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Spend money on Bandcamp today


The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
Whoops, today is not yesterday, lol. I got: Beach Bunny's "Emotional Creature", Fazerdaze's "Morningside" and the single "Bigger", Hello Mary's self-titled LP, the single "Take Something", and the "Ginger" EP, st. vincent's "All Born Screaming", YONLAPA's "First Trip" EP, The Beth's cover of "Brand New Colony", and three songs from Internet Islands, "Passenger", "Puppydog," and "Speedrun". Looking forward to listening to them all!


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Reminder that there's a new Rushjet1 album of Mega Man synthwave mixes using the VRC6 that came out last week.


Sudden chomper
Weirdly, Bandcamp Friday is sponsored by Roland this time around? Between this and the strange email Bandcamp sent me ("We noticed you bought music on Bandcamp Friday, have you considered buying music not on Bandcamp Friday, too?") I have to think that the people who bought the site don't love the fact that customers expect them to give away all their profits.

Anyway, I've got my eye on a couple of albums. There's Innate Passage by Elder, a psychedelic/prog album that's a bit less my usual schtick but seems very good. There's also an upcoming album by Rosier called elle veille encore, which is Québecois indie pop that borrows some elements (mostly lyrics) from traditional songs.


The Season, It's Here
(he / his / him)
I got a bunch of stuff yesterday: pre-ordered Bôa's new album Whiplash (yes, the Duvet Bôa) and Fazerdaze's new album Soft Focus (along with "Flood Into"), and got the T'chia soundtrack and B-side album, Steamworld Heist II's soundtrack, Little Kitty Big City's soundtrack, Charly Bliss' Forever, The Aces' Under My Influence, Camp Cope's Running with the Hurricane, Yvette Young's new single "Always", OrcaMind's self-titled LP, their cover of Earthbound's "Pollyanna" and a new song "Good Enough", and a "Still Alive" cover by NoteBlock and octolinghacker. Whew!


can stop, will stop
Oh hey, today's Bandcamp Friday again! I wasn't aware until right now. I'm sure I'll think of something I'm interested in grabbing.

Paul le Fou

24/7 lofi hip hop man to study/relax to
I picked up three albums by Hotel Pools that I'd been meaning to grab, largely because they were locked behind "Open your heart" messages.