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Super Mario RPG 3D Remake


Round and round I go
Staff member
The "Can't block!" message on magic attacks is such a huge QOL improvement. Kid Mog always thought he just couldn't figure out the timing.

R.R. Bigman

Coolest Guy
This is The Good Stuff. Super Mario RPG means a lot to me, like it does to many people, so I can’t wait to see how this turns out.


Old Man Gamer
Of all the rumored SNES remakes that were being paraded through the rumor mill, I'll admit this was the one I thought was least likely.

I replayed about half of the original game on the Super NT last year or so - it's still great but the faux 3D artstyle has not aged well, especially on modern displays! So of all the potential remakes, this one feels most fitting.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
When that music kicked in I took a boot straight to the nostalgia centers and my mouth dropped open.

Will I actually get it? Probably not. But I'm very glad it exists.


Geno Cidecity
I often forget how fuckin weird the enemy designs in this game were. I tried playing it on WiiU and after the first gimme battle had no fuckin idea what I was doing.


Staff member
I never owned this game as a kid, but I've played it off and on throughout the years and always enjoyed my time with it, though I've never beaten it. Looking forward to actually finishing it.

Exposition Owl

dreaming of a city
1.) I really wonder whether the Culex sequence will be in this remake.

2.) The chances of Geno actually being in a future Smash Brothers title just went up considerably.


Threat Rhyme
1) It damn well better be, I wants more remixes of that FF4 Battle 2 track. Yes I know I recently got new versions in both the Pixel Remaster and FFXIV but I don't care, I want more!

2) It damn well better not. Geno sucks. Put Mallow there instead.


Round and round I go
Staff member
I'll miss the inscrutable old Geno sprite, where you couldn't tell where his eyes were.


Lokii PMed me and said that, in honor of this remake, he would like us all to change our avatars to Geno for a week.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
kids will be able to understand what in the world is going on with geno's character design?



Nice. This is one of the games that never came to Europe (or at least not to Austria, I think it doesn't even have a German translation on the SNES). So when I learned about emulation, back in 2001, it was one of those games that I learned about, found out that people considered it a classic, and loved that I would now be able to play it. An RPG that never came to Europe! Exciting!

Together with all the other SNES RPGs, seriously, we got nearly none of those. No FF for us. A crime.

Anyway, always loved the artstyle, and I enjoyed the game. Never ever understood why anyone would use Geno (or Mallow, for that matter). With three party member, and both Bowser and Peach playable, there was never a question who would be in my party.

Oh, right, back when I got the game, my mother got a CD with the song "Something Stupid" on it, a song that I liked back than, and wanted to listen to. So, while playing the game, during the part where you try to catch the crocodile at the start, I didn't listen to the music in the game, but to Something Stupid.

So, yeah, glad that this exists. I should replay that game at some time.



A bit odd to see Geno finally emote after all these years but I dig it


Video games
Zero soul in the new visuals but as long as they don’t change the game this will still be very good and fun

I wonder if that one unbelievably obtuse chest you can only get for like a single instance of game time will still be a thing

Pajaro Pete

what does "zero soul in the new visuals" even mean here

you can just say you don't like the way it looks lmao, it's fine.
What a cool surprise! I think the designs look good. Literally the only thing I could ask for is including the original game as an unlockable or putting it on Switch NSO, but it's certainly not something I expect.


Looks like a "we updated the graphics and left most of the rest alone" remake which I personally find kinda dull, but it is at least the one SNES RPG that a 3D facelift makes perfect sense for and this looks nice. Worth it for the soundtrack at the least.

Beta Metroid

At peace
Anyway, always loved the artstyle, and I enjoyed the game. Never ever understood why anyone would use Geno (or Mallow, for that matter). With three party member, and both Bowser and Peach playable, there was never a question who would be in my party.
The game's easy enough that it doesn't really matter, but Bowser is sadly not very good, even at most of the things he's supposed to be good at. When you first get him, he's effective at both taking and dishing physical damage, but he quickly loses ground and is underserved by his equipment as the game goes on. As a kid, I usually kept him in my party anyway because I like him, and rarely struggled because, again, the game's very forgiving. But that's one likely reason Geno and Mallow get play time. One of the things I'm most rooting for in this remake are some stat tweaks/new equipment to improve Bowser.
Looks like a "we updated the graphics and left most of the rest alone" remake which I personally find kinda dull, but it is at least the one SNES RPG that a 3D facelift makes perfect sense for and this looks nice. Worth it for the soundtrack at the least.

I wouldn't say that. There's definitely different stuff going on with the combat, with what appears to be splash damage from regular attacks and a currently unexplained meter.


The game's easy enough that it doesn't really matter, but Bowser is sadly not very good, even at most of the things he's supposed to be good at. When you first get him, he's effective at both taking and dishing physical damage, but he quickly loses ground and is underserved by his equipment as the game goes on. As a kid, I usually kept him in my party anyway because I like him, and rarely struggled because, again, the game's very forgiving. But that's one likely reason Geno and Mallow get play time. One of the things I'm most rooting for in this remake are some stat tweaks/new equipment to improve Bowser.
Huh, didn't know that. I do remember Bowser being pretty strong and durable when you get him, I don't remember him not keeping up. But considering I never even tried to put Geno in instead might explain this.

Doesn't matter, even if I had known, no way am I not using Bowser if I have the chance. This is true in every game that is a thing, Bowser is great.


Lapsed Threadcromancer
Oh this looks fun. Hoping it means we see more of the cast from this game in future Mario/Nintendo titles.


I cuss you bad
kids will be able to understand what in the world is going on with geno's character design?

Wait, Geno's nose isn't that twirly bit?
Zero soul in the new visuals but as long as they don’t change the game this will still be very good and fun

I wonder if that one unbelievably obtuse chest you can only get for like a single instance of game time will still be a thing
The visual style looks really close to the original, it's got the same semi chibi style.


Me and My Bestie
(He, him)
If anything, the move to proper polygons allows the cast to emote better than they did with early rendered models.


Threat Rhyme
I hope the pantomime cutscenes aren't compromised. The trailer still showed a moment where Mario morphs into Bowser so hopefully they'll still be as manic and ridiculous as always.

One thing just occurred to me, though, it's going to be weird to play through this whole game with Peach referred to as, well, Peach. Mario RPG was the last major game to use Princess Toadstool (or, just 'Toadstool') as her primary name.