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There are now 25 entries left to submit. You have my support - TMNT Nom Thread!


..and his little cat, too
One other note of consideration: because we don’t want this list to be filled with 7 different versions of Mikey and 16 of Raphael we’re considering a vote for a particular character as a vote for all expressions of that character across all media.
Working on mine, and this part chafes a little... just because I like '12 Splinter and Rise Don so much in a unique way from every other version.

And how I similarly dislike '87 cartoon Slash in a unique way from every other version.


Oh crap, I totally spaced this. Can I hammer together a list real quick or is it too late? Whatever, gonna send one anyways.

Edit: Done and sent
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Plastic Vampire
Thanks folks, I've received your lists! We'll be tallying up this week and likely start the list thread next week. If you still want to send us one, shoot me a DM sometime this week and I'll let you know where I'm at.


Staff member
Working on mine, and this part chafes a little... just because I like '12 Splinter and Rise Don so much in a unique way from every other version.

And how I similarly dislike '87 cartoon Slash in a unique way from every other version.

These are good things to talk about when the entries come up in the countdown!


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Oh poop I completely forgot. I'll see if I can pull something together tonight.