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Spend money on Bandcamp today


Beyond (Art @dice9633)
(he / his / him)
Whoops, today is not yesterday, lol. I got: Beach Bunny's "Emotional Creature", Fazerdaze's "Morningside" and the single "Bigger", Hello Mary's self-titled LP, the single "Take Something", and the "Ginger" EP, st. vincent's "All Born Screaming", YONLAPA's "First Trip" EP, The Beth's cover of "Brand New Colony", and three songs from Internet Islands, "Passenger", "Puppydog," and "Speedrun". Looking forward to listening to them all!


Slam Master
(he, etc.)
Reminder that there's a new Rushjet1 album of Mega Man synthwave mixes using the VRC6 that came out last week.