So this dude Hoverbat has been working on a Gamemaker remake of Zelda II for some time, apparently. He even dumped the game's physics in assembly and ported them directly to Gamemaker script, if I understand it right, so to say the game feels accurate is not an overstatement.
But this is more of an enhanced edition. On top of several QoL changes (you keep 25% of your EXP when you game over instead of none, you can save in each time and start from there, you only have to talk to bridgedude in Saria once to activate the bridge instead of every time, there's a dungeon map) there's also a number of tweaks, changes, and additions that feel like they walk up to the line of being 'fangamey', but whether or not they cross it is up to taste.
For instance, there are now heart (and potion) container pieces instead of full containers to find, and as a result they've been hidden more extensively around the map. Some replacing underwhelming locations from the original, and some are new locations entirely.
Items are a bit less passive, ie: The Candle. Rather than getting it right at the start and forgetting darkness ever existed you now have to manually light torches at the start of dark rooms to brighten them, but once you do get the candle enemies become slightly more visible so you could forgo that if you really want.
There's also just straight up new content, as well as expanded content.
Here's a vid of the developer playing through the first palace:
I think it's rad, though I'm fairly early in a playthrough myself. It may end up falling victim to any number of fangame pitfalls, and I'd say it definitely suffers from 'developer difficulty' at times in the new/tweaked content, but it's worth checking out.
At least before Nintendo nukes it from orbit.
But this is more of an enhanced edition. On top of several QoL changes (you keep 25% of your EXP when you game over instead of none, you can save in each time and start from there, you only have to talk to bridgedude in Saria once to activate the bridge instead of every time, there's a dungeon map) there's also a number of tweaks, changes, and additions that feel like they walk up to the line of being 'fangamey', but whether or not they cross it is up to taste.
For instance, there are now heart (and potion) container pieces instead of full containers to find, and as a result they've been hidden more extensively around the map. Some replacing underwhelming locations from the original, and some are new locations entirely.
Items are a bit less passive, ie: The Candle. Rather than getting it right at the start and forgetting darkness ever existed you now have to manually light torches at the start of dark rooms to brighten them, but once you do get the candle enemies become slightly more visible so you could forgo that if you really want.
There's also just straight up new content, as well as expanded content.
Here's a vid of the developer playing through the first palace:
I think it's rad, though I'm fairly early in a playthrough myself. It may end up falling victim to any number of fangame pitfalls, and I'd say it definitely suffers from 'developer difficulty' at times in the new/tweaked content, but it's worth checking out.
At least before Nintendo nukes it from orbit.