'd get a chance to show this. If you have three chips of the same type that are in alphabetical order you have the option to do a "Program Advance".

For example, I have a Cannon A, B, and C. Selecting them, in that order, causes them to morph into one chip: Zeta Cannon. Using this makes MegaMan invincible (not invisible, ignore that least screen) for a few seconds and allows him to fire the Cannon chip as many times as he wants. It doesn't prove to be terribly useful in the fight against SharkMan but it was a good opportunity to show it off.

(Note: The HP inconsistancy comes from me having to replay the battle as I still don't remember to press that blasted capture button.)

I have to step back and say that, since I'm trying to be a bit more analytical and look at the best solution for these fights, I find myself having a much easier time if I stay back, wait, and pay attention to what the enemy exactly does. Normally, any moment the enemy seems open, I dive in to get a shot off. With SharkMan that, inevitably, means a guarantee of damage taken.

The best solution for SharkMan IS waiting. Bide your time. Wait for big damage chips to come up. The only opportunity to get a free hit is just after his water wave has gone past Mega. For a second, the two fins will stop and you will have time for exactly one shot.
Old 05-16-2009, 05:49 PM
DarkBlueFlannel DarkBlueFlannel is offline
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My patience was rewarded.

With another HPMemory, I guess my lowball goal has been thwarted a bit. MegaMan is now at 200 HP.

At least some other things haven't changed.

Lan moves toward the Complex. This woman is standing just outside. She gets huffy at the concept of not being invited to a party.

Also, unless I am mistaken, this woman is the school librarian, the school nurse, the woman who lost her child in DenTown, the woman who told me kids hang out in DenTown, and the woman who couldn't get milk for her baby. I think she should be nominated for an Emmy.

Lan traipses to the meeting point. He finds Chaud. Chaud gives him his usual anti-social routine. Lan considers, in the back of his mind, that Chaud is just envious.

Since his father hasn't shown up, Lan goes up to his office. The helpful secretary tells us that, as has be true every time Lan has visited, Dr. Hikari isn't there. His office is the only place Dr. Hikari visits less than his own home.

So, Lan returns to the lobby where, lo and behold, he finds Dad. They exchange some banter. Mom is a slow dresser, Doc says. Ho, ho, ho, you funny guy.

But, soon, the lady of the house arrives and they go down to the underground restaurant.

Once there, Lan makes his rounds and finds that one girl from outside.

...and Chaud.
Old 05-16-2009, 05:50 PM
DarkBlueFlannel DarkBlueFlannel is offline
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...and a girl dressed as a Maid for no conventional reason.

With all the copies of generic characters wandering this game world, why is there only one unique, female, college student, maid? It's a head-scratcher.

...and a Guy eyeing his Mom.

...and some storyline.

Lan's dad gets paged and has to leave, though. So, the backstory dispensation is put on hold just before it gets to the interesting bits.

The party takes a turn for the worst when a WWW (Wild Wild West) affiliate turns up and cuts the power to the lights. Preliminary indications say that he's shut off the generator. (This begs the question: Wouldn't this building run off the local power grid? But, we'll go with it.)

With the generator went the air conditioning. Since this section is underground and surrounded by water, that causes problems.

MegaMan and Lan are on the case.

A bit of investigation reveals that the generator is a floor down and the only way to it, what with the elevators out, is the trash chute. Lan takes his chances.

Down here, Lan talks with a scientist and maintenance worker. The scientist opens the control room for him.

Inside, Lan decides to check the net for problems.
Old 05-16-2009, 05:52 PM
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The scientist explains that he can't go as MegaMan could run out of battery power inside and be unable to refill his HP after battle.

MegaMan, being an inveterate hero, isn't afraid and convinces Lan to go in anyway.

Dungeon Smalltalk
As explained by the scientist, MegaMan has a battery in the top right corner. When it runs out....

Actually, I've never let it run out so your guess is as good as mine. I'm assuming it's just as he said, to wit, MegaMan will not refill his HP after each battle as he normally does.

Aside from that, it has...

...invisible walkways.

....and battery placement, trial-and-error puzzles.

These are the biggest reason I dread this dungeon. These puzzles are tiresome. You have to requisition a battery (or collection of batteries) from a program and, then, place them in the proper slot. There are never any indications of just which slot is the correct one.

Thankfully, the real Net provides it's own solutions.

....and more invisible walkways.

....and more battery placement, trial-and-error puzzles.

....and rogue programs.

....and loot.

....and terribly annoying enemies.

Virus Hall of Fame
This little guy is stationary and an easy kill when alone. But when he's paired with others, he just gets annoying. While he's alive he creates that floating device on MegaMan's side of the board. It slowly moves around zapping every single space away. If it floats over Mega, it zaps him instead.
Old 05-16-2009, 05:55 PM
DarkBlueFlannel DarkBlueFlannel is offline
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....and a bridge to the boss.

After Mega solves the last battery arrangement, he asks Lan to restart the generator. When Lan goes to the generator room, he finds the power is already on.

It's probably without purpose but I went ahead and took screenshots of my chip setup before the boss fight. There's nothing unique about it or any secret strategy built into it. It contains all my highest damage chips. However, there aren't that many high damage chips in it, at the moment.

ElecMan assumes Lan is a NetBattler, at first, but concludes that it's of no consequence either way. He claims to have downloaded the Electricity Superprogram and threatens us with destruction. Shocking, considering only every other enemy NetNavi has said the same thing.

Battle Gab
Ehh...this isn't actually a battle. ElecMan heals himself after he takes any significant damage. After about three heals, the battle ends.

MegaMan notices that he's not accomplishing anything. He seeks Lan's help.

Lan puts two and two together and shuts off the generator.

Battle Gab
ElecMan, now vulnerable, is a nuisance more than a boss. He only poses a threat in that, with MegaMan's current stats, he can one-shot me with his lightning attack.

Speaking of which, he has a two-attack loop. He'll place a trio of pylons that will alternate an electrical connection. If Mega is standing between two he'll take damage. ElecMan's second attack is to stand still while a series of lightning bolts shoot from the sky. Like all attacks of this nature, it tells you a split second before it happens.

Like SharkMan, the only opportunity to hit him without taking damage is to wait for him to do his lightning attack. For a second after, he'll be stationary.
Old 05-16-2009, 05:58 PM
DarkBlueFlannel DarkBlueFlannel is offline
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Of necessity, I get a no-hitter.

After the battle, Lan gets 3500 more Zenny. I think it's about time to ask the question. Where is this Zenny coming from after each battle?

ElecMan has a moment of denial before claiming victory anyway, as he has given the superprogram to the next-in-line.

After he disintegrates into the ether, ProtoMan shows up.

Seeing that Lan has, yet again, butted into his affairs, Chaud decides to eliminate Mega and tells ProtoMan to hop to it.

MegaMan protests but...

Battle Gab
In my humble opinion, ProtoMan is a tier above ElecMan. Any attack that connects will kill Mega (above) and dodging them is entirely a matter of patience and careful button presses.

ProtoMan will block any shot at him, chip or normal, with a shield. The only time to hit him is after he swipes with his sword.

He has two kinds of slashes. The first will reach to the back row of Mega's side. This is easy, just move up or down when he moves to the space, on his side, that's directly in front of Mega.

Before he does his second attack type, he'll charge up, move directly in-front of MegaMan, and slash across a three column wide space. The way to dodge it is to stand away from the left wall so you have room to move back. If you stay in the back, and he pulls this, there's a 33.3% chance that you won't be able to dodge at all. (Which is to say, if you stand in the center, all three spaces will be covered by the sword swipe.)

(I accidentally go those screens backwards.)

Since, like ElecMan, any hit is instant death, this battle is entirely reflexes and playing it safe. It's easy to dodge ProtoMan's attacks when your thinking about dodging. When your focused on getting your 150 DMG chip off before he moves, it's a different story. There's no trick to ProtoMan. He's vulnerable while he's attacking and for a moment after. That screenshot was many retries in the making.
Old 05-16-2009, 06:02 PM
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Reward: more money.

After busting where busting was due, ProtoMan is bewildered by his failure.

MegaMan explains that the power of friendship is the strongest force and can overcome all. Since ProtoMan fights alone, he isn't as strong. Hopefully, this intervention will mark a turning point for ProtoMan and Chaud's relationship.

I suppose not, since Chaud isn't having any of this.

This is yet more characterization, the implications of which, I don't believe Capcom realized. The evidence suggests that Chaud doesn't actually do any NetBattling, despite the name. This scene, in my opinion, makes Chaud a better potential villain than Wily. Wily is just a run-of-the-mill antagonist while Chaud is a "good" guy who has the complete opposite personality from Lan and has been shown to be in favor of senseless damage to personal property (specifically, MegaMan.exe) if he thinks it's in his best interest. I don't know if Capcom is aware that, even in video games, actions speak louder than words.

After jacking out, Lan restarts the generator. With all as it should be, he returns to his mother.

Lan soon gets an email from his Dad asking if everyone is alright.

Mrs. Hikari decides it's time to go. She reminds Lan that he hasn't eaten since they arrived at the party.

When there are pressing issues to address, Lan can ignore the grumbling in his stomach. But, now, he suddenly realizes just how hungry he is.

Hilarity Ensues. I forgot, just how much MMBN was a buddy comedy in addition to a hybrid RPG.

Even Wily finds this witty dialogue funny.
Old 05-16-2009, 06:04 PM
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Clearly, Wily knows we're watching otherwise he would have just come out and said it.

Wily adheres to villain trope No. 1: Ultimate Nihilism.

See, the story here is that Wily used to be a computer scientist but, one day, he got cut off on the road by Lan's Grandfather. Wily saw that Hikari wasn't looking because he was talking on the phone. Enraged, he made a solemn oath on the grave of his dead mother that he would destroy all technology. This solemn promise doesn't preclude him from using technology in his effort to destroy technology, however. Well, that's what I hear, anyway.

It's no matter if I'm wrong. Once he's beaten, he'll probably spend his dying breaths explaining, in excrutiating detail, his reasons.

Next Time: Pulled in by the Net's Sinister Tendrils
Old 05-16-2009, 06:26 PM
Octopus Prime Octopus Prime is offline
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If memory serves, the Zeta Cannon actually hits several times for each press of the button.

It's more like a staggeringly overpowered Vulcan-chip... that also makes you invincible.
Old 05-16-2009, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by DarkBlueFlannel View Post
(Note: The HP inconsistancy comes from me having to replay the battle as I still don't remember to press that blasted capture button.)
I have the exact same problem when I actually bother to update. I'm pretty sure almost every LPer does.
Old 05-17-2009, 03:18 AM
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Chaud is kind of excessively bastardish even for the bitter rival character type. Although if I remember right, he is at his worst in MMBN1.

Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
I have the exact same problem when I actually bother to update. I'm pretty sure almost every LPer does.
The problem I have with screenshots is the pop-up notice that gets included in subsequent screenshots if you take them too close together.

This is in Nestopia. Visualboy Advance does it too. Messes up a lot of good images.
Old 05-19-2009, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Sanagi View Post

This is in Nestopia. Visualboy Advance does it too. Messes up a lot of good images.
KiGB does it as well, and indeed, it is annoying. I've since gotten used to the timing of it, but having to wait between grabbing screenshots makes catching dialogue a logistical nightmare.
Old 05-19-2009, 05:38 AM
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That's why I use NESter. That text is in the status bar instead of on the screen itself.
Old 05-19-2009, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by OctoPrime View Post
If memory serves, the Zeta Cannon actually hits several times for each press of the button.

It's more like a staggeringly overpowered Vulcan-chip... that also makes you invincible.
I'm not sure if it hit more than once-per-shot. All I remember is that it didn't, ultimately, do too much damage to SharkMan.

Originally Posted by Sanagi View Post
Chaud is kind of excessively bastardish even for the bitter rival character type. Although if I remember right, he is at his worst in MMBN1.
My beef with the story (and most game stories, anime stories, so forth) is that it relies so heavily on stereotypes/anime tropes that it misses the opportunity to do something genuinely unique. If Chaud was revealed to be the main villain and Wily an unwitting pawn, I'm pretty sure the fanbase would've been upset but the game would've been far more memorable.

That may sound like I spend some amount of time analyzing video game narratives but no. I usually look on stories, especially in RPGs, as a sort of garnish or something that's there only to string together a bunch of battles. And, for most games, that is the entire purpose of the story.

Concerning the emulator talk, the pop-ups are a blight on my work here too. I use Boycott Advance simply because Visual Boy somehow uses over 80% of the cpu on a Intel Core 2 Duo while it's sitting idle in the background. The popups are infuriating but not so much in MMBN because all the text is progressed manually.
Old 08-08-2009, 03:00 PM
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Hello guys, I'm your new MMBN Let's Player. You're gonna see me for the rest of this thread - isn't that wonderful?

Anyway. Let's get going.

As Lan wakes up in the morning, Megaman informs him of an email. However, Lan being the idiot he is, Lan decides to go on the train to scilab... Then gets another email. His slow brain starts to realize that he may want to read these mails.

Pfft, no. He's even more stupid and annoying than Lan!

Of course his netbattling is going badly. He lost to Lan.

HAHAHAHAHA No. We don't want to speak to that idiot. Let's see that second email...

We'll see the virus that they're talking about here later.

That's all the emails for today, but Lan doesn't want to talk to Chaud. Let's go fight the freaky fish guy again!

Masa: SharkMan! Rip 'im to shreds!!
I recorded a video but it was corrupt and I saved after the fight already. No matter, it's no different from the last fight

save for a hundred more HP. I get Sharkman S for my trouble - it sends one of sharkman's fins on each row for 90 damage each.

Nice, but not too useful. Next up: Skullman!
Old 08-08-2009, 03:05 PM
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Yes, we want to fight you, goth girl.


This is Skullman's third version. I fought his second version previously. His chip drops a huge skull on a random opponent (He uses this on you too, but I don't usually see it - I win too fast). It deals 150 damage, and once I amass a decent number of them I'll use them for bosses.

Now while watching the video, you may notice a couple of things.
1. 560 HP?
2. Powerful chargeshot?
3. Awesome chips?

Yeah. Here's the deal - there's a new regime in town, and we'll be getting all the HP and powerups we can get. I'll show you my full stats later this post.
Also, I'm a perfectionist. Specifically, I'll be getting all the chips - including navi chips.
When you fight a v1 navi you always get a preset amount of money. When you fight a v2 navi you always get the v1 navichip. When you fight a v3 navi you can get zenny or his navichip of levels 1-3, depending on your busting rank. I currently have:
Gutsman 1-3
You know what this does if you read this thread. Gutsman sends a shockwave that cracks panels and deals damage from where you
Woodman 1-3
he skewers the entire enemy area with his GODDAMNED WOODEN PILLARS.
Fireman 1-3
He fires the fire arm across the row (you know, the attack he signals by looking like he's humping something)
Stoneman 1-3

Stoneman appears and drops three (for the first version. Second is four, third is five) rocks on the enemy area, thrice. All versions do 100 per rock, so all you get for higher versions is better chances of hitting. Moderately useful, especialy after a Steal chip or two.
Numberman 1-2
Numberman rolls a six-sided die and deals the resul to the enemy area, multiplied by 10 (v1), 20 (v2), and I believe v3 is multiplied by 30. Generally useless.
Colorman 1
I believe that Colorman appears and his little dolls fire an aquatower and a firetower repectively, like in the fight. I also believe that one of them appears a panel above and to the front of where you stand, and the other below and to the front - meaning it's possible to only get half the effect. Only worth it in virus battles, and then maybe not even there. I haven't actually used it yet, so I'll update if this is wrong.
Sharkman 1
Explained earlier.
Iceman 1
I haven't used it yet, but it seems to be identical to woodman (going by the description alone) - an attack on the entire enemy area, just with the aqua element.
Skullman 1
Explained earlier.

Now, to find WWW (Wildly Warbling Whiners) v2 navis (excluding Numberman and Iceman), you have to go to certain spots in the

net. This is hinted at by this guy:

Who, if you remember, said something about ghost navis roaming the net. These are the locations of WWW (Workers Whacking Women) v2 navis I've defeated already:

Fireman, in the first net area.

Stoneman, in the third net area.

I believe Colorman was here, in the ninth net area.
To fight Iceman you talk to Froid, like any allied navi. To fight Numberman you go to Higsby's shop in ACDC town:

And talk to this machine:

No battle recorded here, I reloaded after accepting. I'll show you the battle when I can get his v3 chip.

Either way, to fight the WWW (World's Wettest Wool) v3 navis you just wander around the net area where you found their v2 version.

As a sidenote, I got a duplicate Fireman v2 and Fireman v3 from the 10-chip trader in Higsby's shop. I'll tell you more about these in a later update.
Old 08-08-2009, 03:08 PM
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Getting back to my superpowered self, We've been pludering the net's merchants, getting every non-chip item from the following merchants:

And getting close to it for this shady guy, buying the AquaArmor and the Powerup:

This is my current status:

Wait, you say. What's that armor stuff? Well it's pretty basic... Battle Network functions on a rather simple elemental rock-paper-scissors system. Heat beats Wood beats Elec beats Aqua beats Heat. Each armor grants you protection from it's element and a weakness to the element it's weak to. I equip Woodarmor for now since I have no use for any of my armors at the moment (them being Heat, Aqua, Wood), and Wood is generally more annoying than Heat or Aqua.

Lan, still doing whatever he can to avoid Chaud, proceeds to talk to the giantess who stalks Mayl.

He decides that although Yai is a balding midget girl, he should still talk to her because the alternative is a bastard net-cop.

This a bald-faced lie. *everybody cringes*

WWW(Wheelchair Wearing Weirdos)? We should go check this out next time, in THE NET OF EVIL!
Old 08-08-2009, 09:00 PM
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Did something happen to Flannel?
Anyway, I still like it, especially the little gameplay details like armor (since the only BN games I haven't played are 1 and 2 and it's interesting to see the origins of the series without having to actually play it).

Last edited by Guesty; 04-05-2011 at 02:22 AM.
Old 08-08-2009, 10:57 PM
Alpha Werewolf Alpha Werewolf is offline
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I believe that the something that happened to Flannel is real life, but either way he abandoned this officially a while ago.
Old 08-09-2009, 05:03 AM
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Yay, it's back.

The undernet is always amusing in whatever context you care to take it - serious, tongue-in-cheek, hilarious misconceptions about the internet, whatever. Jacking in to the Biggest Scariest Network Ever(where you fight viruses with your chips!) is just good entertainment.
Old 08-09-2009, 07:42 AM
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Alpha, whoever you are, I thank you for picking this LP up.
Old 08-09-2009, 10:27 AM
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It was really a split-second decision. I was playing MMBN and was right after Elecman, and noticed this LP was abandoned, so I decided to just run with it. I'm honored to be able to continue it, personally.

Alright, it's time to go to the undernet! After a long, annoying trek, made significantly shorter by jacking in from Dad's computer at work (where he never EVER is), we arrive at the undernet. Megaman speaks to a suspicious looking guy at the entrance.

Of course he doesn't believe him, because three steps away...

Alright. I guess we can continue to explore this dark, evil, completely normal looking net area.

...Wait, what?

That's right folks. EVERY SINGLE AREA IN THE NET - Including the undernet - LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME. It's remedied in later games, but we will not forgive MMBN1 for this atrocity, not when they don't even tell us where we are. Either way, exploring this place we find a couple of notable virii, such as...

This guy, who shoots bombs that explode in a cross shape as seen (and starts with much more than 20 HP, obviously). He's annoying because you can't just twitch dodge away by pressing a direction - you have to go diagonally most of the time. It's easier to hang out in the corners, then just switch between them as you dodge.

This statue - thing, who can only be damaged for 1 health per hit, until he un-rockifies himself to attack...

And then takes normal damage from attacks. The attacks is just hitting the panel in front of it with a hammer after moving forwards, which drop three rocks on your area.

These buggers have bubble shields that take up to 10 damage I believe, then the pop. And after a few seconds the shields regenerate. They teleport around shooting Aquatowers.

God I hate them. The chip is good though. It gives you the same barrier that they have, though yours can't regenerate indefinitely.

These sattellite things. They want to lock on to you, then start shooting you at regular intervals for a while (this is avoidab;e if you move just before the shots - cannons in the first net area function like this too). The lock on, unlike the cannons in the first net area, has a pattern that sweeps your entire field. Once you learn it though, it's easy. OBSERVE THE ASCII!


Note that the lock on box starts from the rightmost square in your area of the virus' row, or leftmost for the middle row.
After getting to the bottom the lock-on box starts to go up again:

Not too complicated. That's all they ever do - sit there, try to lock on, and if they lock on they shoot.

These rats appeared in their first version in Elecman's area, this is the second version (most virii have three versions - I believe only a couple have less). Same as the first one but with more HP (pictures: starting HP), faster, and faster little rat shots.

Last virus now, I promise!

You know these guys already. Their chip creates an icecube in front of you.

Also in the undernet is the shady guy who sold me the AquaArmor. TIME PARADOX!

Moving further into the undernet...

He speaks the truth, actually. To proceed deeper, you have to open question-marked gates that look identical to those in Numberman's area. Each undernet area's gates have different unlocking criteria, and this area's gates require you to not run away from battle, which I never do anyway. They stay open forever once you open them. But we're not going further inside yet. The way to the really good stuff in the undernet (the really good OPTIONAL stuff, that is) is blocked.

Sad and out of stuff to do, Lan realizes he must do the one thing he's been avoiding all day.

Megaman agrees.
Old 08-09-2009, 10:29 AM
Alpha Werewolf Alpha Werewolf is offline
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Upon arriving, Chaud is nowhere to be seen. Lan decides that there must be a mission to complete before finding him, so he talks to random people. This one says apparently suffers from a syndrome that is medically known as pants-on-head retarded.

Of course you're a desk. Or standing behind one.

close by, Lan finds a clone of the retarded person and tallks to him too.

Ah-ha! Mission! Megaman immediately jacks into the vending machine, because clearly machines in 200X can only be broken as a result of sabotage.He finds this suspicious personavi.

The navi immediately sees that he is dealing with a stupid person, and decides that we must be killed.

He won't do it himself, obviously.
The golden ball virii have the same stonebody effect as that hammer-wielding virus from the undernet. They, too, open up (though they shoot bombs) and are dispatched by an aquasword (a more damagng aqua-element widesword).

The big guy is simple. He shoots three bombs at regular intervals, each dealing 20, and one is always aimed at you.

That shield in front of him opens once you hit it enough, clearly because the virus is worried about it and likes to keep it close to him.

We quickly dispatch them. The suspicious figurenavi disapears.

This is a very special brand of cola, called crack-a-cola.

The chip? Yeah, it's bloody useless in general (it's better in later games though). It makes all panels on your side of the field normal.
Old 08-09-2009, 10:31 AM
Alpha Werewolf Alpha Werewolf is offline
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Either way, nothing happened here, so more random people to talk to - here Lan comes!



Either way, one block away from the entrance to dentown, we find...

Bastard person!

Obviously Chaud's leads are coming from the mentally reatrded desk person in Scilab.

You can just walk in man, I did it just before meeting you.

"Huh? You again? I'm busy here! Leave me alone!"

Because I can kick your silly Protoman's ass?

Not pictured: Chaud walks away.
Old 08-09-2009, 10:33 AM
Alpha Werewolf Alpha Werewolf is offline
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Lan doesn't even know what this Endgame is. It could be the world's fluffiest marshmallow for all he knows.

I think megaman caught the retarded virus too.

Hello? Guys? We were there today! *sigh* Fine, we'll go to meet Higsby (Well come on! It's not even a puzzle!)

Higsby has ellipsies. He should see a doctor.

Why is Higsby making robot noises? Creepy. That "huh" must be a secret codeword for something then!

Before leaving to jack into DenNet (the area that connects to cute goth chick's homepage)...
Old 08-09-2009, 10:35 AM
Alpha Werewolf Alpha Werewolf is offline
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Lan remembers the Megaman X series with the poster of Sigma (EDITATION: This be Vile. Sorry!) that Higsby put up for no apparent reason. Moving on.

Wow, Lan has some sort of ESP. I sure can't tell these areas from one another, since they look the exact same.

Here is the entrance to a place that is not the undernet, bt rather the WWW net. They lied to us!

After going the long way around we get there.

...Huh. That is the undernet, huh. Huh huh.

Megaman caught Huh-hisis too, huh.

Megaman: "Execute!"

Lan and Megaman decide that this day hasn't been retarded enough. Either way, BOSS FIGHT!

Last edited by Alpha Werewolf; 08-10-2009 at 12:41 AM.
Old 08-09-2009, 10:37 AM
Alpha Werewolf Alpha Werewolf is offline
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...NOT. These guys are the exact same fight that we fought in the vending machine, just stronger, faster and more durable. Oh, and the guy that shoots bombs shoots at least one bomb on each row now. I believe he shoots 6 total.

Not a very hard fight. Moving on.

We get an email, but first, suspicious guynavi!

He has no idea who he's talking to, huh. huh huh huh.

You know Higsby, you're supposed to tell us that stuff BEFORE we come here to prevent excessive trekking through DenNet.

What are the requirements for working in 200X anyway? It seems like they don't check your papers very well. Higsby was accepted into teaching work and nobody thought to check if he's affiliated with criminals, and apparently you can work in scilab after working in the WWW (Wordy Winning Weenies) if you just say sorry. What the hell is wrong with this world?

..Hang on. Higsby didn't say huh, huh. SHIT HE PASSED IT TO ME

Tune in next time for: The real undernet! Really!
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