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The Top 50 Fighting Game Characters - The Newest Exhibit at the Valdez Museum of Video Game Box Art


Summon for hire
I'd honestly forgotten that KI got a reboot. Hisako seems like a pretty fun character concept.


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
I didn't vote for Jedah, but I could've. Darkstalkers 3's newcomers are terrific and he might still lord over them. The series didn't have great antagonists before him and he more than fulfills that role.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Hi. WildcatJF here with no pretenses of being anyone other than myself here.

I have some very sad news. Finn attacked Flavia and I on Saturday. His aggression had turned into rage when Flavia entered his room and I had to step in between to protect her. He really hurt me. I haven't been able to use my left hand until yesterday because of the bites, and it still hurts. I probably shouldn't be using it, honestly.

After some very deep thought and consulting with animal control and my vet, I made the difficult decision to put him down today. Seeing this anger and territorial behavior become so intense in that moment...it was too much. My heart is so heavy. I probably haven't mentioned it much here, but his early life was in an abusive household that I rescued him from. When I got him, he had no whiskers because they were cut off with scissors. And this territorial anger has been rising the past year. I hoped putting him in isolation would help him feel more comfortable, but clearly there was more going on than that. I feel that the emotional scars and mental anguish were beginning to overtake my sweet boy.

This is so hard, friends. This is one of the most gutwrenching things I've ever done. I want you to know, tho. You had mild connections to him thanks to these comic contests I've done, if you've looked at my blogs or videos, and knew how much I loved him. And know that he gave me such a loving and forgiving look as the last moment I spent with him. He understood. Through reiki I was able to support him through to the end. And he is with me now in my energy, forever.

Sorry to just hammer you with such news in what is supposed to be a fun goofy popularity contest, but I love this community and I know you'd want to know about this. Thank you for listening and being a part of my life.

I made him a tribute video:

Relatedly, this contest is going on a little hiatus. I don't know when it'll happen, but the next post in this thread from me in a few (section of times) will indicate when it's going to restart. I need to think on how I wish to continue this when Finn has been so central of a character.

I appreciate your understanding through this difficult time.
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I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. My heart goes out to you, WC. Take all the time you need.

May Finn rest in peace, knowing he was loved.


Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Sorry for your loss, Wildcat. Come back to stuff like this only when it feels enjoyable to do again.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
After much consideration, I think Finn would appreciate continuing his inclusion in these contests. It's a good way for me to remind myself of his loving and goofy personality, and he's so integral to the very core of my three forum contests it would be detrimental to suddenly have him not appear.

I greatly appreciate all of the kindness, sympathy and condolences I have received from you all. This was one of the hardest experiences of my life, but I want to cherish his memory and keep him a part of my museum shenanigans.

Unfortunately, my job just switched to 10/4 hours, so I didn't have the energy to build the posts as planned. Hopefully with a 4 day weekend coming up I can get those together. I did beat Tears of the Kingdom so there's that at least!
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Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
God I've been doomscrolling for a month, how's the contest...OH. Um. Well. I guess...yeah, I'll just shut the fuck up. Onward, then?



Appearances (deep breath): Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2, SF2: Championship Edition, SF2: Turbo, Super SF2, Super SF2 Turbo, Super SF2 Turbo: HD Remix, Super SF2 Revival, Ultra SF2, Street Fighter EX, Street Fighter EX2, Street Fighter EX3, Street Fighter: The Movie, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, SFA3 Upper, SFA3 Max, Street Fighter 3: New Generation, SF3: 2nd Impact, SF3: 3rd Strike, SF3: 3rd Strike Online Edition, Street Fighter 4, Super SF4, Super SF4: 3D Edition, Super SF4: Arcade Edition, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter V, SFV: Arcade Edition, SFV: CE, Street Fighter 6, Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix, Pocket Fighter, SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium, Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom Vs. SNK: Pro, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos, Street Fighter X Tekken, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate / Votes: 48 (Highest: Rascally Badger #5)
Ken, much like Luigi, is a second player icon. Acting as the 2P option in the original Street Fighter, he began to show signs of individuality upon his Street Fighter II Turbo appearance beyond a throw and a different color of gi, emphasizing his Shoryuken to hit more than once and eventually generate flames. From there, Ken's flashy style continued to evolve, adding in a plethora of normal kick variants, a front roll, an overhead rolling heel kick, the new Dragonlash Kick from Street Fighter 6, and others. Plotwise, Ken's a martial arts champion who wishes to push his limits in fighting, and has become quite wealthy in the process, opening the Masters Foundation. He is married to Eliza and has a son named Mel, as well as a disciple, Sean, in Street Fighter III. It seems he has hit some difficult times in Street Fighter 6 and is on the run, but seeing how fresh that game is, we'll leave that story thread there.


Moveset Highlights: Shoryuken, Hadoken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Shinryuken

This is So Random! #41a - Ken's Street Fighter Alpha 2 stage is rife with cameos from other Capcom franchises, such as Forgotten Worlds, Strider, Darkstalkers, Captain Commando, Capcom World 2, Aliens Vs. Predator, Saturday Night Slam Masters, and even a Capcom employee! Thanks desk!




cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
realized i never actually remembered to say so, but i'm sorry for your loss. that said, i'm excited to see the list continue, and what a pick for that

...i didn't vote for ken. i don't love ken, and i would rarely choose to play him. but even though he's one of the most played sf characters in almost every version, and an easy one to associate with negative playstyle connotations, like the sf4 "online players who dp everything" or 3s "why does that super work after everything??"...he's so hard to hate. he's just cool, and when you see someone really good play him, you feel that. ryu may get more of the attention in crossovers and stuff, with ken not making it into games like marvel 3 and ryu getting into smash first as well, but i think that makes me feel all the more that ryu has maybe transcended his original series in a sense, and left ken as the truly iconic street fighter. he's not my favorite, but he's damn good


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Thank you spines, I appreciate that.

It's nice to get this going again. I should have another one ready to go in a little bit.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Appearances (as this persona): Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken Revolution / Votes: 48 (Highest: Johnny Unusual #2)
Jaycee is the luchadora wrestling alias of longtime Tekken alum Julia Chang (the nickname refers to her initials). Although she has only appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Tekken Revolution as this persona, it has become a popular take on the character. Combining Julia's considerable kenpo talents with the acrobatic throws and maneuvers of the luchadora style, she is quite a force to be reckoned with in the ring. Plotwise, Julia was not intended to don the mask; she takes on the mantle after an unnamed woman participating in the tournament suffers a car crash on her way to fight, and the woman's mother pleads with Julia, her daughter's friend, to take her place. While as Jaycee, Julia envelops the wrestling bravado of the sport, which seems to have carried over to her more confident streaming personality she has in Tekken 7 (which states she has "retired" from wrestling as Jaycee). Her adopted mother is Michelle Chang from Tekken 1, 2, and Tekken Tag Tournament.


Moveset Highlights: Déjà Vu, Huracan rana invertida, Tequila Sunrise, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3

This is So Random! #41b - In Michelle's ending, she discovers Julia's secret identity as Jaycee and tries on the mask; however, Julia finds out and suggests the two pair up as a luchadora tag team, which leads to her donning a black costume similar to her daughter's. Thanks Bandai Namco for making the game lol (another fun fact that I couldn't ignore, Michelle and Julia are the first characters to use voice acting in a cutscene in the series in Tekken 3; thanks Tekken Wiki)


Yeah! Woo!

..................................heh heh heh HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SISTERS! WAR CALLS TO US...


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
i have some kind of recollection that jaycee's announcement for tag 2 had a degree of "no, it's not who you think!!" kayfabe involved, which, even outside of the in-game narrative aspect, is just kind of funny in retrospect. i kind of have a suspicion that julia's been kind of a difficult character for the devs, in the sense that if she or michelle were newer characters in the series they'd probably have somewhat different backstories at least, which to me would explain some of why she's become a bit of a wild card in the last couple games. but you can tell they were having a lot of fun with this one...the last in a personally enjoyable stretch of major non-snk fighting games finally introducing some lucha type characters. none of which will ever return, it seems*

*unless am2 whoever makes virtua fighter 6. but that has nothing to do with this. although i doubt either of those characters will place on this list, because i didn't even vote for them...


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Hi there. Quick update: my work schedule for the summer is 10/4s, i.e. 4 10 hour days. I have a half-hour lunch on this schedule and lunch has been my time to do these, and I've been working from home in the afternoon, so I've just not been able to set up stuff for this. I think I'll put this on the backburner til mid August when I go back to my usual workday.

Thanks for understanding!


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Marina, I think that part you've been waiting for finally showed up. Yeesh, remind me never to order from them again.
I didn't ask for a part. Hell, I haven't even been here for...phone, you can't possibly be telling me two goddamn months?!? And some change? Shit. That WAS a good playlist.
No, not Marie, Marina. Where is she?
.......would you like to know?
Um, hello evil sickly jpg.
It isn't easy being green.
Do you have more diabolical intentions than merely ripping off the Muppets?
But of course! I didn't cliffhang for nearly a quarter of a year to just leave behind a boring quip!
You.......seem....faintly familiar.
I SHOULD, Marie Park. Decades ago we would have fought in the halls of Wizard's Mansion, my disease versus your psychic. But as people grow older, they grow out of things. Concepts fall aside for others.
...you're literally Pestilence. Aren't you.
Indeed. And my sisters are tired of being forgotten.
I wasn't even alive for any of this.
I had a different name! Ooof.
Soya! ...oh, the...arcade machine turned back on. Unplugged. Marie, you aren't secretly a technically minded person able to work on arcade cabinets?
If it was a piano, maybe.
I found Shi! And Claire! And Finn! But, um...something is chasing us.
Oooooo, let me guess! Jason! He's in a fighting game, right?
We didn't count licensed characters.
Shit. Um. ...ALIEN!
...look, I know MOVIES.
Oh yeah.
You're here.
Good luck stopping our plans without your precious octoling. And don't approach the machine, lest you wish to join in their fate!
Fishsticks. Okay. Marie, do you know anyone who could help us here?
....yeah. I think I do. If those two girls are who I thought they were...they know a couple peeps.

WE BACK. Actual list continues soon!


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Appearances: Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Tekken: Dark Resurrection, Tekken 6, Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, Tekken 8, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, Tekken Hybrid, Tekken Revolution, Street Fighter X Tekken/ Votes: 53 (Highest: Kirin #4)
Kuma is a bear. That's really all that matters. There's two Kumas in Tekken; Kuma I was in the first two games, with his son Kuma II appearing in everything else.


Moveset Highlights: Hunting, Rock 'n Roll Circus, You're Welcome, Sit


This is So Random! #39a - Their move Fatal Wind is one of the few attacks in all of Tekken to instantly KO an opponent. It even became Kuma's super art in Street Fighter x Tekken. But what is it? Bear fart.

It was removed in Tekken 7, but who knows its fate in Tekken 8; thanks
The Fighters Generation!




Summon for hire
Yesssss, it's not a real fighting game character list without a freakin' bear.

Appreciate the gif of the time a freakin' bear became the president of Mishima Zaibatsu.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Appearances: Darkstalkers, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge, Vampire Savior, Vampire Hunter 2, Vampire Savior 2 / Votes: 53 (Highest: Johnny Unusual #4)
A punk rocker whose final concert ended up in catastrophe for him and the audience, Lord Raptor (or Zabel Zarock in Japan) is a power hungry zombie whose thirst for power was enough to be noticed by Emperor Ozom, who resurrected him on the condition he eliminate the Darkstalkers. Raptor agreed, but deep within planned a coup to kill Ozom and steal his throne. However, Ozom and his castle disappear by the time Raptor returns to follow through on his ambitions, and the new realm of Majigen appeared in its place. Ruled by Jedah, Raptor decides one ruler is as good as the other, and shifts his goal to kill Jedah instead. As a zombie, Raptor has many powers, including transformation back into his human form, generate electricity, manipulate his body parts to change into various weapons like chainsaws, blades, and more, and has the help of Le Malta, a demon sent by Ozom to keep tabs on him but eventually betrays his master for his new ally and friend.

Moveset Highlights: Death Hurricane, Hell's Gate, Evil Scream, Hell Dunk


This is So Random! #39b - In the animated cartoon, there were some...creative liberties taken with Lord Raptor's personality.


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Johnny Unusual

I love the wildness of the animations for this dude.

Zabel Zarock is a better name for this character. Lord Raptor... feels like a 56 year old writer saying "you know what the kids today like? Dinahsaurs!" That said, is there anything less rock than putting the word rock in your name?

See Kid Rock for further evidence.


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
not on my list but he's genuinely one of the funniest fighting game characters ever made. literally a character who belonged in guilty gear xx or something, they gave him almost everything in the game so he feels way ahead of his time now and he's basically one of the strongest characters i can think of in fighting games who's never been banned. his animations are sick, he has giant normals and incredible movements plus a teleport escape for some reason. actually doing all the stuff that makes him good is very hard, but for the small number of players who've dedicated a lot of work to him he's stupidly hard to deal with


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Appearances: Soul Edge, Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur II, Soul Calibur III, Soul Calibur IV, Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny, Soul Calibur V, Soul Calibur VI / Votes: 54 (Highest: WildcatJF #9)
The personification of the evil sword Soul Edge, Nightmare has possessed several of the series' stalwarts over its run (including Kilik, Astaroth, and Raphael, among others) in its attempts to destroy or take over the world. However, its most famous and popular host has been the knight Siegfried, whose desire for revenge for the death of his father dooms his soul as his thirst for power leads him to grab the diabolical weapon, letting the "Nightmare" consume him. Siegfried has been Nightmare for three of the games (I, II and VI, and less officially in Soul Edge as "Siegfried!"), with the chaotic series endboss Inferno taking over the armor when Siegfried is purged of Soul Edge's influence for III and IV. Nightmare itself is a heavily armored dark knight known as the "Azure Knight" with a demonic hand forged from the link with the living blade. Nightmare is constantly seeking nourishment from souls it devours in the process of fighting while it hunts its own missing shards scattered across the world. In III it takes on a super powered boss form known as "Night Terror".

Moveset Highlights: Nightmare Slasher, Earth Divide, Stamp Through the Earth, Dark Reconquista: Triumph


This is So Random! #38 - Nightmare has become the series' official mascot, appearing in the logo for the development team, Project Soul, beginning with III.


...........ugh, I wish I didn't dump all my old numbers when I got this new phone............c'mon Bridge...


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
hell yeah. another character i didn't end up voting for, but a true icon, and one of my favorite characters in soul calibur ii back in the day. i loved that you could just stomp on people after winning the round


Summon for hire
I thought I had Nightmare on my list but I checked and evidently I had Siegfried instead. Probably shoulda had Nightmare; they play pretty similarly in the earlier titles, but Siggy is just another pretty boy with a huge sword, while Nightmare is an elemental force of malice with a huge sword. Poor Siggy though, he's a sad kid who has trouble making good choices.


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)

Appearances: Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct (2013) Season 2 / Votes: 56 (Highest: Beta Metroid #8)
An Ultratech engineered bioweapon, Riptor is a cross of human, reptilian, and cybernetic elements, making her a frightening opponent to come across. Equipped with fire and venom breath, a whip sword-like tail that extends, and plasma infused claws, Riptor is well armed to fight. Much of her background comes from Ultratech reports and product lines, as Riptor Units are a very marketable weapon, but she does seem to be looking for more of her kind in both games...and a good meal. Maybe the opponent will do?


Moveset Highlights: Flaming Venom, Claw Uppercut, Clever Girl, Eat Opponent


This is So Random! #36a - In the original KI, Riptor had a cobra-like hood that extends, which was removed in the reboot. Thanks KI Wikia!

