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The Top 50 Musicals Submission Thread: The Old Song and Dance

Johnny Unusual

Today is the deadline! If you are planning on submitting but don't feel you have enough time, please let me know. The deadline is a soft one but I need to know you are working on it or I might finish up and only wait for the people who said they need a bit more time. Make your voice heard.


I'll send something until tomorrow midnight (I can't remember timezones, let's just say within 24 + 9.5 hours (it's midnight here in 9.5 hours, so tomorrow midnight)). Might do it today, just can't say for sure.

Johnny Unusual

Cool! If everyone who promised me does it that *should* bring us to 15. But I'll be shiverin' and shakin' till that happens.

BTW, I'm really excited about this. Some really interesting stuff.

Johnny Unusual

I start tabulating today. I have 14 and I have two more tyrants who said they were going to get them in. If you want to get one in and you'll be a bit late, that's cool but let me know so if I finished I can let you in.


Sent a revised list now, as announced when I sent you my first version yesterday. In case this went under, feel free to use the list from yesterday, it's not that different anyway.




Johnny Unusual

Thanx Wildcat! 16 submissions all tabulated. This is going to be a wild one. I'll get it started after I write up a few entries ahead of time. I always like to bank 'em before I start.

Oh, and to put things in perspective, a participants #1 is worth 35 points alone. our #50 is worth 54 points!