Johnny Unusual

In a world of increased isolation, we all need a friend. And sometimes we have that one relationship with someone who just… works with you. It can be romantic, platonic or maybe something that isn’t so easily labelled. Some people just go together. Some things just go together. Becoming greater than the whole. It’s not always a good thing. Sometimes people can have a reaction that is toxic, even if it is compelling. But that magnetism means something. It’s a powerful force, sometimes. It might even seem cosmic. Me, I don’t believe in fate or kismet. But what I do believe in is people can recognize when the stars align and things go together in a way we can’t take our eyes off of. Or in some cases, our mouth off of.
Now I asked you guys for a list of around 25 duos to make a list of 50. And you did not disappoint. Let’s check out the people I have to thank for making an awesome list!

@Johnny Unusual @Torzelbaum

@Purple @Issun

@Vaeran @Kishi

@Caithness @Daikaiju

@JBear @SabreCat

@Olli @Baudshaw

@Pombar @RT-55J

@Kirin @YangusKhan

@WildcatJF @Mogri
Let’s get started!