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You ever turn on a game and just sit at the title screen for a while?


I don't know, I can't say I've really lingered at a title screen all that long in recent memoBABA YETU YETU ULIYE MBINGUNI YETU YETU AMINA, BABA YETU YETU ULIYE JINA LAKO LITUZUZWE


Chrono Cross: fishes swimming with early 3D graphics and that Mitsuda music... Yeah, it moves me. It suggests life, passage of time and i don't know what else.

Also love the MGS title screen because of the music.

From the same era, the title screen from Ocarina Of Time is also great. For some reason it doesn't speak to me in the same way as those mentioned above, but... great stuff.

It is the most obvious one! Someone had to post it!
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Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I was literally about to post Ocarina, lol. Nine times out of ten I would let that play out.

River City Girls, Secret of Mana, and Wild ARMS are others I've let play out more than once. Here's a few more:



Honestly surprised it took almost a whole page for Suiko 3 to show up. Civ 4 is also a good pull. And yeah, Secret of Mana, Wild ARMs and Xenoblade Chronicles are the three most obvious choices.

As for ones that haven't shown up yet...



One of the most sinister intros, before going into something sweet. It's kinda spectacular.

Again, mostly the music on this one. (Each expansion has the same leitmotif for the title screen, slightly re-adjusted for the themes and mood of that expansion.)



Miss or be made.
FFT War of the Lions is one that's only a few seconds long, but I watch it every time because I love the moment when the intro becomes the title screen.
It's so good!


Little Waves
Staff member

You are speaking my language.

FFT War of the Lions is one that's only a few seconds long, but I watch it every time because I love the moment when the intro becomes the title screen.

It's so good!

This is how I feel about Final Fantasy XII:

Animating that giant Amano brush stroke right as Prologue hits its climax feels like such a bold, ecstatic declaration. The music and graphics are screaming, "This is what Final Fantasy means!"

(The fact that they threw this out for The Zodiac Age turned me off from playing that version.)


Find Your Reason
I'm still doing just title screens (if I do OPs and attracts I'll be here all day) but the Persona definitely sets a standard, and I appreciate how every new iteration after 3 follows and further refines upon the silhouette motif:

P3 is not subtle about its themes at all, what with a giant Moon shining through the frame of a classroom window, and the foreboding "The Voice Someone Calls" (the Tartarus foyer theme) as BGM. It's nice, and I REALLY like the blurry "flash" effect on the title as well as the scrolling layer. The nocturnal effect is great, even if you don't realize the significance of the Moon itself until the end of the game.

P3FES evolves the original theme with a piano arrangement of "Memories Of You", Aigis's silhouette instead of the Protagonist's, and a green tint that is much more evocative of the Dark Hour in particular than the blue that defines P3's themes. All of these constitute a title screen for people already familiar with P3 and its narrative, even though this version is likely most people's introduction to the game.

We once gain get the "Memories Of You" piano arrangement from P3 FES's title screen, but I like the transparency effect with the Moon in the background. The alternating portraits of MaleC and FemC are also a wonderful touch, although it'd be nicer if the latter got unique art for this like MaleC did.

This is basically what Persona title screens are going to be from now on, huh? The MUCH happier tone and atmosphere are nice, especially after the 3.5 earlier iterations (and their remakes!) but I absolutely LOVE the randomly-selected, negative-space silhouette you get when you press a button. I liked canceling out and pressing again just to see what they all looked like.

P4G may be waaay too happy-joy cartoony at this point, and, well, the themes of the game itself haven't really aged all that well (to say the least), but this is still a fun title screen.

The most stylish game of course has to have the most stylish title screens. Having the options lead to different parts of the environment, and the characters changing poses to match, is a fantastic detail, especially since the devs didn't even need to take those extra steps. I honestly prefer the original, minimalist "subway platform" version, then Strikers' "roadside rest stop" --the Shibuya Crossing one is a bit too busy for my tastes, but it's still a pretty phenomenal one.

I couldn't find individual videos of the various Persona 1 and 2 installments, nor of Q/Q2, but there's a sampler video that has a few seconds of everything in the series through PQ2. I appreciate how the PSP versions of Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment follow their own internal standard.


Sudden chomper
When I was in Japan about 10 years ago, copies of Chrono Trigger were so cheap that I bought one just so I could occasionally put it in my Super Nintendo and let the attract mode run. Money well spent!



cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
Animating that giant Amano brush stroke right as Prologue hits its climax feels like such a bold, ecstatic declaration. The music and graphics are screaming, "This is what Final Fantasy means!"
the ps2 really was the era for this kind of thing, huh? (like many things about that era, it seems like the highest intersection between "technology making this possible and effective" and "games still having stuff like this before it increasingly started getting skipped over as a supposedly superfluous element") i watched the intro for romancing saga: minstrel song a bunch of times while playing it this year for a similar reason (though it's certainly not quite the same), with the intro showing so much of the world and characters and conveying the charm of the game before fading into the title screen

on a completely different note, beatmania iidx 10th style has my favorite title screen/intro in the series by a long shot, with a chill beat quickly escalating into a dissonant droning sound (one of the main system sounds for the version, it also plays when you select songs and menu options)

i'll have to keep thinking about this topic. title screens don't often make the same kind of singular impression on me that, say, intros or credits do, so while there must be plenty more examples that haven't been mentioned here yet, they don't immediately rise to mind


hardcore retro gamin'
Skate. Or. Die! D-D-D-D-Die! Awesome stuff for sure.

Also really dig that Romancing SaGa intro. I watched that one a bunch, too. Definitely something about the PS2 era that really made for these cool intros that felt like they were worth watching over and over.

Another personal favorite - the opening for Tales of Destiny.

Also, Tales of the Abyss and Symphonia. Basically, Tales games had awesome intros for a while!



the titular game boy
When I was in Japan about 10 years ago, copies of Chrono Trigger were so cheap that I bought one just so I could occasionally put it in my Super Nintendo and let the attract mode run. Money well spent!

This is my favorite title screen and my favorite attract mode. It's so so wonderful.

The DS/PSX opening movie ain't bad either, and works as a nice companion piece. But it hits a little different.

Also, looks like Wild ARMs and Final Fantasy Tactics both got posted already, so... off I go!

Exposition Owl

more posts about buildings and food
I don't know, I can't say I've really lingered at a title screen all that long in recent memoBABA YETU YETU ULIYE MBINGUNI YETU YETU AMINA, BABA YETU YETU ULIYE JINA LAKO LITUZUZWE

Positronic Brain

Out Of Warranty
It has been mentioned but not linked, so I'm correcting that injustice:

And then there's this one:

Back when Sayonara Wild Hearts was released I heard contrasting opinions on that, so I opened the soundtrack in Spotify, listened to the beginning of the title screen song and then stopped because it was so good it definitively justified getting the game to me. But like with any Sayonara Wild Hearts song, the in-game visuals make the song stronger - the moment I saw that hear beating to the song I knew this was my jam. I alays let that song play all the way through when I boot the game.

These two title screens, plus the Persona ones Zef linked before, are what comes to my mind when I think about impressive title screens.


I cuss you bad
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask has an excellent title sequence. It's Link watching the inhabitants of Clocktown go about their daily lives as the (downbeat) Clocktown theme plays. It gets subtly more sinister until the camera pans up the Clock Tower revealing the Skull Kid and the moon. It's a great piece of mood setting.



Internet's foremost Bertolli cosplayer
I don't know, I can't say I've really lingered at a title screen all that long in recent memoBABA YETU YETU ULIYE MBINGUNI YETU YETU AMINA, BABA YETU YETU ULIYE JINA LAKO LITUZUZWE
Ah, right, yes. That's the one. This is the title screen I hear in my dreams.

I got to see video games live perform it once; it was very good.


Mellotron enthusiast
Bringing back my own thread at 4 a.m. because I can, and also because the title screen for Phantasy Star II is very good:

I haven't played this game since trying it out on the PS2 Sega Genesis Collection over a decade ago, and I never did get very far. But I still think about the music sometimes.