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The Valdez Museum for Video Game Box Art Presents...


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

*yawn* What? What's going on here? A FORUM THREAD? A new one?
Mornin' sleepers. Since Octo just finished up the Thompson contest, we got Johnny Unusual's OK to run something ourselves! And you're not gonna believe this...
I just woke up, try me.
Sure thing!
Oh gre.......wait, I'M THE CURATOR. I should be making those decisions!
Well, look, maintaining THIS takes a lot of beauty rest.
It's a great concept! And...she...uh...already works for us...
Shi! Wait, why are you pixelated again? That was resolved in the last contest! It's also messing up the consistent image formatting...
There's a REASON for this. I always have reasons. Just pouring out of me, all these REASONS!
Ok, ok, enlighten me then. What is this concept?
You're gonna barf up a hairball when you gather how meta this all is...ok, you ready?
Fighting game characters! The top 50 fisticuffians of all time!
Um...cat got your tongue?
YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS. This institution simply cannot withstand ANOTHER literal shock to the foundation. We shouldn't expect Dad to just whisk away the total deconstruction of the museum AGAIN. This is beyond the pale. I...
Relax, relax! Flavia, we've learned so much from the last two exhibits. No living creatures, no inter-dimensional portals, no Mr. X's, AND we got actual insurance in place this time! And a Metroid!
...fine, fine. At least we won't need to pay Nintendo for cussing in front of an Animal Crossing mascot again.
I'm cool with it, Pearl has a sailor MOUTH off camera.
So this was originally Kula Diamond's sprite from KoF! There's your goddamn META, and a...how many years ago was the last one? "Aug 21, 2020"? The fuck?
All right, all right, you're very funny. So I suppose now I have to step in and lay the rules, yes?

1) This is a very spur of the moment popularity contest. What happens within could influence the direction the story goes! I encourage memories of each combatant we display in the museum! What does seeing the fighter here make you feel as they come up? GIMME THOSE REACTIONS! There's likely going to be all kinds of iconic and obscure choices gathered here from many different games, and I'm super excited to draw them all and see where they take the thread! You get to be a part of that organic process! These threads are my favorite moments on TT EVER, and I want to maintain that improvisation here.

2) Posts will occur when I have the energy to devote to this...which is why it is not an "official" popularity contest. I don't want to force anyone wanting to run theirs to wait, nor do I want to be the only game in town in this subforum. I want to do this when I'm engaged and not feel like it's a chore. So the other contests will roll along at their leisure and I'll be running mine, and it'll all be fantastic. :)

3) Please please please DON'T BUST IN HERE AND BE AN ASSHOLE. Seriously. Don't shit on a choice, don't shit on people who picked it, don't shit on how I choose to run the contest, don't shit on me for taking too long to post something. I am super excited to be doing this again and will not be in the mood to have someone try to be a jerk. I see someone try to shit in here, I report to a mod. Let's just have fun!

4) If you're curious about the comic these characters come from, check out my art blog: https://wildcatjfart.wordpress.com/tag/so-this-webcomic. Yes, even though this intro post has no comics (or does it?), the majority of these entries will be comic based. I may occasionally dip into other formats as is my wont.

6) I may reference the old contests from time to time (I already have!), which is currently being archived. The Enemy Contest is here (it was the very first popularity contest on the new forum! Isn't that somethin?), and the Box Art one is on the archived 2.0 section we're being sneaky beaky about (search "Welcome one, welcome all to" under Meatspace and you'll find it).

7) You skipped 5.

It's KINDA important to include...THE NOMINATIONS PART.
Fine, fine, you take over.

5) Nominations! Submit a list of 25 fighting game characters, ranked from tip top to wee bottom. #1s will earn 35 points, #25 11 points. If you don't have 25, that's a-ok! We only want characters who originated in a fighting game, and are 100% not from a license! So no Mario and no Goku!


...........ok, we'll make ONE exception to the "originated in a fighting game" rule, but only if the character has been in MORE fighting games than their series of origin. So still no Mario, but Captain Commando would be fine since he's in TWO fighting games and ONE beat-em-up origin story.

Oh yeah, as Torzelbaum asked, please use NA naming conventions. So if you want the psycho power boss from Street Fighter, please submit him as M. Bison. If you want the boxer boss, use Balrog.

Also also, another Torzelbaum legend, I think the SPIRIT of the matter is that characters would be playable, but you know what, I don't mind either way. So long as they debuted in a fighting game OR appear more in fighting games than their game/series of origin, we'll roll with it.

Also also also also, let's keep things simple and not do 3rd Strike Ryu or Injustice Scorpion or things like that. If you like a character enough to nominate them, just list their name and origin franchise. I'll be listing out EVERY fighting game they're in if they gots the votes. And Flavia is mean.

Relatedly, if a character has an alternative version with their primary name included (Evil Ryu, God Rugal, etc.), then please vote for the primary character. However, if the designers felt like giving an alt a completely different name (Oni for Akuma, Mr. Karate for Ryo, etc.), then those alternates are eligible for their own spot on the list.

Is that all?
I think so. It's been four years how the fuck would I remember
Got something that might interest ya
But why.gif
I'm sure this won't come up later. ANYWAY, what's the usual submission period? Three weeks? Three weeks. Lists due either PM on the forum or DM on the Discord to the guy who's name is in the top left corner of this long ass post. And ask questions too! I have to answer them, it's in my job description. I double checked.
Yeah, that guy. WildcarJFish. So February 10th, I get to start BUILDING MY DREAM ARCADE.
What was that?
I said the incredible exhibit!

There actually is a comic buried in here somewhere, haha
(sick logo by Ixo)
Last edited:


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Ooooooh good point. Yes, that would make things easier, so I don't accidentally get Vega/claw mixed up with Balrog/claw. Appending the rules!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
And another thing - do they have to be playable characters or are non-playable characters also allowed?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
And another thing - do they have to be playable characters or are non-playable characters also allowed?
Another great question! I think the SPIRIT of the matter is playable, but you know what, I don't mind either way. So long as they debuted in a fighting game OR appear more in fighting games than their game/series of origin, we'll roll with it. Effie fans unite!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Can we vote for specific versions of a character i.e. from a specific crossover game or a specific entry in a series?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Can we vote for specific versions of a character i.e. from a specific crossover game or a specific entry in a series?
That would get really messy, and I don't feel it'd be a compelling exhibit to have like 20 Ryus in his various appearances, you know? If you like Ryu in the Marvel Vs. series, or Scorpion in Injustice, just vote for the character. I'll be citing their entire fighting gameography for them in their post as is.

...Shit. That's gonna be a lot of work. I need to hire my own intern. FlaviAAAAAAAAAA

No. It's in your job description.


That would get really messy, and I don't feel it'd be a compelling exhibit to have like 20 Ryus in his various appearances, you know? If you like Ryu in the Marvel Vs. series, or Scorpion in Injustice, just vote for the character. I'll be citing their entire fighting gameography for them in their post as is.
This is one of those lines that can get real blurry real quick when you get into the weeds on all the in-universe clones/splintered essences and characters heavily implied to be maybe the same person (so and so left and now here's some mysterious new girl with the same powers? Is Mario a doctor or is this a distinct guy? Etc.) and maintaining kayfabe on behalf of wrestlers changing gimmicks but I will err on the side of not double-listing anyone.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
This is one of those lines that can get real blurry real quick when you get into the weeds on all the in-universe clones/splintered essences and characters heavily implied to be maybe the same person (so and so left and now here's some mysterious new girl with the same powers? Is Mario a doctor or is this a distinct guy? Etc.) and maintaining kayfabe on behalf of wrestlers changing gimmicks but I will err on the side of not double-listing anyone.
An excellent point of clarification! So, this is what I think. If an alternative character has the primary character's name as their official moniker (i.e. Evil Ryu, Shin Akuma, God Rugal, Order Sol, etc.), then vote for the primary character. However, if the designers decided their alt character was worthy of a unique name and roster position (i.e. Oni [Akuma], Kage [Ryu], Mr. Karate [Ryo], King of Dinosaurs [Tizoc], etc.), then you can submit them on your list. If there's any characters that fall under this umbrella you're thinkin' about and aren't sure, you can PM or DM that bobcat guy who's sponsoring my content.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Darn... I thought I had my 25 but now I'm second-guessing one of my choices. It's weird that I feel like I have both too many and not enough options at the same time.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
It's been a few days, let's introduce some intrigue! Merchant! I'm buying something that DID interest me!
Heh heh heh heh, thank you




Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
One week has passed! And we have.......three lists! We're already seeing some interesting results, so the museum is excited to see what comes next from potential donors!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
One week has passed! And we have.......three lists! We're already seeing some interesting results, so the museum is excited to see what comes next from potential donors!
Was there any consensus at all among those 3 lists?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Carp yeah! That puts us at 4! And would you look at that, it's 7 days before the deadline! We are eager to see more lists and really shake up the competition!


Summon for hire
Mine is in the works, got a long-ass draft that I just need to find time to cut down and order.

But I wouldn’t worry, standard procedure is you’ll get like 70% of your lists in the last day or two. The long deadlines are a courtesy few of us take full advantage of. Still good to have though in case people are busy.


Summon for hire
Oh hey, so, you covered the question of different versions of the same character, but what about the opposite case with same versions of different characters? I realize that sounds nonsensical when I put it like that but hear me out - a character that has what's baaaaasically an alt costume with maybe slight move tweaks, but in series lore the two are technically different individual characters with their own circumstances. Lump them together in a single vote, or no?

(In the instance I have in mind I'm inclined to put them together so as to get both in without taking two slots on my list. 😅)


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Since I'm at work and it's hard to do a gimmick, would you mind PMing me the characters in question?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
We're getting some fin-cinating results. At the moment, I don't think anyone would guess the #1! However, I've been informed by the owner of the institution that we're having an inspection this weekend to make sure everything is ship-shape before the exhibition, so we'll be postponing the due date of the donations (i.e. lists) until Monday, February 13, to hopefully net a few more and really make this off the hook. And please keep any questions coming if you have any!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
encourage memories of each combatant we display in the museum! What does seeing the fighter here make you feel as they come up? GIMME THOSE REACTIONS!
I did not add any reactions to my list but I am thinking about doing that. However I did have a question related to this.

Don't shit on a choice, don't shit on people who picked it, don't shit on how I choose to run the contest, don't shit on me for taking too long to post something.
For characters I picked am I allowed to complain about things the developers did to them that I didn't like?


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
I did not add any reactions to my list but I am thinking about doing that. However I did have a question related to this.

For characters I picked am I allowed to complain about things the developers did to them that I didn't like?

I think that's super totes fair to gripe about that. I mean, developers have done some heinous shit to their characters. I can think of several off the top of my head! HellOOOOO SNK Heroines?!?

But yeah, as long as it's not directed at the peeps who contributed to the list, it's cool. Thanks for askin'!