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The Shuffledome - Mix and Matches

Johnny Unusual

Lost My Way doesn't need a map, the Cardiacs are all heart, Wings fly to the lead and Cline comes together.
Match 28
First Octopus Prime PLEADS with you to "Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me" by 'Weird' Al Yankovic but Falselogic swears he only sent "One" by Johnny Cash.

Match 29
4-So leads a "March of the Fire Ants" by Mastodon and Octopus Prime explains the premise of "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" by the Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff.



I'd never heard this Weird Al one and absolutely love it, but Johnny Cash's One is an old favourite, I think I even had it on one of the board mix CD exchanges.

And The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. This came on in lab just last week and a whole bunch of us were singing along.

Johnny Unusual

The silly music people win as The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff and "Weird" Al Yankovic move on.

Match 30
Violentvixen pulls some strings for "Darshan III. Charukeshi" by Reena Esmail while Lincolnic raises Beatles with "I Call Your Name".
Match 31
MCBanjoMike is fighting himself as SZA's "Normal Girl" goes up against Darren Korb feat. Ashley Barrett's "Never to Return".


Johnny Unusual

ATTENTION: We need a tie breaker for Match 30!

If you haven't voted yet... do that! Otherwise I'll flip a coin for the win tomorrow. Next vote breaks the tie.

Meanwhile "Normal Girl" is the normal pick.

Match 32
WildcatJF has been taking care of his "Papercut Skin" by the Matches and Mightyblue "Don't Be Afraid" of skin by Masayoshi Soken.

Match 33
Wildcat might have papercut skin but they are also a "Blue Haired Devil" by Brian Czernikowski while 4-So is "Coming Home" with "Major Tom" by Face to Face.

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